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subbed and happy with it


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I don't post much any more, simply don't have the time. but I thought I'd offer a counter balance to some of the doom and gloom predictors of epic fail that have been around since launch. (Op Ed piece follows, you've been warned).


the game is not 'perfect'... that is just my opinion. but I have a lot of fun playing it. and at the end of the day maybe that's all that matters.


as a beta tester and Decemberist I've watched this game evolve, grow and change into something I still enjoy and am happy to pay for (honestly I spend more on coffee in a month than I do on this game).


the game events (gree, bounty, rak, ect) offer a nice change of pace but I'd like to see them expand and grow rather than remain a static 'set piece' for the life of the game.


GSF is a total win imo. fast paced and engaging (after you get past the steep learning curve) and am looking forward to more maps and different arenas.


the GSI seeker probe thing is a painfully boring and frustrating waste of play time and so I simply don't do it.


I'm not great at pvp but like the direction it's going and am very happy with the the way bolster allows me to at least hold my own and contribute to the team. (Huttball still makes me laugh... "No Kicking"!! :p)


bottom line, this game like any other has it's strengths and weaknesses. it is not going to be everything to everybody (is there a game that is?).


I could go on but won't (your welcome) except to say this....

if there is such a thing as a 'forum community' then we are it. eric and his team can only do so much.

We Set The Tone. we do it, no one else.

just because we (all of us) can hide behind a user name or avatar doesn't justify or excuse beating up on those who disagree with us.

be helpful or not. be understanding or not. be respectful or not. but using the anonymity of the internet to be brutal or mean to a complete stranger does not make us strong or clever. in fact, quite the opposite is true.


just my two cents (and change) - thx


edit: the 'lets be nice' rant was in response to a recent thread that was deleted. the turn for the worst that thread took seems to have bothered me more than I realized. to be clear, there are many helpful, understanding and respectful members of these forums and did not mean to suggest otherwise. - thx

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the game is not 'perfect'... that is just my opinion. but I have a lot of fun playing it. and at the end of the day maybe that's all that matters.


Ultimately, that's all that does matter - for the most part. Certainly having the game improve and evolve over time can be considered important as that is a core feature of an MMO. The "fun" part is what seems to be overlooked quite often. What is fun is different for each and every person. I, too, find this game fun enough to suit my personal tastes to have two subbed accounts and a premium account for my daughter. I am glad that Bioware created the game they did because I find it fun.


I will continue to sub until I no longer find it fun. At such a time (should it ever come) I will simply move on to another game I find equally fun. I certainly won't be obsessing over the lack of fun I am having in the forums at that time. However, I don't foresee the possibility of that outcome happening for many, many years to come (if at all).

Edited by BJWyler
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WoW was not the first MMO, but it was my first. Played that to death. I was looking for something new and discovered this game during Beta. Joined Beta and loved it. My friends left WoW to come here and try it too. Alas, they all grew tired of the unperfectness, crashes, bugs, glitches, etc... I did too, and with my friends, went back to WoW during the mass exodus a few months after launch.


Fast forward.


WoW is old and done. I really don't feel like spending any more money there. I learned that SWTOR has gone (for a while now) F2P, so I gave it a shot. However, having to spend the extra cash and/or Cartel Coins to get things even as simple, yet incredibly important, such as more action bars, was disturbing. So, again, I went back to WoW. Yes, I could have subscribed, but I didn't then. Looking back I probably should have.


A few months ago, I came back a third time. Lots of changes have taken place and, even though the community on the forums leads us to believe otherwise, most of the changes have been for the better. I am happily subscribed and enjoying every minute of this graphically-beautiful game.


Wish I had come to my senses sooner.


Short version: I agree with the OP.

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I post more than I should, trying to be helpful, here and there (with varying success).


But yes, I agree: it's not perfect, nothing is. But this game is more fun for me than anything else I have played in a very long time, and since City of Heroes* is still dead, more fun for me than anything else on the market right now.


