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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why do people care so much about subscription numbers?


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Schools do not teach reality. They teach you how academics, with no experience in reality, think reality works.


This is also why children think they are smarter than their parents. The child knows calculus, the parent knows the only reason you need to know calculus is to get out of school and into the real world where virtually nobody not working for NASA needs to know calculus.


There is nothing I can do but /megafacepalm


Calculating ROI and basic finance is the fundamental of business operation. It is applied, as it is written (almost like a science), across every single business in this country. Every business owner, small and large knows how it works (or pays someone who does).


I don't know where you come up with this stuff. I am at a loss...

Edited by Arkerus
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Trusting me on what? ...

You said this:

Trust me when I say that if any of that works, and had a high ROI, they would be doing it.

It's naive to think that this is true.


A "company" doesn't make decisions. A "person" makes decisions. If this person is an idiot, they will make bad decisions. The purpose of my example was to show that companies do hire idiots and give them decision-making powers.

Edited by Khevar
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Schools do not teach reality. They teach you how academics, with no experience in reality, think reality works.


This is also why children think they are smarter than their parents. The child knows calculus, the parent knows the only reason you need to know calculus is to get out of school and into the real world where virtually nobody not working for NASA needs to know calculus.


Wow. That's some industrial-grade ignorance there. Calculus is used in just about every major scientific field imaginable, as well as economics and medicine.


Jesus Christ, seriously? You think it's strictly used by people in the aero-space industry?



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Given EA's ROI guesses (and all ROI's are guesses) on TOR in the first place, they need to hire a new magic 8 ball. They tanked harder than any other MMO in history, given their Investment and the Return On said investment.


2012 called. It thinks you skipped over it. It suggests you catch up on what happened within the SWTOR team and to SWTOR management during it.

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I have an entire guild full - one of the biggest on my server - that plays GSF daily.


Just goes to show you that individual player experience is varied therefore we can't form reasonable conclusions upon our anecdotal evidence.


Good for you. Judging by the GTN, it's not as popular as I wish it was on my server.

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You said this:


It naive to think that this is true.


A "company" doesn't make decisions. A "person" makes decisions. If this person is an idiot, they will make bad decisions. The purpose of my example was to show that companies do hire idiots and give them decision-making powers.


My point is based on rational thinking. Obviously people make irrational decisions (or decisions based on emotion) but a rational thinker makes rational decisions. Rational decisions are made with data (or best available data). Its like a science.


Do you now know any of this? Where do I have to start?

Edited by Arkerus
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Oh they did? Hm. Strange...their revenue looks good now. Not too bad for "tanking", as you say.


The hyperbole is neat though. Please produce their exact investment figures and exact ROI figures. I'll be waiting.


All we can go from now is the factual investor reports we get quarterly.


Their revenue, according to their own numbers, was roughly half what it would have been had it sustained its launch audience.


Sustaining launch numbers has only been accomplished by 2 MMO's that I know of, EQ and WoW, both of which actually expanded their launch numbers over several years afterwards.

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There is nothing I can do but /megafacepalm


Calculating ROI and basic finance is the fundamental of business operation. It is applied, as it is written (almost like a science), across every single business in this country. Every business owner, small and large knows how it works (or pays someone who does).


I don't know where you come up with this stuff. I am at a loss...


Same place she comes up with her theories about producing game content. :eek:


But, hey, at least she has imagination. Or something.

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Their revenue, according to their own numbers, was roughly half what it would have been had it sustained its launch audience.


Sustaining launch numbers has only been accomplished by 2 MMO's that I know of, EQ and WoW, both of which actually expanded their launch numbers over several years afterwards.


Shoulda, coulda, woulda.


This is why you'd be terrible in the business world.


Businessmen don't dwell on what could have been, they deal with the here and now. And in the here and now, TOR has not only made back the money it cost to produce and create, but it's a steady stream of profit.


And with the new movies coming out next year, you can expect those profits to go even higher once TOR gains publicity due to the shared franchise.

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Shoulda, coulda, woulda.


This is why you'd be terrible in the business world.


Businessmen don't dwell on what could have been, they deal with the here and now. And in the here and now, TOR has not only made back the money it cost to produce and create, but it's a steady stream of profit.


