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Daily and Weekly timers reset


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I'll make it plain and simple: the Daily quests should have their timer resetted on midnight of each day while the Weekly should be resetted on midnight of each Sunday.


If I'm not wrong, now the timer of a Daily quest is resetted 24 hours after the completion of the quest and this forces people to make them always in the same timespan, which is not feasible for everyone.


I mean, yesterday I finished Makeb dailies around 11 pm and today I'd like to them on early afternoon but I can't because of the timer.


The same thing applies to weeklies, if I finish them on friday than I will have to wait for the next friday, wasting the whole week.


So, please make them reset at a fixed time (equal for evey player) and I'll be really happy :)

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Hmmm...no, why?


Am I wrong?


Because now I can't repeat the dailies that I've finished yesterday at 11 PM, and so I thought that the timers got reset 24 hours after the completion of the quest.


Can you please give me more infos on this?

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Ok lets see...


If I am not mistaken the "Daily Quest - Lockout Timer" should reset at 14:00 (2:00 pm) each day and the "Weekly Quest - Lockout Timer" should reset at 14:00 (2:00 pm) each Tuesday...


At least in Europe it is like that... I am not sure if it is the same in the US, but I guess it is :p ...



Best regards :cool:

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Here in the UK right now the dailies reset at midday and the weeklies reset at midday on a Tuesday.

So I could, if I wanted go around Makeb and complete all the dailies and hand them in at 11:59am.

One minute later I would be able to go and complete them all again.

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So, you're upset because you can only do daily missions once per day, and weekly missions once per week?


As others have stated, there is already a set time of day that they reset. Midnight for you is not midnight for everyone.


My English is not good, but I'm quite sure that you can read it again to understand as other people did :)


Anyway, thanks for the infos, I just didn't knew about those resets.

Now it makes a lot of more sense :)

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I agree with OP for there is a certain timer creep that occurs, for instance I begin my daily say at 5pm, and by 6pm I am done, usually I have a guild OPS at 7 so I am good. Next day, my timer will not let me do my daily until 6pm and that puts me in a dangerous situation wher emy guild needs me to be grouped and I am trying to finish the daily. Next day, i will not be able to do the daily until 7pm and ow I have a guild raid schedule issue.


Obviously an easy answer is, just don't do the daily one day an dlet the overall timer reset to 6am, and you are good to go, but really why need to lose a day for? I usually do dailies to have the credits to pay for gear expenses I suffer during OPS which cab get to be quite expensive and th epurchase of stims which are far from cheap at 10K a pop.


If the timer reset at midnight, I could do my dailies anytime I want that day and have more flexibility in my schedule of daily events, even better if I get off from work earlier, I can get the daily out of the way, and do some HM FPs and OPS which is the real fun stuff.



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I guess that I wasn't that wrong after all.


To be honest, the Makeb/Oricon dailies seem to reset fine, but the PvP and Flashpoint dailies don't, or at least is what I saw in my game experience.

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