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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2.7 Healing Changes discussion


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Is this even serious? Why are you including Injection when afore mentioned I've said specifically in energy management situations?


But just to entertain you my little drone, lets go over your said rotation and we'll assume that you're sitting at a comfortable 25 energy on a target below 30%, which at the end of HM Council does happen, and your adrenaline probe is on CD for the next 1min 30s. So to start, KP being put out on anyone and everyone you can get it on, which in the long run does cost you energy(granted not much but it does even with appropriate alac %), so SP > (get TA back) > SP (2 TAs) > Injection > (TA back energy now depleted) > SP (2 TA) > SP (1 TA) (KP grants you one) > SP (get TA back) > Infusion > SP (energy depleted and you're out of TAs) > SB (target is close to death) > SP > SP (get TA back)(KP falls off) > Infusion (cause its a much quicker cast energy now depleted) spam DS in the hope it gets you enough energy to get off an Injection or Infusion before the target dies, and this all for the sake of one target... So sure you're said rotation will maybe keep one person alive but how about 4 or 5 with the 2.7 changes? Or even for that matter 2 other people, seeing as the whole basis for this change is a PvP "balance".


Hence why I said your rotation is absolutely ridiculous. You're basing this on the premise that its one target below 30%. HM Council Phase 4, its never just one, and with NiM content coming out when its bound to be more than 1 even with proper gear, good luck buddy. So as I said, when NiM content comes out I will be shelving my Op if these changes go live. OH! Btw, when I said I tried out the changes in our raid, its not exactly complicated to count up the number of TAs you have when a target hits 30% or below and then use the changes as Bioware has posted them.


So you do or don't need to spam SPs a bunch? I'm confused. Because earlier in the thread the very notion of casting a ton of SPs in a row was ridiculous and now apparently it's all you're doing at the end of the council fight because you're sucking hind teat on energy, and most of your raid is below 30%.


If you find yourself at the end of the council fight with 25 energy and 90s left on adrenaline probe then the fact of the matter is either the last master should be about to drop or something has gone very very wrong. Phase 3 of the council fight is very light on damage. Indeed if you're doing it right you only ever have one person taking damage from Thundering blast, the tanks are taking pretty paltry damage from Bestia and Calphayus and your Raptus kiter should literally never take any damage worth talking about. You should be going into the soft enrage with all your cooldowns including your combat stealth. That gives you a massive energy boost and 3 TAs in your back pocket. From there if you're at the point where you've used every cooldown at your disposal and are in the situation you've just described and you have more than one dread master alive then your DPS have done things very wrong. Properly focused the first master should dead about 5-7 seconds into soft enrage and the second should be dead no more than 10 seconds later. The third should take 15 and that just leaves Calphayus. At the outside you should have everyone but Calphayus dead in no more than 40 seconds, any slower and you're very much off the pace. At that point the incoming DPS is MUCH lower than at the beginning of soft enrage. If you get to calphayus with your entire group in tact you're going to kill the boss with no deaths. If you can't keep at least a viable group in tact long enough to last to calphayus (i.e. at least two healers and 3 DPS) then either you're bad or your DPS are bad.


Lets look at the situation you described. The fact is that getting those TAs back doesn't magically grant you extra GCDs, so as for one target vs the other 4-5 people, it's a complete non-point. Either you're spreading those GCDs out across several people or you aren't. From there, even down to 25 energy with all your cooldowns run out you've managed to squeeze 11 healing abilities or over 16 seconds worth of healing. That's 16 seconds supposedly after you've blown through most of your energy bar twice over, and 30 seconds after you've used AP. Again, why is it taking your DPS so long to kill the bosses?


You act like it's just you and you alone keeping the raid up. You have 1-3 other healers. Indeed you have an entire raid and last phase of council is about the entire raid combining to do as much damage to the bosses and everyone doing everything they can to lower the amount of damage being done to the raid. That means everyone using their defensive cooldowns (ops DPS are admittedly not the best for this though Defense screen is getting a small boost), med packs etc., tanks should be spreading their Damage debuff on the boss (running double jugg is especially sub-optimal here), and DPS need to make sure they are all focusing on the same target to get bosses down as quickly as possible. One or two DPS on Bestia when everyone is supposed to be focusing Tyrans is very possibly a wipe. Indeed half the battle is getting into the soft enrage properly. The ops group has total control over when to push the bosses over into soft enrage. The trick is to make sure you push when everyone is ready. This phase is 90% proper raid coordination, 10% proper cooldown usage (offensive, defensive, what have you), and is honestly won or lost in transitioning smoothly from phase 3 into the soft enrage.


