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Suggestion for preventing "farming kills" at spawn points in GS


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I'm not sure if this is implemented yet, but wouldn't the issue of being killed by a bunch of enemy starfighters as soon as you spawn be negated by having some really good sensor data near the spawn points? I know that you get sensor data from teammates out in the map when you are getting ready to spawn, but I don't think the capital ships show any data near them. If this isn't in the Domination scenario, I think this would be an excellent way to prevent people from being spawn killed. Maybe a sensor range of 20,000 meters would do the trick. If you can see enemy starfighter's near the spawn point near your capital ship, you'd be the one at fault for spawning there and getting killed. With 3 spawn points (and alos bombers laying hyperspace beacons) I think the possibility of farming kills at spawn points would be almost non-existant.
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I'm not sure if this is implemented yet, but wouldn't the issue of being killed by a bunch of enemy starfighters as soon as you spawn be negated by having some really good sensor data near the spawn points? I know that you get sensor data from teammates out in the map when you are getting ready to spawn, but I don't think the capital ships show any data near them. If this isn't in the Domination scenario, I think this would be an excellent way to prevent people from being spawn killed. Maybe a sensor range of 20,000 meters would do the trick. If you can see enemy starfighter's near the spawn point near your capital ship, you'd be the one at fault for spawning there and getting killed. With 3 spawn points (and alos bombers laying hyperspace beacons) I think the possibility of farming kills at spawn points would be almost non-existant.


It's not a terrible idea, but I'd lower range to 17.5km - still enough to get an idea of gunships and other long-range loadouts are around, without covering too much area.


Of course, a better idea would be firing the "striking" capital ship gunners and replacing them with people that will do their damned jobs, but it seems too many people cried over victory camping. (DISCLAIMER: I never engaged in it; I just loved the challenge of facing off against the tactic.) Now it's just a rather lacking FPS.

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