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PVP – The Truth from Beyond the Fleet


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Oh, hello. I didn't see you there. You gave me quite a fright. I know why you're here. You need something. You want more information. Simply, I have it. Come with me and I'll show you.


I've been reading the forums lately, and I noticed a trend. Some of you think we -- the PVP community -- fall into two categories: the reg all-stars and the RP baddies. The reg all-stars are PVP tryhards who love to form premades to beat up on slow-walking, PVE erpers because they can't hack it on a real PVP server. While the RP baddies play to spite us all, wearing PVE gear, playing in first person mode and afking their way through wzs for easy commendations. You think this, don't you? Some of it may be true, but do you think it's better elsewhere? Do you believe that in some parallel dimension there exists the exact same fleet, with the exact same warzones, played by uber talented players in some utopic alternate PVP reality? You're the same person who believes the grass is always greener. Well, you're wrong. It doesn't exist. The grass may be greener, but it's trodden upon by pre-teen d-bags who refuse to mow the lawn while you slave away trimming the verge with scissors as they sit reclined in one of those cheap rainbow colored beach chairs, sipping on a tall glass of lemonade and wearing red, white and blue shutter shade sunglasses, staring up at the sun with a smug dopey grin that says "Grab that palm frond and start coolin' me down." I'll set you right. Let me put you in the know because you deserve it.


The truth is is that we compete. And I'm not just talking about PVP guilds, I'm talking about the PVP community as a whole. Although we have a smaller pool of PVPers to pull from we still have high level players who can compete at the highest level of the game. Remember, TEH is a meta-server similar to all the remaining servers. Although our pool might be smaller, it's just as competitive. Many guilds left TEH because we wanted consistent 8v8 ranked matches. Most of us chose POT5, and as we started to queue we had pops every night against many different teams. Hex would queue against I AM LEGEND, Ubique, Clutch, Casual, LD50, Infinite Darkness, Casual, Watchman, GG, random guilds, and PUG teams. And ya know what? We did well... really well. When I say "we" I am referring to Hex, GG, Watchman, etc. *All of us who left represented this server, and we started to carve out a name for ourselves. Obviously teams like Casual, LD50, and Infinite Darkness were very tough teams. But we tied LD50 in Hballs (we lost in possession) and we tied Casual in Voidstar (lost in kills). For the most part, we found that the difference at that level of PVP ultimately came down to time played together. It was about focus, coordination, tricks and map strategy. Many of us returned to TEH because 8v8 ranked was removed. We were saddened, and many of us left the game for a while because of it, while the rest returned to this community because it is ultimately a better one.


I don't write this to brag. On the contrary, I write this because we need to give ourselves more credit as PVPers. Bad players exist on every server, and I would say that, as there is a higher concentration of talented players on the POT5, there is also a higher concentration of bad players. In fact, their "leet" players are actually terribads at unranked. They don't give a $;$& about objectives because they only play unranked to derp around. Some of the worst matches I played on POT5 were games that I played with a four man Casual premade. To them, unranked is a joke. They are convinced that you can only prove yourself or your guild in ranked matches. TEH is the opposite. Because ranked doesn't exist, the only way to prove yourself and your guild is through regular warzones.


Why am I revealing to you that the alternate reality of your dreams is actually a $:!& filled suburb in New Jersey? Because I'm convinced that we have one the strongest PVP communities in the game. POT5, Bastion, ToFN are not filled with uber PVP ers; in fact, the PVP may be worse. We have some of the best players in the world who compete favorably on all servers. Mettan made a great post recently. He said that he put his ego aside and learned from other talented players. All of the "leet" players on this server have done the same. We've all learned game mechanics, the flow of each map, how to push buttons faster and improve rotation, hotkey and play in premades with people who are better than us. Everyone can do this. Everyone can make a premade. Everyone can ask more experienced players for help. Everyone can bind their keys and guard nodes correctly. Despite popular belief, I think this game has some of the greatest disparities between good and bad players, but the gap is easily closed through the right efforts and mindset.


TL;DR - TEH is a great community, and Hex is glad to be back. It is filled with talented mature players who give a crap. Stop complaining about what you think exists elsewhere, and learn to enjoy what you have.

Edited by Grexys
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To them, unranked is a joke. They are convinced that you can only prove yourself or your guild in ranked matches. TEH is the opposite. Because ranked doesn't exist, the only way to prove yourself and your guild is through regular warzones.




I don't think that applies to everyone. Most ppl in <Void> derp around in regs because we don't care about them either, true pvp guilds play ranked, if they don't they are just casual guilds that pvp. The fact that they took 8v8 ranked was unfortunate, everyone liked that system better, they are bringing it back but in the here and now, Arenas are where the ranked is and that even pugs or some of the pve guilds have the spine to put together a ranked team and most of the pvp guilds don't raises the question whether those guilds are in fact a pvp guild.... or a casual guild that pvps?

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interesting way to start a hate thread, lets see how it plays out :p


Kloma is absolutely on fire lately... +1




On a more serious note. Despite the giant wall of text hurting my eyes and my allergy to learning new things, I read that whole post and it was very well written on right on point. There is nothing wrong with the PVP on this server that doesn't exist on every other server in game.


The other thing to remember is that your fellow players aren't the reason you got put up against double premade, or a team with 5 concealment ops.... It's Biowares fault... So if you are planning a suicide bomb... aim for Texas... Austin, Texas.

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I don't think that applies to everyone. Most ppl in <Void> derp around in regs because we don't care about them either, true pvp guilds play ranked, if they don't they are just casual guilds that pvp. The fact that they took 8v8 ranked was unfortunate, everyone liked that system better, they are bringing it back but in the here and now, Arenas are where the ranked is and that even pugs or some of the pve guilds have the spine to put together a ranked team and most of the pvp guilds don't raises the question whether those guilds are in fact a pvp guild.... or a casual guild that pvps?


