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How do you get your pvp rating to 1500?


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How do you get your pvp rating to 1500 with all of these premades? Its very unfair and extremely unbalanced. When I que solo I should always face a team that's not premade. Premades should get their own ques. Because of premades I will lose about 90% of the time. It doesn't seem to matter if I play as imperial or Republic. I lose just as often on both sides.


Is it possible to get rating 1500 when losing most of the time?


And I don't like to make my own teams. I am Mr.Independent. I like being able to do things on my own. When I que up as Solo I should only play against other people who qued solo. Its really unfair to include premades. Its like choosing your own cards in UNO and expecting the other person to start with 7 random cards. Its grossly unfair and an unfair advantage.


Bioware, please fix this before season 1 ends so that everyone has a fair chance to earn season 1 rewards. its a huge tragedy.

Edited by watermelonfan
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When I que up as Solo I should only play against other people who qued solo.


This is exactly how it works .....


Uh, maybe I'm wrong, I haven't queued for PvP in a long time...but I was under the distinct impression that the 4v4 and solo queues were separate.


No, you're not.

Edited by Hawkeyezzzzz
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This is exactly how it works .....




No, you're not.


If that's how it works then why was I on the losing team 13 out of 15 teams? If its random like you say, then wouldn't my losses and wins be a lot closer to 50/50. I shouldn't almost always be on the losing team in that case.

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If you queue for solo ranked, you are in fact fighting other solo players.


If you consistently see the same people in matches it simply means that they are the only players that are consistently queuing at the current time - even if they are in the same guild... Which could either be good or bad depending on their skill and gear level; and whether or not they are on your team.


A 1500 rating is much harder to get than some people realize - and its supposed to be. Ignore the trolls and tryhards that say "LOLBW I GOT 1500 at 2/8 RAWR LOL!!!!". Remember that 1500 is the highest tier for rewards, so not everyone is supposed to be able to achieve it. The rancore mount is meant to show players that the person that acheived it showed extra-ordinary dedication to pvp, or has a tremendous amount of skill to achieve a high win ratio.


At this time, the only thing you can really do is make sure that you yourself are properly geared for pvp. You SHOULD NOT be entering ranked queues unless you have full "Conqueror" pvp gear at a MINIMUM. Full Oboran is preferable obviously. On top of this, your gear (including implants and relics) should be fully augmented to maximize your damage or healing potential. Last but not least, always make sure you have a stim that doesn't fade on death. PvP in swtpr is much like PvE, where there are builds, gear, rotations, and player qualities to look for during a FP or OP.


If you want help with proper rotations or to discuss tactics there are some pretty awesome guides posted in the pvp forums.

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If you queue for solo ranked, you are in fact fighting other solo players.


If you consistently see the same people in matches it simply means that they are the only players that are consistently queuing at the current time - even if they are in the same guild... Which could either be good or bad depending on their skill and gear level; and whether or not they are on your team.


A 1500 rating is much harder to get than some people realize - and its supposed to be. Ignore the trolls and tryhards that say "LOLBW I GOT 1500 at 2/8 RAWR LOL!!!!". Remember that 1500 is the highest tier for rewards, so not everyone is supposed to be able to achieve it. The rancore mount is meant to show players that the person that acheived it showed extra-ordinary dedication to pvp, or has a tremendous amount of skill to achieve a high win ratio.


At this time, the only thing you can really do is make sure that you yourself are properly geared for pvp. You SHOULD NOT be entering ranked queues unless you have full "Conqueror" pvp gear at a MINIMUM. Full Oboran is preferable obviously. On top of this, your gear (including implants and relics) should be fully augmented to maximize your damage or healing potential. Last but not least, always make sure you have a stim that doesn't fade on death. PvP in swtpr is much like PvE, where there are builds, gear, rotations, and player qualities to look for during a FP or OP.


If you want help with proper rotations or to discuss tactics there are some pretty awesome guides posted in the pvp forums.


thank you for the help. Everytime I que I face different players. and somehow I am always on the losing team. I have 2 Obroan relics, an obroan ear piece and all conquerer armor. they are all augmented. and I use a stim that is still good after death. I think its called prototype nano-fused something. It increases Strength and power. The only thing left is to get obroan armor. Obroan gear isn't that much better than conquerer, so I don't think it will make up for the lack of skill of the crappy teammates. WHy is the team I face almost always significantly better than my team? I always que solo. It doesn't make any sense to me.

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thank you for the help. Everytime I que I face different players. and somehow I am always on the losing team. I have 2 Obroan relics, an obroan ear piece and all conquerer armor. they are all augmented. and I use a stim that is still good after death. I think its called prototype nano-fused something. It increases Strength and power. The only thing left is to get obroan armor. Obroan gear isn't that much better than conquerer, so I don't think it will make up for the lack of skill of the crappy teammates. WHy is the team I face almost always significantly better than my team? I always que solo. It doesn't make any sense to me.


Probably a troll, but here goes. Simply put, no matter your gear level it will not make up for YOUR lack of skill. You yourself are the one common denominator in every single match so you may have to come to the realization that you may not be as good as you think you are. The fact that you immediately look to your team mates to place blame is indicative of this mindset.


That being said, even if you are in fact a good/great player, you cannot necessarily carry 3 others and it is altogether possible to lose 13 of 15. Such is the nature of RNG.