Again, I'm not saying that something like phase 4 of council isn't going to be harder. It is. There's no getting around it. There's no point denying it. But acting like this change has made op healers non-viable is frankly laughable. They're going to keep being excellent healers, and morons like you who blow a nerf like this out of proportion like you have make it impossible for people to get a grasp of exactly how bad it may actually be.


But hey if you find Merc healing easier then do that. It's clear you'd prefer that anyway.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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I adjusted my healing style to account for this as soon as I saw it mentioned in PTR patch notes about a month ago and so far it doesn't seem like it's going to be that big of a deal for PvE. Mostly it just means I can't screw around and DPS as much.


Keep in mind that even with the 6 second ICD, if you have 3 stacks of TA, you can still drop 4 Surgical Probes in a row on someone before needing to cast something else. That is still a LOT of instant cast healing available. You can hit Stim Boost for another TA to make it 5 in a row. By this point the ICD should be refreshed so make that 6 in a row. If you have HoTs ticking, you almost certainly will have gained another TA from them during this time, that's 7 in a row. How many do you really need?


You dont belong here you silly voice of reason, you! These are mmo forums.



Ops rely on their HoTs because we have to. We can't sit their and spam Injection or RN or even Infusion because energy wise its absolutely unviable. So now I have two idiots on here who want to talk about a class they don't play and you want compare it to two classes who aren't even similar in methods of healing?


Uhm, im sorry - are you trying to say that you dont like Hot-based healing? Why in hell would you choose to be an operative healer then? Besides, if you got your aoe hot+2 hot stacked on 3-4 chars, thats really alot of healing going on - and while i agree this is not a burst heal - its still a very strong healing mechanism (its different, but its just as strong as other healers mechanisms), and you can still 2stack hots on all 8players.


And please, stop the name calling. I really couldnt care less what you think about me or any other player, but name calling is bad. Period.


You act like it's just you and you alone keeping the raid up. You have 1-3 other healers.


Yeah this crossed my mind too while reading JustBlaxin's posts. Healing raids is a team-effort. You got your co-healer(s) and its not like you have to do all job by yourself. In fact, you are more effective if you adjust your teamplay to make better usage of all healers - and here you are qqing about not being able to spam that probes into infinity, while your other healers do what, sleep?


And let me repeat myself - you can still spam about 4-6 probes if you have stacked some TA (which you do, if you are a healing OP).

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I adjusted my healing style to account for this as soon as I saw it mentioned in PTR patch notes about a month ago and so far it doesn't seem like it's going to be that big of a deal for PvE. Mostly it just means I can't screw around and DPS as much.


Keep in mind that even with the 6 second ICD, if you have 3 stacks of TA, you can still drop 4 Surgical Probes in a row on someone before needing to cast something else. That is still a LOT of instant cast healing available. You can hit Stim Boost for another TA to make it 5 in a row. By this point the ICD should be refreshed so make that 6 in a row. If you have HoTs ticking, you almost certainly will have gained another TA from them during this time, that's 7 in a row. How many do you really need?


I would agree with this if we were talking about content that you didn't out gear or for that matter a spammable ability that actually healed for a decent amount without crits. As mentioned in the patch notes this is a class balancing based upon PvP, because other healing classes don't think its 'fair' that we have a spammable ability and they don't.


If you find yourself at the end of the council fight with 25 energy and 90s left on adrenaline probe then the fact of the matter is either the last master should be about to drop or something has gone very very wrong. Phase 3 of the council fight is very light on damage. Indeed if you're doing it right you only ever have one person taking damage from Thundering blast, the tanks are taking pretty paltry damage from Bestia and Calphayus and your Raptus kiter should literally never take any damage worth talking about. You should be going into the soft enrage with all your cooldowns including your combat stealth. That gives you a massive energy boost and 3 TAs in your back pocket. From there if you're at the point where you've used every cooldown at your disposal and are in the situation you've just described and you have more than one dread master alive then your DPS have done things very wrong. Properly focused the first master should dead about 5-7 seconds into soft enrage and the second should be dead no more than 10 seconds later. The third should take 15 and that just leaves Calphayus. At the outside you should have everyone but Calphayus dead in no more than 40 seconds, any slower and you're very much off the pace. At that point the incoming DPS is MUCH lower than at the beginning of soft enrage. If you get to calphayus with your entire group in tact you're going to kill the boss with no deaths. If you can't keep at least a viable group in tact long enough to last to calphayus (i.e. at least two healers and 3 DPS) then either you're bad or your DPS are bad.


Lets look at the situation you described. The fact is that getting those TAs back doesn't magically grant you extra GCDs, so as for one target vs the other 4-5 people, it's a complete non-point. Either you're spreading those GCDs out across several people or you aren't. From there, even down to 25 energy with all your cooldowns run out you've managed to squeeze 11 healing abilities or over 16 seconds worth of healing. That's 16 seconds supposedly after you've blown through most of your energy bar twice over, and 30 seconds after you've used AP. Again, why is it taking your DPS so long to kill the bosses?


