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Introduction/Picture Thread


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I was just browsing the forums since I'm new on this server and I didn't see an introduction thread! I usually post on these so I can get to know the faces of the community. So I want to make one since there isn't one that I can see. I see a lot of transfers here and I figured that it would be nice to see faces and to see what classes everyone plays!



1.) Be nice and respectful, we don't want this thread deleted.

2.) No nudies :p

3.) You can post a picture, but it's not required!


My name is Damsyl, and I'm the guild leader of Battlestation Sexywagon (which was born on Shii-Cho almost two years ago). I play an operative healer and you'll usually see me with Rahc, Jericho, Sickle, Keglez or Yamiex. Healing is what I do, and I've been doing it for 15 years now. I'm happy to see that there is a PvP community (although the number of guilds who actively que in ranked 4v4s seem to be short, maybe the new tier 1 rewards will encourage people to que up). I came from Jedi Covanent (formally Shii-Cho) so the PvP community on that server is pretty dead so I'm happy to have it here!


It's nice meeting you guys, I've already noticed that I'm being focused more in PvP. So keep it fun!

Here's a picture of me



And here is a picture of Space Cat the Bacon Rider


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I'll bite.


Damn, your second rule has completely caught me off guard. No nudies?! :rolleyes:


That having been said, I'll try to be as concise and above board as possible.


Hey all. Some of you might know me, a lot of you probably don't. I am a member of Samurai Pizza Cats, a guild created for PvP refugees from the Oceanic server Dalborra. To many people, I'm just some guy on the Imperial fleet who likes to spam emotes and pet noises, sometimes to see how fast I can get the spam going, other times to see how annoyed people get :p


I'm Krackers, also known on The Bastion as; Kozlovsky, Märr, Mystíc and occasionally, Slüt ( :eek: ) :p

Started out in EGA and launch on The Jekk'Jekk Tarr server, then moved to The Harbinger, then to Dalborra, then back to The Harbinger, and now here on The Bastion. Yes, I'm a server transfer whore.

Been playing scoundrel since launch, though I've completely switched factions since I left all my Republic 55s on The Harbinger. Operative heals and Powertech Tank are my favourite specs. They're so much fun :o


Oh, also, I'm Australian. I like beer (preferably imported beer though, since most Australian beer sucks :cool:), footy and the beach. And no, I don't have

. :p


This is what I look like - clicky clicky


PS. Damsyl, your hair is an awesome colour haha.

Edited by BennyKrak
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So I read the thread and was like...hell why not. A lot of you probably know my main. I am ForcePalmer. If you don't know me from PvP then you know me trolling idiots. I'm from Chicago and am a Chef. My main is in the guild Failure ,but was in U MAD U BAD and Sorry for Partying. Here are 3 pics of me...2 with short hair and 1 of them when I grew my hair out again. Now my hair is short again.


http://i.imgur.com/cooEwH2.jpg - Before going to the club


http://i.imgur.com/hrZANdy.jpg - Partying in a Club in Rapongi , Tokyo Japan


http://i.imgur.com/g4u9vy8.jpg - Outside my Apartment last year


There I am...Hope you enjoy!

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Go find a boyfriend somewhere else, some of us are playing video games.

*insert kitchen joke here*

*insert attentionwhore here*

*insert girls don't exist*

*insert girls suck at video games*

*insert more women jokes here*

I think I covered most of it right? I hope to see you in Warzones :D

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I don't think anyone can argue that this isn't a thread for attention. Quick, close the thread before Aciddropper and Elizabeth show up.


EDIT: In fact, this equals the attention whoring of that Wakalord guy.

I'm sure if you want to believe that I'm trying to gain attention from then, then you're entitled to your own opinion. I can assure you though, that I am in fact not Liz and I dont use my gender for anything more than being a female due to that's the way I was born. I was away from SWTOR for a few months, and I came to a new server to get a better pvp community. So I'm just trying to get to know people :D

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I'm sure if you want to believe that I'm trying to gain attention from then, then you're entitled to your own opinion. I can assure you though, that I am in fact not Liz and I dont use my gender for anything more than being a female due to that's the way I was born. I was away from SWTOR for a few months, and I came to a new server to get a better pvp community. So I'm just trying to get to know people :D


Hi, my name is Roovin. I recently quit the game. Nice to meet you.

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Awesome cat. Fatten him up a bit and he'll look just like mine.




I have a tabby too, he's ridiculously photogenic sometimes. My stepdad named him when we found him, and his name is Darth Mau Mau, Defender of the Universe.

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I don't think anyone can argue that this isn't a thread for attention. Quick, close the thread before Aciddropper and Elizabeth show up.


EDIT: In fact, this equals the attention whoring of that Wakalord guy.


soooomeeeone seeems alittle jelly

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