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Question on Merciless Slash


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Hey hey fellow Watchman Sentinels,



Yesterday, I helped out one of my raid teams beat Styrak in 8M HM. They suffered from damage issues as they had 2 people who just hit 55. We got Styrak down and when I looked at my log, I noticed something interesting. When you look at the 'Damage Dealt Broken Down by Action' table you will notice that the minimum hit of my merciless slash is 612 and the maximum is 25199. Similarly, same spec, different boss this time, Kephess TFB 8M HM my merciless slash has a minimum hit of 777.



How does torparse measure this minimum hit? I find it peculiar that an ability like Merciless slash can , you know, hit so low, :o!

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Even with the 36% damage buff, you still initially suffer a 50% damage reduction for equipping a offhand saber. So say your top end offhand damage initially should be 1000, you end up with 500 being your top end damage. Now we factor in the 36% damage buff, 500 X .36 = 180 additional damage, so your top end damage for your offhand is 680.


Now this is all before bonus damage, armor reduction raid debuff, and boss damage reduction.

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Look at your character sheet. You see that main- and offhand has the same base damage (if they have the same hilt), but off-hand gets it's damage reduced to 30% (base) or 66% (talented) and mainhand gets a significant melee damage bonus that offhand doesn't get. Edited by cs_zoltan
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Look at your character sheet. You see that main- and offhand has the same base damage (if they have the same hilt), but off-hand gets it's damage reduced to 30% (base) or 66% (talented) and mainhand gets a significant melee damage bonus that offhand doesn't get.


Also the offhand doesn't get any boosts from power, strength, ect...


So in almost all cases, the offhand hit will be as strong as the tooltip says

the calculation for total damage of a melee ability that uses both weapons is:


[MULTIPLIER]x(Mainhand + Offhand) + (Melee Damage Bonus x Coefficient) + (Standard Health x Standard Health Multiplier)


Standard Health is a constant value that is determined by the level the skill is trained. Skill tree abilities look like they scale with player level for this.


Now lets pretend you have 1000 melee bonus damage, both weapons do 500-750 damage, and Merciless has a coefficient of 5, with the Standard Health Multiplier being 0.5, and the weapon multiplier being 3

As standard health is about 2865 at level 55, in this hypothetical-and-probably-wrong case, this is what the damage of Merciless would come off as:


Tooltip Damage = 8922 - 11167

Mainhand Damage = 7932 - 9682

Offhand Damage = 990 - 1485


If you take in the 30% damage reduction from the bosses armor (35% if you are missing an armor reduction), then those numbers actually match up quite well with what you're reporting, so maybe my numbers weren't too far off. But theres the mathematical explanation for whats happening here.

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