As I noted, I described a situation that does happen at the end of Council. Granted my group is at the point where we have all content on farm so this doesn't happen, unless by some chance we screw up a mechanic somewhere. Now that being said, I'm not talking about this easy content.


Lets put your said situation into a NiM style content, which, and again I'm giving Bioware credit (the f*ck is going on?), is much more difficult than HM content has ever been. The premise that you're putting this on is in a situation where healers are used to being over geared for the content as most are now, myself included. SP as you mentioned in this section, and really shows your inability to understand the class, spread across a group doesn't change the GCDs. But, it does not change the number that you get to use in that span of time. This is all under the assumption that you actually have time to get off a cast here and there when, as any decent healer knows, its a difference between keeping someone up and watching them fall over. So to go back through the rotation in a situation where there are multiple targets at or under 30%, SP is your number one until you have people up enough to get a cast off. Even including SB that's a total of 7 maybe 8 with the 2.7 changes? Eight spread out over 4 or 5 people is two per person (averaged out) and these changes aren't gutting anything?


I recently started a mando and at his current level, (34) rapid scan is a 2 second cast. That's with no alacrity other than what I get from critical heals. At 34, his cast length is that of my Injection. Healing Scan is 1.5 which is a tenth of a second off from where my infusion is. If you're telling me that between Sages/Sorcs, Mercs/Mandos and Op/Drels that there isn't an evenness as far as emergency healing as they stand now, its a farce. The only difference between an Op/Drel, Sage/Sorc as far as survivability goes is people are too stupid to know what to interrupt on an Op and how to not touch their resolve bar until they're around 30% in PvP. If you can get any Op to 30% without touching their resolve bar the rest is a cake walk.


And to address your raiding situation with a second healer in group, I don't even want to imagine how bad NiM content will be for that other healer with an Op/Drel in group with these changes going through. Which, they will, cause Bioware has a habit of posting notes and not changing anything. Just as you said raiding is about a team effort, so how do you compensate for a teammate who can't pull their own weight because of the changes devs decided to make?


On a side note I do enjoy healing on my Merc and looking forward to it being my main again after 2.7.

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Uhm, im sorry - are you trying to say that you dont like Hot-based healing? Why in hell would you choose to be an operative healer then? Besides, if you got your aoe hot+2 hot stacked on 3-4 chars, thats really alot of healing going on - and while i agree this is not a burst heal - its still a very strong healing mechanism (its different, but its just as strong as other healers mechanisms), and you can still 2stack hots on all 8players.


And please, stop the name calling. I really couldnt care less what you think about me or any other player, but name calling is bad. Period.




Yeah this crossed my mind too while reading JustBlaxin's posts. Healing raids is a team-effort. You got your co-healer(s) and its not like you have to do all job by yourself. In fact, you are more effective if you adjust your teamplay to make better usage of all healers - and here you are qqing about not being able to spam that probes into infinity, while your other healers do what, sleep?


And let me repeat myself - you can still spam about 4-6 probes if you have stacked some TA (which you do, if you are a healing OP).


I can not take you seriously when you don't even man a Drel/Op healer. SP is not just a single target ability that gets used solely for the sake of that one target. It serves as an AoE, seeing as RN doesn't include more than 4 people versus the Mando/Sage pools that actually do, not to mention it goes on CD for longer than the Mandos.(not sure what CD on Sage pool is I'll have to check my Sorc) We don't have all these fancy procs/buffs that Mandos/Mercs and Sorcs/Sages get in their trees, we get TAs and HoTs. That's it. So QQ about the spam elsewhere cause here it just makes you look like an idiot.


Edit: And seeing as TAs are used quite frequently on Ops in order to keep our HoTs going. Laughable. Not to mention its not at all guaranteed to get TAs from your HoTs, and the only 100% chance to actually get one back is from Injection which is an energy drain to begin with.

Edited by JustBLaxin
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1. if people are below 30% hp for more than a couple seconds, either you screwed up healing or someone messed up a mechanic.

2. if this is the case, you still shouldn't spam surgical probe. It has low hpct, its advantage it no cost. Its resource management, not burst healing.


Seriously, it will have almost no effect on pve.

