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Good Game


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this has probably come up before, but I can't find it. anyway, someone said gg after they beat us and said something like "what? no gg for me?" which I'm assuming was a troll. but anyway, I've adopted combatmedic's approach to GG's: if I win, I'm not going to say it cuz I don't always say it. if I lose, I feel ok saying it, so I'll say it if I feel it was a good back and forth game.


iunno. kind of a heads up. kind of a "what do you think about GG after the match?" sorta thing. so...whatcha think? (no right or wrong answers) :cool:

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this has probably come up before, but I can't find it. anyway, someone said gg after they beat us and said something like "what? no gg for me?" which I'm assuming was a troll. but anyway, I've adopted combatmedic's approach to GG's: if I win, I'm not going to say it cuz I don't always say it. if I lose, I feel ok saying it, so I'll say it if I feel it was a good back and forth game.


iunno. kind of a heads up. kind of a "what do you think about GG after the match?" sorta thing. so...whatcha think? (no right or wrong answers) :cool:

Ripper says gg to me sometimes on bastion ;)

Haven't seen that guy on in a long time tho.

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I can't remember ever using GG sarcastically in a PvP arena. I typically say it when it was a hard fought game, or sometimes when we obliterated the other team and I just plain feel bad.


Maybe I'll start saying "good hustle" and see if that catches on.

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similar to what a few people said already, ill only say gg if i felt it actually was a good game.This is mostly games like Huttball where the win/loss came down to just a ball hold. if we get stomped or do the stomping ill just avoid saying it. same with games where it was a completely lopsided matchup (*cough unranked arenas *cough) like a team of 6 dps and 2 tanks vs a team of 5 dps and 3 healers. i have no problem with ppl saying gg to our team, but at the same time it would be more geniuine if they said it after every game they played, not just the ones they win
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dont really play on this server all that much, but ill throw my 2 cents, i generally say GG in regs when the other team got farmed cuz i want someone on the other team to get butthurt, and in ranked ill say it almost always because if it was a good team, then it was a good game and i mean it, and if it wasnt a good team, ill tell them GG so they dont quit playing ranked.
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