Well, I guess we're a casual pvp guild. If you consider beating up on PUG teams and PVE guilds “competition” then have at it! The current system of ranked play does not define PVP talent. Now, shush. Let the adults talk.

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I call foul.. Already in this thread I have agreed with Kloma, Baarf, Bibi, and Kym!! It's almost like we are just a small community of 60-70 steady 55 pvp players. Most of whom secretly like each other and the competition.


If Theron could just come in and troll us sideways it would set my universe right. :o

Edited by WeadonismyMaster
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Well, I guess we're a casual pvp guild. If you consider beating up on PUG teams and PVE guilds “competition” then have at it! The current system of ranked play does not define PVP talent. Now, shush. Let the adults talk.


To be fair, at least one of those PvE guilds teams was made up of raiders that PvP regularly and gave Void a run for their money when we didn't have D/C's.


Also. I'll agree partially with the OP but having spent some time on PoT5 it's pretty clear that their ceiling is higher even if their floor may be lower as well. That's pretty much the short and sweet way to put that.

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Much of what you wrote has a great measure of truth to it, and I can agree with it. Yet, somehow, I still envision you sitting naked in the dark frantically taping the F5 key on this thread while the hand reaches for the bottle of lotion... :D

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Well, I guess we're a casual pvp guild. If you consider beating up on PUG teams and PVE guilds “competition” then have at it! The current system of ranked play does not define PVP talent. Now, shush. Let the adults talk.


says the mature guy that can't come up with a ranked team? im sorry to break it to you but arena takes way faster reaction than regular warzones.

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says the mature guy that can't come up with a ranked team? im sorry to break it to you but arena takes way faster reaction than regular warzones.


Its intriguing how you step in to the "real pvp" when all the better players leave the server for more competition. Didn't see you on the 8v8 ranked scene anywhere, here or Pot5.

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All I hear is excuses from <Hex> and <Guerrilla> to continually try to find ways to b*tch out of ranked warzones, while they try to claim to be "PvP guilds", you all obviously have more than 4 people who can play well, get them together and queue up..if you want to trash talk to the other guilds (like saying how PV beat void and that's "why they're bad" or another funny one "how they are an inferior arena guild") then put your money where your f*cking mouth is - Next Gen tried while we had a team and we beat <Guerrilla> and ended up losing to <Void> when we were still here. Again, queue up or shut up, I guess - don't claim to be some really good group of pvpers when you only play regs and keep looking through your book of excuses to keep yourselves out of where it actually "matters"
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says the mature guy that can't come up with a ranked team? im sorry to break it to you but arena takes way faster reaction than regular warzones.


It also requires more specific team comps and familiarity with your teammates. It's easy for you to tell others to just throw a team together, you've been playing with the same group of people since early PM days.

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All I hear is excuses from <Hex> and <Guerrilla> to continually try to find ways to b*tch out of ranked warzones, while they try to claim to be "PvP guilds", you all obviously have more than 4 people who can play well, get them together and queue up..if you want to trash talk to the other guilds (like saying how PV beat void and that's "why they're bad" or another funny one "how they are an inferior arena guild") then put your money where your f*cking mouth is - Next Gen tried while we had a team and we beat <Guerrilla> and ended up losing to <Void> when we were still here. Again, queue up or shut up, I guess - don't claim to be some really good group of pvpers when you only play regs and keep looking through your book of excuses to keep yourselves out of where it actually "matters"


I have no idea who you are, but you sound angry. O.o

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Its intriguing how you step in to the "real pvp" when all the better players leave the server for more competition. Didn't see you on the 8v8 ranked scene anywhere, here or Pot5.


i came back to the game after a year long break right around the time server xfers took place, if u guys are so *********** pro u should have no trouble beating us since ur almighty pot5 epxerience clearly makes u guys the people with the longer epeens that always know what they're talking about, unlike the rest of us scrubs... oh wait why are you back here? exactly...

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i came back to the game after a year long break right around the time server xfers took place, if u guys are so *********** pro u should have no trouble beating us since ur almighty pot5 epxerience clearly makes u guys the people with the longer epeens that always know what they're talking about, unlike the rest of us scrubs... oh wait why are you back here? exactly...


Wait, are you still upset that we didn't let you join the Hex website? Awwww, it's so cute!

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It's been a long week and I got some free time to reflect on the Baarf's wisdom whilst sitting here at the airport.


First of all, the core Hex players (Alex, Jerc, Baarf, Defrib, Wrecks, and a few others) are some of the best players I've had the pleasure of playing with. I wish I was around more during the golden age of 8v8s on POT5. There is not a doubt in my mind that with more time Hex would've been competing neck in neck with guilds like Casual, Infinite Darkness, LD50, and Clutch (the top 4 guilds on POT5 imo).


In the end you still only have 24 hours in a day and $15 to pay for sub bills. How people spend their time and money in this game is their own prerogative. I do admit to both getting pissed at trolly comps (2 healers, 3 PTs, etc.). At the same time I can't say I haven't run some trolly comps as well (never 2 healers though).


I, like the rest of <Void> would like more group queue on this server (if you haven't gathered). If you don't want to or you don't like arenas, I hold nothing against you. However, saying arenas is just death matching would also be false. Also, if you decide to talk trash in regs towards pugs and solo queuers about how 'bad' they are whilst running in premades, yet refuse to queue for the only form of ranked that currently exists, that is just an exercise of jack-assery (is that a word? I've got red squiggles under it).


To conclude, I think this server does have potential and I hope everyone has a good weekend!

Edited by Charobot
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