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BC Dueling


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Hey everyone I just wanted to say that after last night of constant dueling between myself a couple of guildies and some other people I wanted to toss around the idea of us all getting together a couple times a week preferably on the weekdays so that we can all duel have fun and get better at our classes as a community.


I thought that it would be a nice change of pace from doing ranked/regs all day and could potentially be something that could turn into open world pvp... duels for credits, tournament or whatever.


If you would like to set up a time at a later date for some dueling all you need to do is leave a couple hours notice and the place you'd like to meet and hope people come.


Ill start it off by leaving a location and time to where people can meet starting tonight... the rest will be up to all of us.

Hope to see you all there! Remember its about having fun even though winning feels pretty good too! :D


(No response to this thread is necessary unless you have a question, ideas or a date for us all to meet.)

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I think it might be easier setting up cross faction duels at the Oricon sanctuary since it would prevent 'accidents' from happening... But then that'd be taking out the fun sometimes hue hue hue


Yea for sure dude. Tatooine was just a start for this in the future we can go other places. it would be nice to planet hop so we get a different view every time. like I said we could either just meet at the entrance just so that the target problem or accidental hitting will be less frequent or we can just say f it and if people wanna do a intense honor duel then we can all go to the pit for some action.

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I want to say thanks to my guildies and cursedsoulx for comin and maybe next time we could get some more people to come! :D ill prolly try to do it again tommorrow at around 845-9 PST. Ill give location tommrrow.

edit: also thanks to my boi saggy! :D

Edited by SnowmanSD
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I want to say thanks to my guildies and cursedsoulx for comin and maybe next time we could get some more people to come! :D ill prolly try to do it again tommorrow at around 845-9 PST. Ill give location tommrrow.

edit: also thanks to my boi saggy! :D


Does tomorrow mean wednesday? Forum times confuse me bro Ill come after my wildstar fix for the day :p

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Does tomorrow mean wednesday? Forum times confuse me bro Ill come after my wildstar fix for the day :p


Yea today errr wednesday. Im thinkin about puttin it on oricon. and unfortunately im gonna be working tonight so im not gonna get home till later but ill get on around 845-9 pst so thats when it can start.

Hope to see yall there!

Edit: itll be at the steps of the dread fortress if you get lost because you dont go to this planet alot (like me :D) send me a whisper when I log and ill show ya!

P.S. This will prolly be the last night im gonna do this for this week most likely. itll start back up again whenever I get free time or whenever a group of people want to meet up.

Edited by SnowmanSD
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I'm here, at least I think I'm in the correct area. Everyone I challenge to a duel keeps declining....little do they know I'm terrible at duels!


*edit* Is this like meeting at the 9th hole at 11pm..... :(

Edited by Aiax
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I'm here, at least I think I'm in the correct area. Everyone I challenge to a duel keeps declining....little do they know I'm terrible at duels!


*edit* Is this like meeting at the 9th hole at 11pm..... :(


sry dude I just got on. its just about to be 9 pst so ur in time if you still want to come out. im gonna be there with some guildies in a sec

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I'm here, at least I think I'm in the correct area. Everyone I challenge to a duel keeps declining....little do they know I'm terrible at duels!


*edit* Is this like meeting at the 9th hole at 11pm..... :(


What spec do you run? Snipers are generally good in 1v1s against anything except a carnage mara, good tank, or a sorc that can los. Practice makes perfect too, you should definitely practice 1v1ing if you find you are lacking there. It translates well into pvp if you know how to specifically counter the classes you are facing and play your opponent, which is basically what duels are all about. ;)

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What spec do you run? Snipers are generally good in 1v1s against anything except a carnage mara, good tank, or a sorc that can los. Practice makes perfect too, you should definitely practice 1v1ing if you find you are lacking there. It translates well into pvp if you know how to specifically counter the classes you are facing and play your opponent, which is basically what duels are all about. ;)


I think that smashing is a better spec to play against snipers imo. carnage i feel is good against mercs/sorcs.

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I think that smashing is a better spec to play against snipers imo. carnage i feel is good against mercs/sorcs.


I haven't had a go at snipers with smash, especially since most I fought (marksman iirc?) had the huge aoe dmg reduction on entrench. I do suppose the short range leap is good though. Carnage in my experience gave me the most reliable wins out of annihilation/carnage just due to the burst and root break. Agreed on the last part too, though a good merc can really put a mara down hard.

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I haven't had a go at snipers with smash, especially since most I fought (marksman iirc?) had the huge aoe dmg reduction on entrench. I do suppose the short range leap is good though. Carnage in my experience gave me the most reliable wins out of annihilation/carnage just due to the burst and root break. Agreed on the last part too, though a good merc can really put a mara down hard.


I just feel that most good snipers can break most of ur burst damage since it all is white except force scream. and smash is alot more reliable with alot of damage coming from all of your attacks since carnage is more reliant on your main burst moves that a sniper can counter if he watches for it.

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I just feel that most good snipers can break most of ur burst damage since it all is white except force scream. and smash is alot more reliable with alot of damage coming from all of your attacks since carnage is more reliant on your main burst moves that a sniper can counter if he watches for it.


True. I guess it depends on the player, and how you play your opponent. Most times I enter a duel I try to see things from my enemies perspective, and how I would try to kill myself if I were him with that class, as well as what I would expect. If I have time I may try to make it to one of these dueling events, I'm way out of practice.

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