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Giradda's Rancor PvP mount


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It's a game, not a job. So "earning" doesn't even apply. Mounts are cosmetic. The only reason someone would want a particular mount and not want others to have the same or a similar mount from "easier" means is that they want to be a special snowflake. Having a PvP only rancor will not improve a character's stats. It's a status symbol. Anyone looking to a computer game for status has emotional maturity issues.









Why? They still know they "worked" for it. Even if the CM rancor were 100% identical, the PvPers would know they "earned" theirs. This is about showing everyone else they 'earned" theirs. Ergo, special snowflake syndrome, as you put it.


So, what's the point of having any sort of content? I guess you think that we should just log in, create a character, dress it up and sit on fleet. I mean, why have missions and ops and flashpoints when you can just let everybody select all their gear? We won't need credits anymore, either. I mean, since I don't have a ton of credits I'm prevented from having many items in the game. That's obviously unfair. Why do you get to be a special snowflake with black/black dye and I don't get it just because I don't have credits?


I can't believe that you actually stand behind all of the statements that you make. I mean, what troll does? But, at least try to make statements that are believable.

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It's funny that in this instance I disagree with those people I usually agree with. I have no personal interest in this particular mount and wouldn't use it even if given to me for free.


However, I find it weird that people call PvE rewards hard to obtain. Since I don't know whether it's possible to lose ranks in Ranked PvP I can't comment on that but for PvE it's really not a matter of skill but of time and commitment (at least as soon as guides are available, so around 48 hours after a new ops is introduced). "Hard work" in PvE simply means "I spent x hours farming comms and read enough guides to know what to do and I have enough free time so that I can be part of a guild raid team to do HM/NiM ops."


It's like a person who drives his car five hours a day and says after a year "Wow, I drove 100000 miles. That was hard work! I am an elite driver!" I agree that it is hard work, but it certainly is not a measure of skill.


Simple comparison:

Soloing a Platinum MP game with an Avenger X in ME3 = lots of skill (because it wasn't designed to be done this way and was thought to be impossible for a long time - and no, I haven't done that, because I lack the necessary skills)

Completing a NiM ops in full 78 gear = average skill (because it was designed to be done this way)


So, you want to prove that you are good in this game? Beat 16 man HM DP with 8 people with the gear that is available today. Then I'll be impressed.


Seriously, should they offer rewards for the time we spend playing? By all means, I'm all for it. But please, let us not think that we are elite players because of the amount of time we spend ingame.


It is not that it is easy or hard but that it requires effort. You have a goal and put in the required effort to get your reward.


The big problem is that people who seem to think PvE and PvP are two separate games want access to a reward but do not wish to put forth the in game effort in order to get it. SWTOR is the game and it encompasses everything which means if you decide you aren't going to do a part of the game you should not whine when you can't get those rewards.


If you want a reward only available by having Legendary reputation with a certain group you either work towards that rep level or you don't get the reward. If you want the EC NiM tank, you work towards being able to down the appropriate bosses (and get lucky with the roll or wait til you're the only one of your group without one) and you get your reward. For the Rancor mount, you work towards the necessary rating in ranked PvP and you get your reward.


If you do not wish to work towards that goal, you don't get the reward. Seems a simple idea but it appears a great number of people are willing to come up with endless excuses for why they should be given this reward instead of earning it.


When I drove over the road I earned over 2 million miles accident free and there were a few perks/bonuses for doing that. Those perks and bonuses were not available to the jokers who couldn't stay out of accidents because they didn't earn them. And the dispatchers didn't get the rewards for 2 million accident free miles because...well, they sat at a desk and didn't do what was required to earn those perks.


Nothing in this game is hard and everyone playing has the potential to earn any available reward if and only if they are willing to put forth the effort. And it doesn't matter what that effort is, if you want the reward you'll either do what is required or not get it. Whining about it just makes you look bad.

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So, what's the point of having any sort of content?

Gee, I don't know. I somehow manage to play the game and have fun without obsessing over whether or not my cosmetic gear is "better" than someone else's.


I guess you think that we should just log in, create a character, dress it up and sit on fleet.

Yep, that's all I do. You caught me.


I can't believe that you actually stand behind all of the statements that you make. I mean, what troll does? But, at least try to make statements that are believable.

I see you subscribe to the "I disagree with this person or (s)he disagree with me" definition of "trolling." Jolly good. At last we know where you're coming from.

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Not at all and you know it. I draw my conclusion from your post history. And that's the end of it.

You disagree with my posts, generally speaking, ergo you think I am trolling. 'Nuff said. I disagree with some of yours, some of Andryah's some of DarthTHC's some of Ratajack's. However, I don't consider you or them to be trolling just because I disagree with them.


As I said, it's good to know where you're coming from. No one could possibly sincerely hold to the positions I espouse unless they are trolling. Got it.

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Even if the CM rancor were 100% identical, the PvPers would know they "earned" theirs. This is about showing everyone else they 'earned" theirs. Ergo, special snowflake syndrome, as you put it.


While I share your view on "special snowflake syndrome", I would offer another viewpoint:


One of the reasons why PvP isn't popular is because there is a perception that there is nothing to gain by it. Before now, all you really got were a couple titles and gear... which was really only great for more PvP. There was nothing terribly in demand.


Sure, I run Warzones because I find them to be fun excursions from the normal leveling/daily experience. At the same time, I ran Section X dailies for a week to build up enough cash so that I could afford one of the expensive speeders I had been craving for a while. Yeah, Section X is fun, but I was more motivated by the knowledge that I would be able to get something I really wanted.


Now, if I could have gotten something that was essentially identical in an easier way, I probably would have done it. In that way, the imminent reward of a cool speeder encouraged me to do something I wouldn't normally have been doing.


Applying that same situation here: If the only (or easiest) way to get the Rancor mount is to play Ranked PvP, then there is a good chance that it will motivate a number of people to play more PvP. Many people who hadn't been playing at all, would likely start. By providing a reward that offers no instant-gratification method of acquiring it, they have very likely encouraged people to take part in Arena's and WZs (to gear up, at the very least). I think that's something the game has been missing until now.


Yeah, it will feed Special Snowflake Syndrome. But that's rampant already. I'll barely notice the uptick there, and I think it's worth the increased motivation to take part in PvP.

Edited by Malastare
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So now maybe everyone will stopped complaining:





Hey folks,


One of the things I have seen quite a few questions around is the exclusivity of the Rancor mount which Tier 1 PvPers will be receiving at the end of Season one. I wanted to talk a little bit about Giradda the Hutt’s Rancor mount and the other mounts you will see coming in the future.

•Giradda’s mount, the armored and tattooed Rancor is a unique appearance that will be exclusive only to our PvP Season one, Tier 1 reward winners.

•Inside of Nightmare Dread Palace, our Operations players will have a chance to get a very rare mount, a Cyborg Rancor. This will also be a unique appearance of the Rancor which is exclusive to our Ops players.

•Finally, at some point in the future we will have some more “basic” Rancor models which will be available in other parts of the game, such as the Cartel Market packs.


In short, the specific appearance for the Arena mount and the Cyborg Rancor Ops mount will be unique models, but you can expect to see other Rancor mounts around the fleet in time. Hopefully that answers your questions.








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