And with the new movies coming out next year, you can expect those profits to go even higher once TOR gains publicity due to the shared franchise.


Infernixx nailed it. This is correct.


Also, we're gonna get more newbs! Awesome! :D

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My point is based on rational thinking. Obviously people make irrational decisions but a rational thinking makes rational decisions.


Do you now know any of this? Where do I have to start?

Let's back up here.


I gave an example of how (in my opinion) it might be possible to increase ROI through spending money on expanding the content-generation team. My ideas may be correct, they may not be.


Your response was "Trust me, if it would increase ROI, they would be doing it"


If your statement is true, it would follow: "Since they're not doing it, it wouldn't increase ROI."


I disagree with this statement. Thus I argue against it. :)

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Shoulda, coulda, woulda.


This is why you'd be terrible in the business world.


Businessmen don't dwell on what could have been, they deal with the here and now. And in the here and now, TOR has not only made back the money it cost to produce and create, but it's a steady stream of profit.


And with the new movies coming out next year, you can expect those profits to go even higher once TOR gains publicity due to the shared franchise.


Yes. Now you get it. When "businessmen" guess right, they are geniuses. When they are wrong, they move the target to where they actually hit and suddenly are geniuses again.

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Yes. Now you get it. When "businessmen" guess right, they are geniuses. When they are wrong, they move the target to where they actually hit and suddenly are geniuses again.


They're realists, not forum posters who incessantly go on and on and on and on and on about what could have been or should be.


And you can call them geniuses if you like. No one else is, except you.

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Let's back up here.


I gave an example of how (in my opinion) it might be possible to increase ROI through spending money on expanding the content-generation team. My ideas may be correct, they may not be.


Your response was "Trust me, if it would increase ROI, they would be doing it"


If your statement is true, it would follow: "Since they're not doing it, it wouldn't increase ROI."


I disagree with this statement. Thus I argue against it. :)


You're being a bit TOO literal. I am talking about the science of making decisions.

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Yes. Now you get it. When "businessmen" guess right, they are geniuses. When they are wrong, they move the target to where they actually hit and suddenly are geniuses again.


I just don't know what else to say. Your comments don't even make sense. Businesses live and thrive in the scenarios that play out. Looking backwards does nothing. You have to invent, sustain, and innovate from each moment forward. You recognize mistakes. You adjust, re-work, calculate the best action and make a decision.


Like I said before, welcome to real life. Enjoy your stay.

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They're realists, not forum posters who incessantly go on and on and on and on and on about what could have been or should be.


And you can call them geniuses if you like. No one else is, except you.


They pay me good money to do a job. Instead, I've decided to play hooky and waste my time on a forum while I pretend to be working by manipulating their multi-million dollar employee time management software. I might even claim overtime just for fun. Who's the genius now?

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They pay me good money to do a job. Instead, I've decided to play hooky and waste my time on a forum while I pretend to be working by manipulating their multi-million dollar employee time management software. I might even claim overtime just for fun. Who's the genius now?


Probably the businessmen who are so successful they're millionaires even though they've managed to hire an unscrupulous minimum wage worker.


Oh, sorry, you said "good money". Make that slightly over minimum wage.

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They pay me good money to do a job. Instead, I've decided to play hooky and waste my time on a forum while I pretend to be working by manipulating their multi-million dollar employee time management software. I might even claim overtime just for fun. Who's the genius now?

I both laughed and looked over my shoulder at the same time ...

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They pay me good money to do a job. Instead, I've decided to play hooky and waste my time on a forum while I pretend to be working by manipulating their multi-million dollar employee time management software. I might even claim overtime just for fun. Who's the genius now?


I'm wondering why you think I care about any of that.

Edited by Infernixx
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Probably the businessmen who are so successful they're millionaires even though they've managed to hire an unscrupulous minimum wage worker.


Oh, sorry, you said "good money". Make that slightly over minimum wage.


Or maybe they are just smart enough to know that when people are very good at what they do, let them do it how they want. End results are all that matters in business, real world business anyway.

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Or maybe they are just smart enough to know that when people are very good at what they do, let them do it how they want. End results are all that matters in business, real world business anyway.


If only that were truly how it works. We all know it doesn't work that way in the real world.

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