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Sage Dps


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Since I have been back I have seen a ton of sage on my server *Jedi Covenant*. I was talking to a group of people late night in /general about it. One of them suggested I go dps if I am not already as there are a lot of Sage healers. My question is how is Sage dps, I know it used to be good for PvP, however I am mostly pve. I know for PvE back when launch was when I was around, Sage pve dps was not all that great and everyone wanted shadow and gunslingers.


They were saying that in 2.7 that Sage would get a boost, is this because they are truly lacking now?




Thanks in advance for any info that you might be able to provide.

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You can look up the latest leaderboards to see how sages place but regardless of them being behind some of the other classes/specs I'd say that they're good enough for the current content, if played by the right player. The problem is when a guild is advertising for one open DD spot, it would be stupid of them to ask for a sage instead of a for instance a GS. Granted that a sage can meet most DPS requirements guilds ask for but it will be significally easier for a GS to consistently be in the higher range of the DPS spectrum, not to mention that a lot more GS'es than sages are able to do it. So in terms of top high-end raiding and unless you're alread in a guilld, with people who know you and are willing to take you, I'd say that it's easier to grab a spot as healer.
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I play a Sage and even as a healer spec I end up playing DPS in queued runs. I would say that Sage has solid DPS (not the absolute best but pretty good especially when you compare to traditional healers in other games which almost have nerf damage). Sages have DoT damage so they're really good for boss fights, they also have CC which helps, but their damage skills even when specd for healing are pretty good. I think you can maximize their DPS if you can figure out a good rotation. Some skills will lower your DPS if you pop them at the wrong time, and keeping force up at all times to have seamless mob-bashing helps with DPS too. I've noticed that using the debri-throwing move (can't remember the name at this time) is the most useful for maximizing dps since it's instant while also continuously hitting while your force regens.
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Some skills will lower your DPS if you pop them at the wrong time, and keeping force up at all times to have seamless mob-bashing helps with DPS too. I've noticed that using the debri-throwing move (can't remember the name at this time) is the most useful for maximizing dps since it's instant while also continuously hitting while your force regens.


It rather depends on which specialization tree you choose. This might be true of the Balance tree, but things are different in Telekinetics.


If you run Telekinetics, by about level 30 you'll have NO force management issues. Telekinetic Effusion procs so often that you are running on the cheap for force cost almost continuously (especially with the talents that increase force critical chance at mid/high level).


Telekinetic Throw (the debris-throwing skill you mention) is actually not the best to use unless you get the Psychic Projection proc that makes it tick twice as fast. DPS without the proc is ok, but double it and you're into "very good" territory.


If you mean Project, it is ok to use to finish things (because its damage and activation are instant), but it isn't a huge hitter. It is also ok to use when you need to use a global cool down to move. Just hit Project for the instance damage, then while GCD is going do your move.


You are right that timing can make a huge difference. The rotation isn't so much a rotation as a set of priorities. Keep Weaken Mind up on the target as it causes the Telekinetic Throw proc. Spam Disturbance which procs the free, instant, and huge hitting AoE of Telekinetic Wave. Hit Force Potency when you see a Telekinetic Wave proc occur for the extra chance at a critical hit.


The basic idea is this...lead with Mind Crush and Weaken Mind. Then spam Disturbance until you get the procs. When you get one (or both) hit Force Potency and then use your procced abilities (that hit HARD and fast). You can get a huge damage spike if you crit on both Telekinetic Wave and Telekinetic Throw. Use Mind Crush when it comes off cool down because it hits pretty hard. Mental Alacrity is also pretty nice as it increases the rate of Disturbance spam and, when talented with Flowing Force, it increases the chance of bonus waves of Telekinetic Wave and Disturbance.


Once you get Turbulence, you are in the zone. It hits hard and will automatically critically hit on any one that has your Weaken Mind DoT on them. Just try not to have Force Potency on when you hit with Turbulence. Force Potency increases your critical chance, but you're already assured to crit with Turbulence anyway, so don't risk wasting Force Potency here.


I'm new to DPSing, but I've found that leveling my Telekinetic Sage is really fun. The abilities stack so well and the rotation/priority is pretty simple to be competent with. It may be a lot harder to be awesome, but competence seems well within reach.



Edited by Garik-Tru
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PvE atm i think Merc and of course Sniper are parsing highest DPS. Then Mara. Sage isn't much far behind though.

PvP All classes can be more than adequate if played properly. U wanna see some PvP sage face-melting. Check this dude out...








wow that is crazy...thanks for those going to show a buddy of mine as well, he wants to go sage dps as well

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wow that is crazy...thanks for those going to show a buddy of mine as well, he wants to go sage dps as well


Keep in mind this guy is way above average. I'm borderline thinking he's using some kind of (invisibility?) hack cus no way in hell he can stand around and molest everyone and hardly be targeted. When i show up in my sage it's an automatic dog pile no matter how much i kite and hide lol. People will Completely ignore the objective and let us score just to chase me around the WZ. :confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to dps as a sage your gonna have to spend a lot of time on the dummy.

To get decent #s as a sage isnt that hard. To get good numbers close to what a mando would do is much harder.

I personally play balanced and do around 3300 on the dummy. I no where near the top tk/balanced guys but I do pretty well in ops. Since Tk is a proc spec its a little harder to master but all around is a stronger spec.


As for force management in balanced...its not that bad. If I throw to many force armor's on myself I can get very low in some fights. Key is to throw tk throws to get power regen.

Spend some time on the dummy is both specs and decide which one you like better.

If you spend the time you would be welcome in a lot of hm raiding groups. I myself will be doing nims.

Some fights as balanced and some as tk.

Good luck

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If you want to dps as a sage your gonna have to spend a lot of time on the dummy.

To get decent #s as a sage isnt that hard. To get good numbers close to what a mando would do is much harder.

I personally play balanced and do around 3300 on the dummy. I no where near the top tk/balanced guys but I do pretty well in ops. Since Tk is a proc spec its a little harder to master but all around is a stronger spec.


As for force management in balanced...its not that bad. If I throw to many force armor's on myself I can get very low in some fights. Key is to throw tk throws to get power regen.

Spend some time on the dummy is both specs and decide which one you like better.

If you spend the time you would be welcome in a lot of hm raiding groups. I myself will be doing nims.

Some fights as balanced and some as tk.

Good luck




You said that you get around 3300 dps, how are you measuring this? I come from WoW back in the day with Recount and such, but as far as I know there is no such thing as addons for this game.

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formulae for parsing a damage log? Why, yes: damage1+damage2+damage3+damage4+damage5[....]+damage9123 diveded by combat time in seconds = dps. Did you have something more advanced in mind? :-)


Have a look at parsec or torparse that will do this for you on the fly.

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formulae for parsing a damage log? Why, yes: damage1+damage2+damage3+damage4+damage5[....]+damage9123 diveded by combat time in seconds = dps. Did you have something more advanced in mind? :-)


Have a look at parsec or torparse that will do this for you on the fly.



I havent seen a log so I didnt know, thanks for the reply.

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