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Probably a troll, but here goes. Simply put, no matter your gear level it will not make up for YOUR lack of skill. You yourself are the one common denominator in every single match so you may have to come to the realization that you may not be as good as you think you are. The fact that you immediately look to your team mates to place blame is indicative of this mindset.


That being said, even if you are in fact a good/great player, you cannot necessarily carry 3 others and it is altogether possible to lose 13 of 15. Such is the nature of RNG.


The other team shouldn't always be the dominant team. I have had this issue since warzone arenas were first added in this game. So, I don't think it has anything to do with random number generator.The 13 losses out of 15 is my most recent experience. I have probably lost like 42 out of 50 in total. One of the 2 teams will win, which means theres a 50% chance I will win, since theres only 2 possible outcomes. I am aware that its random and that statistics aren't 100% accurate, but there are always pretty close. Losing 42 out of 50 is like flipping heads 42 out of 50 times. that could never happen. It is statistically impossible. my wins and losses should be more similar to heads and tails. There must be a way that people are selectively choosing there members with Rank Soloing because this goes beyond statistics.


And I am not a troll. I am just trying to get to the bottom of this.

Edited by watermelonfan
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The other team shouldn't always be the dominant team. I have had this issue since warzone arenas were first added in this game. So, I don't think it has anything to do with random number generator.The 13 losses out of 15 is my most recent experience. I have probably lost like 42 out of 50 in total. One of the 2 teams will win, which means theres a 50% chance I will win, since theres only 2 possible outcomes. I am aware that its random and that statistics aren't 100% accurate, but there are always pretty close. Losing 42 out of 50 is like flipping heads 42 out of 50 times. that could never happen. It is statistically impossible. my wins and losses should be more similar to heads and tails. There must be a way that people are selectively choosing there members with Rank Soloing because this goes beyond statistics.


And I am not a troll. I am just trying to get to the bottom of this.


Two outcomes does NOT in any way shape or form mean something is 50/50. You can conceivably have 42 of the same outcome out of 50 if the test is performed enough, say 100,000 times or so. Also in this win/lose scenario, it is weighted to either side by variables such as gear, skills, latency, and probably a few others I cannot think of off of the top of my head.


With solo ranked queues another factor you are not considering is your rating. Like most pvp games that use an Elo like system, you will lose the majority of your games until you reach your "point of equilibrium". What I mean by that is if you are a player with an 800 skill/performance rating, you will probably see a lot of losses until you reach that rating. Afterwards you will probably see a win/loss closer to 50%.


Lastly I would just like to reiterate that you are the common factor in every single one of these losses you speak of and it can't be ruled out that you may be partially if not largely responsible for them.

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Lastly I would just like to reiterate that you are the common factor in every single one of these losses you speak of and it can't be ruled out that you may be partially if not largely responsible for them.


Yep. Seems pretty cut-and-dried to me. No further digging for the bottom required.

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. Losing 42 out of 50 is like flipping heads 42 out of 50 times. that could never happen. It is statistically impossible.


As a Stats teacher this makes me sad for reasons I cannot even fathom. Yes, this can occur. No, it is not statistically impossible.


In the immortal words of that one teacher from Billy Madison:


"What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

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With solo ranked queues another factor you are not considering is your rating. Like most pvp games that use an Elo like system, you will lose the majority of your games until you reach your "point of equilibrium". What I mean by that is if you are a player with an 800 skill/performance rating, you will probably see a lot of losses until you reach that rating. Afterwards you will probably see a win/loss closer to 50%.


Response: With that logic, its impossible to get a higher rating to win about 50% of the time. How can I increase my rating if I am almost always on the losing team. My rating has a tendency to decrease when my team loses. So, if I am almost always losing then my rating will decrease more often than it increases. So exactly how will my rating go up in the long run?

Edited by watermelonfan
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Roll a decent class on the better faction. There, you now get to start at atleast 1400.


The OP said "It doesn't seem to matter if I play as imperial or Republic. I lose just as often on both sides." So he's been playing on both sides and is mostly still losing. So it's either he's been having really bad luck, or just like what people have mentioned here, it might be the OP himself. But I tend to give the benefit of the doubt and maybe he's just been unlucky, very unlucky.


To the OP, don't give up. If your life permits it, try queuing on a different time of the day/night. Also you can find some guides and pvp tips, it doesn't hurt to see how other people play your class in PvP. Or if you have a guild or friends in this game, try asking them what else you can do with your character or playstyle.

Edited by Gamman
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Response: With that logic, its impossible to get a higher rating to win about 50% of the time. How can I increase my rating if I am almost always on the losing team. My rating has a tendency to decrease when my team loses. So, if I am almost always losing then my rating will decrease more often than it increases. So exactly how will my rating go up in the long run?


You're supposed to have to win more than you lose in order to get to 1500. If you're losing most of your games, it's probably because you're weighing your team down. I suggest asking other players for help in getting better.

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I'm usually one of the last players to die. So I don't think its mean that's terrible. Even if I was terrible, I shouldn't always be on a team with players who are terrible. That shouldn't happen every time if it truly puts random players together. Its as if the game is trying to single me out. There's something fishy going on here.
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I'm usually one of the last players to die. So I don't think its mean that's terrible. Even if I was terrible, I shouldn't always be on a team with players who are terrible. That shouldn't happen every time if it truly puts random players together. Its as if the game is trying to single me out. There's something fishy going on here.


lol 8/10 for convincing players you were serious at first. You lost 2 because you exposed it too soon.

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