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Tell me what you think...this will also be in the Gunslinger forum.


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First off I'd like to say, Agent and Trooper both neutral classes IMO. Before i bought the game I joined thinking i could be a "Sniper" on the republic, which they have Republic sniper NPCs, (I think a memeber of Havoc squad is a sniper...the miraluka i think) anyway theres also NPC Troopers on the Empire everywhere... now they couldve easily called the two classes "mirrored" like they are now but with the title SIS Agent, and Imperial trooper...simple i guess not...


Anywho...getting to the nitty gritty


Of course, then you have the issue of force users being able to jump or project lightning to the maximum effective distance of a sniper rifle. And the total weirdness of some joker being able to pull off the same range and accuracy while dual-wielding pistols.


I've been talking about this since day 1 (Dec 19, 2012 for me)...


Second, the whole Gunslinger/Sniper thing...I get that the gunslinger is supposed to be like a sniper but (a) Gunslinger attacks are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too flashy and are easily spotable... a sniper on the other hand you have to go out of your way to find him/her. (b) no way in hell can a guy/girl with a pistol should ever under no circumstances match the range, accuracy , and effectiveness of a sniper rifle that is MADE for long range combat... © IMO i think the gunslinger should mirrior the bounty hunter if anything... This was the reason i deleted my gunslinger i hated the visual effects and the mindblowing inprobability that this character could every match the range of a sniper rifle and be just as effective.


Third, the whole range in combat thing...

That annoys you, but you're fine with the maximum range of a sniper rifle being 30m? I can throw a rock 30m, and I can't even use the Force.

When the game first launched i was highly upset at the fact only 3 of my abilities as a Sniper had 35m but i had to be within 30m to do everything else which put me within range of my attacker if it were a Operative, scoundrel, commando, vangaurd, mercenary, powertech, sorcerer, sage, marauder, juggernaught, sentinel, gaurdian...


Now after, what a, year they gave us 35m.........35m really? why not 40-45m??? You do realize that 30m and 35m is just 2 steps... thats all :eek: When i see a commando advancing twards my node (In PvP) and he has me targeted at 120m away (I understand thats too far to shoot at i get it) but as hes advancing and hes by himself im spamming leg shot until it lets me hit the ability...I should be able to pin him to the ground at 35m...Right? WRONG!


Now can, anyone thats a sniper, tell me how it feels to hit that ability on a RDPS (thats not a sniper or a Gunslinger) when theyre at 35m and it doesnt hit them until theyre 25m??? (ie within their shooting range...) If im a sniper I should have the range to, if i can target you i should be able to shoot at you..., I should beable to hit leg shot at a much longer range to stop you somewhere around 40-35m so i can open up on you and not have to say, "F*** really? How'd i use leg shot at 35m but the toon was able to still walk within his/her field of range and open up on me? Hows that possible..." I should reign suppreme in RDPS i should have the most range (by more than 5m) than all RDPS and or melee with a few range abilities (ie saber throw/dual saber throw) given the further away they are my accuracy should respectively drop but my tech abilities that have a 110% accuracy yet i use leg shot and it gets dodged or deflected...those should hit no problem which brings me to my fourth issue


Fourth and lastly, my stealth scan should match my range... If i have 35m of range i should see stealth at 35m not 30m... this 30m stealth scan is B.S. IMO

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