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ranked solo


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You're noticing the influx of RP and PVErs who upon hearing of the pvp rating rewards just had to have them no matter what. Be glad you're imp side which doesn't house nearly as many RPers and PVErs who have little knowledge on class fundamentals, spec rotation, gearing, let alone bolster. But you can't exactly blame them, the extent of their combat experience is fighting a boss that doesn't fight back. They're hitting an oversized dummy essentially, its why they drop like flies in warzones. Their lack of experience in properly using defensive cooldowns to counter specific classes compounded by their poor gearing/bolster is a huge factor as well. Once word gets around that the rancor mount is going to be a NiM drop and in the CM the queues will die since the only thing reviving ranked on this server were the PVE and RP heroes to begin with.
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You're noticing the influx of RP and PVErs who upon hearing of the pvp rating rewards just had to have them no matter what. Be glad you're imp side which doesn't house nearly as many RPers and PVErs who have little knowledge on class fundamentals, spec rotation, gearing, let alone bolster. But you can't exactly blame them, the extent of their combat experience is fighting a boss that doesn't fight back. They're hitting an oversized dummy essentially, its why they drop like flies in warzones. Their lack of experience in properly using defensive cooldowns to counter specific classes compounded by their poor gearing/bolster is a huge factor as well. Once word gets around that the rancor mount is going to be a NiM drop and in the CM the queues will die since the only thing reviving ranked on this server were the PVE and RP heroes to begin with.


Lol, you're kidding right?


Impside is just as bad as Pubside, if not worse due to the lack of players that are premading and carrying over here. Your pugs may inherently be worse, but at least half of your matches will be filled with 4 average players.


While Impside relies on the hopes of seeing another group of bads on the other side to compete. Server population has been this way, and it's not because of PvE heroes and RPers necessarily being bad because of their focus.


It's because the server is casual, the worst type of mentality to have in a WZ. Filling a ranked scene with lack of consideration and effort, desperately seeking to get a mount they will never get as long as there are competitive players on the enemy team to farm them.

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Lol, you're kidding right?


Impside is just as bad as Pubside, if not worse due to the lack of players that are premading and carrying over here. Your pugs may inherently be worse, but at least half of your matches will be filled with 4 average players.


While Impside relies on the hopes of seeing another group of bads on the other side to compete. Server population has been this way, and it's not because of PvE heroes and RPers necessarily being bad because of their focus.


It's because the server is casual, the worst type of mentality to have in a WZ. Filling a ranked scene with lack of consideration and effort, desperately seeking to get a mount they will never get as long as there are competitive players on the enemy team to farm them.


oh... this is gonna be good.

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Shame on those competitive players, don't they know casuals with 1100 expertise want the rancor mount? /slap

Don't even get me started on that pub side premade conspiracy, ughh.


Lol, the first one was the main point I was trying to make, where casuals being selfish in wanting that mount is the problem instead of your "PvE heroes and RPers" blame.


And secondly, it's not a conspiracy. You got Infamous groups, you got some DoA players, and you got a majority who main pubside and play around with alts occasionally.


Impside, we got barely anything for who's carrying aside from the alts occasionally playing then switching to pubside. More Pubside PvP diehards than Imps by far, despite you having the more potent bads.


We have the most, and they're only slightly better. Thus, easy to farm especially if they get in that ranked queue.

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lol, the first one was the main point i was trying to make, where casuals being selfish in wanting that mount is the problem instead of your "pve heroes and rpers" blame.


And secondly, it's not a conspiracy. You got infamous groups, you got some doa players, and you got a majority who main pubside and play around with alts occasionally.


Impside, we got barely anything for who's carrying aside from the alts occasionally playing then switching to pubside. More pubside pvp diehards than imps by far, despite you having the more potent bads.


We have the most, and they're only slightly better. Thus, easy to farm especially if they get in that ranked queue.


Your shoulders getting tired of carrying those 7 baddies every match?

Edited by Bellumpvp
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Well solo que is just like reggie warzones.


Cause you que solo, yet the other team still manages to get a 4 man premade.




It's what happens when the only people that are queuing on one side get put together against the only people queuing on another side.



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Weather it be Ranked or regular PVP yes understanding your class and being geared is important but, being undergeared is not that bad compared to players who never call or play with ZERO common sense. Do players really think charging ahead into 4 people will end in their favor lol Edited by Ysalamiri-
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