And since I find it fun, and I have friends to play with and we make it more fun, I will continue to play. When it stops being fun for me, I will stop playing.


*No, I still haven't forgiven NCSoft for destroying Paragon Studios, and I will never play Wildstar for many, many reasons, starting with the NCSoft connection.

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I jumped on board early on, but left due to financial reasons.


Came back in time for RotHC and enjoyed that before leaving again due to feeling like there wasn't enough to do at end-game.


Came back around August of last year and haven't even thought about quitting.


I realize it was because the game was finally getting some 'polish.' The worst of the bugs were gone, a lot of QoL changes had been made and there was a 'lot' to do at end-game even if all of it isn't to my taste, the options are 'there.'


See, the longer the game lasts, the more polished it becomes, the more people it attracts and the longer it lasts. Long-lasting MMOs are amazing pieces of work and TOR is becoming just that.

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I am happily subscribed and enjoying every minute of this graphically-beautiful game.


I agree. the environments are beautiful and the attention to detail is something that other mmo's I've played seem to lack. Tor is my first mmo but not the only one I've tried over the last 2 years. Makeb and Oricon really stand out for me as creative and artistic wins.


also, this is not a self serving bump but just wanted to thank you guys for your feed back and sharing your stories.

I think we can all agree, as long as the game is fun we'll play. if that should change we'll head for greener pastures (and take our monthly sub fees with us ;)).


thx again all and be well - :)

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I really don't see why there is so much complaining about this game. First and for most, it's free, if you choose not to subscribe. The amount of content and detail for a free game is amazing. People will disagree with that, of course. You can play all the way through the class missions for free. Second of all; if you don't like it and are always complaining about it, then why do you still play it? You are not bound by contract to play this game. You may stop at any time.
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I am pretty sure the planet just stopped spinning and if I look out my window I think I see cats and dogs playing together. Nicely, even!


Anyways, I agree with the OP. The drama llamas are the same here as they are in every game. But, me? I'm having fun.

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I also resubbed a few weeks ago after a year out and I must agree with everyone else here, game feels a lot smoother and more polished and a good amount of stuff to do at endgame, compared to when i left. People comparing the millions of features that WoW has with SWTOR is a bit unfair. As far as i recall, most of the features that people say they would like to see introduced, that WoW has, were only introduced into WoW in the last 4 or 5 years, which is 5 or 6 years after it was released. SWTOR has only really been around for about 2 and a half. Additionally, WoW had about 10 million subs for a long time so of course additional features are always going to be implemented faster. Im grateful to have such a lovely looking game in the SW universe. :)
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I subbed when pre-order was available. SW has been a part of me since VHS marathons of Episode VI, V, and VI taped off HBO in the 1980s. When this project came to light I was so excited. My first MMO experience! What a flop! Ha! I was not ready for all the non-single player randomness!


I can say that the experience has vastly improved since launch. I agree with the OP that the re-occurring events don't become static and stale. I am starting to really appreciate and like those events now that I did an event -rakghouls- that got that funky green/black crystal for my trooper cannon. I've got bounty tracker armor for my smuggler which is pretty sweet.


Now I know about the Collections tab and how it works and can open stuff up and give it to my other toons.


Now with GSF which I just love ,minus the bomber issues getting kinked out, there is *a lot* to do. Thanks SWTOR team, keep a going!

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the game is not 'perfect'... that is just my opinion. but I have a lot of fun playing it. and at the end of the day maybe that's all that matters.


Been here since pre-launch and spent over $1000 in the cartelmarket.


It has been a fun ride and I look foward to the upcomming content.


The game has had its ups and downs ofcourse but if you love Starwars like I do, the game is awesome.

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I am enjoying the game but I don't like the balancing they are doing for PvP that's screwing up the class for PvEers. Seems they're so concerned about PvP that they forget this affects those who don't PvP at all. Honestly, it's a bit disconcerting and I loved this game, and Bioware's story content but there is only so much story content. I found Makeb not to the level that Bioware is capable of. Oricon was just plain, well, honestly, there was no story.


