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new 3 question Marauder / Sentinel - February 28th


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If I'd were to ask something directly, it would be :


Can Pulverize in Annihilation spec have a secondary effect beside resetting the cooldown of Rupture ?

At the moment, all CD resetting procs grant something else in case they activate while the CD is already off :

  • Zen Strike gives Focus
  • Force Strikes make Mind Crush instand and free
  • Particule Accelerator gives crit
  • Ionic Accelerator make High Impact Bolt free
  • Flame Engine accelerates Flame Thrower
  • Lightning Storm makes Chain Lightning instant
  • Recoil Control accelerates passively Series of Shots

Only exception to this list : Pulverize that has no further effect beside resetting a CD.


Side Note : Can pulverize also get the same treatment of many procs and become a sure proc at least on use of Annihilate (and 50% on Vicious Slash) ? That ability is already extremely expensive to use, for a limited killing power. While its potential increase after each use, its use also becomes more and more expensive (less time for fillers). Please, reward that cost.

Edited by Altheran
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