I'm leveling characters but the only stories I haven't done are the imperial agent and the jedi knight and frankly, the jedi knight story is boring.


What could Bioware do that they are never going to do again, class stories or at least make some effort to give us better content than Makeb and Oricon.


Am I going to stay subbed, yes unless my guild falls apart. I've been asked to stay and I will. Bioware just needs to do something to capture the attention of the non raiders and non PvPers. Give us who have several characters at end game something to do other than raids.

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I am enjoying the game but I don't like the balancing they are doing for PvP that's screwing up the class for PvEers. Seems they're so concerned about PvP that they forget this affects those who don't PvP at all. Honestly, it's a bit disconcerting and I loved this game, and Bioware's story content but there is only so much story content. I found Makeb not to the level that Bioware is capable of. Oricon was just plain, well, honestly, there was no story.


I'm leveling characters but the only stories I haven't done are the imperial agent and the jedi knight and frankly, the jedi knight story is boring.


What could Bioware do that they are never going to do again, class stories or at least make some effort to give us better content than Makeb and Oricon.


Am I going to stay subbed, yes unless my guild falls apart. I've been asked to stay and I will. Bioware just needs to do something to capture the attention of the non raiders and non PvPers. Give us who have several characters at end game something to do other than raids.


you make many good points imo. content is king (or queen :)) and add to the story content the fully voiced chars and npc's that we have makes the story progression that much more compelling.


it is without question a mistake to not add more and deeper stories for all the classes.

BioWare is known for top notch story driven content (can you say DAO or ME 1 2 & 3 ?). I'm not sure why that decision was made (financial reasons I guess) but would strongly urge BW to revisit that decision.

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Figured I would add my own story,


I originally did not want to play SWTOR as I had just spent 3 days(15 hours) in town downloading EQII onto my laptop (3rd time back) and suddenly my brother bought a new mmo called SWTOR. Next paycheck I bought the game. :p


I Started playing Dec. 9th, shortly after release and loved teeming up with my brother. My Shadow (Spinx) to his Sentinel (Rafiki). :D The only bad thing was we were on a dead server, no flash points and no wz's most days. So 3 months after i started playing I moved to a more populated server, and Mak'o the Scoundrel Healer was born. Got her to 50 in under 3 weeks, I like playing the class that much and continued to play her as my main for over a year. I eventually was going back and forth between The Harbinger (my new server) and Jedi Covenant (my old server).


I eventually left the game 3-4 months ago not because of the game but because of my satellite internet. When you have 1,400ms latency (1.4 sec lag) from your Satellite ping, it makes the game difficult in the higher end content and makes you almost useless in the NiM Operations. I soooo wanted to be an Elite player, I love the game. But when you are equipped in Top end gear and in the class that is considered one of the best healer spec's in the game, and can only parse heals at around 2000hp/sec.....well I gave up. Told my friends and guildies that I was going to take time off because I was working a lot (Which was true, so I did not lie) and left the game.


Lately I been thinking about the game again and how much fun I had running with Gekata, Lokeen, Isadoor, and my other guildies. And I also remembered how much fun it was to group up with my brother. 4 days ago I got onto the only PvE server that did not have the name Mak'o taken (Begeren Colony) and remade my main into a Mercenary, just to see if I wanted to get back in the game. Yesterday, my brother asked what server I'm on so we could make some characters to run together. Apparently, he was thinking about getting back into the game too.


As of Yesterday, I am a Subscriber again. I may not become an Elite player but I'm going to have fun playing this game with my brother again :D

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the game is not 'perfect'... that is just my opinion. but I have a lot of fun playing it. and at the end of the day maybe that's all that matters.



There has never been a "Perfect" MMO...but I agree with the above statement that while not "Perfect" the game has more upsides than downsides in regards to what I enjoy while playing.


Sure other games might do something or aspect better but it all boils down to what would I rather be playing.

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