Have you never played in a PvP match or a ranked match? Your target can easily be under 30% for more than a couple seconds because operative healers are very easy to shut down. As someone stated before, sometimes the 2 seconds you need to cast your hardcast heal (if it gets interrupted you're screwed) is too long and that's when surgical probe comes into play.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Allow me to start off by saying, after reading the first paragraph of this, I'm assuming that you've never healed on an operative. Secondly, no, it does not make them on a level playing field with other healing classes. Ops do not have abilities that make them immune to interrupts like Mercs/Sorcs. So in a PvP world where instant casting is a huge benefit and seeing as with 2.7 Surgical Probe is being taken away as an instant cast without a CD, we have 1 being KP which does trash healing to begin with.


So, they have essentially gutted the healing which made Ops competitive in PvP and PvE. With the current changes and even with 2.6 live, its not at all difficult to get any speced Op to 30% without touching their resolve bar and then finishing them off. The community has asked repeatedly for better DCDs or just survivability in general, and the Devs have consistently refused to acknowledge these requests.


In the eyes of a vast majority of the Scoundrel/Operative community these changes are the backlash of a consistent QQ by players who do not know how to counter our class. Which, lets be honest, unless you're in healer spec, and really even then, is really not that hard to do. These changes to Surgical Probe, Jarring Strike and Exfiltrate, are by far the worst I have ever seen coming to Ops/Drels.


2.6 brought Mercs/Mandos to where they should've been healing wise, and if you're honestly saying that Ops/Drels will still be top dogs of healing come 2.7, you really need to check out how this will affect our EHPS. Mandos/Mercs recently hit the 2k+ mark, which is right behind Ops/Drels, and with the 2.7 changes to Sorcs/Sages, they will exceed us in EHPS. (seeing as Sorcs/Ops are nearly neck and neck in that respect already)


I can not tell you the countless times I have used Surgical Probe even on a target above 30% because its an instant cast, doesn't cost me energy, and Injection, which is quite an energy drain if you're low already, isn't viable. With the rest of my abilities on CD and I already have 2 stacks of KP on the target, and DS is just a trash ability in a pinch(or in general) and really should only be used for energy management. If you're saying that the Surgical Probe changes aren't huge, then you really are an idiot. It plays a vital importance in energy management just like Diagnostic Scan, cause you know, I pair the two together seeing as I'll get my TAs back from DS or my Kolto Probes and Surgical serves as my heal in place until I have my energy back to a reasonable level again.


So this whole argument that Surgical Probe is not as important an ability to healers as we're trying to make it sound, is a farce, to say the least. So please, if you want to talk about how healing Ops are so OP, maybe you should try rolling one and learn how important SP really is.



Whoever says surgical probe is not an important heal to Ops has never played the class and has no idea what they are talking about.. Surgical Probe is THE most important heal to an operative... First off, most of the time the Kolto injection gets interrupted, or just isn't fast enough to save somebody, this surgical probe is the heal I use most often. You can move around with it , and it's not some god ability ... You have to have TA up to use it, this nerf really gonna hurt Op heals. I may even just say the hell with it and stop healing out right and work on my other toons more.

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Have you never played in a PvP match or a ranked match? Your target can easily be under 30% for more than a couple seconds because operative healers are very easy to shut down. As someone stated before, sometimes the 2 seconds you need to cast your hardcast heal (if it gets interrupted you're screwed) is too long and that's when surgical probe comes into play.


This is what I was thinking. Especially in ranked. It is extremely easy to shut down an op heals, and this ability here is a god send. Alot of times that won't even be enough to keep your team member who is low on health alive. What you gonna do instead Kolto Injection? Lol then you can count on the interrupt and a failed heal. Wow, I know when this nerf rears its ugly head there is gonna be alot of rage going around on these forums.


This ability is too important to our class for these devs to come around and change it up like this. This is pretty much the only heal that we got at times that can save somebody from dead.

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From today's [3/13] patch notes...


Imperial Agent


Surgical Precision now re-grants Tactical Advantage when Surgical Probe is activated regardless of the target’s health percentage (up from only below 30%), but this re-grant can only occur once every ten seconds.



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From today's [3/13] patch notes...


Imperial Agent


Surgical Precision now re-grants Tactical Advantage when Surgical Probe is activated regardless of the target’s health percentage (up from only below 30%), but this re-grant can only occur once every ten seconds.





Removes all flavor or interest from the talent and replaces it with ANOTHER bloody TA proc to a resource we're already swimming in.


The hell can we even spend these damn TA's on? Infusion is being used on cooldown as is and surgical probe is the lions share of my casts already. Sub 30% proc had some flair and gave us healing potential when we needed it.

Edited by CaptainApop
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This "nerf" is pretty much just an adjustment to an ability at this point. We now get 1 TA regrant every 10 seconds instead of infinite when in execute range. Although this hurts the ability to spam someone below 30% and keep them up (somewhat ridiculously) it tweaks the way an ability works and slightly raises the skill cap on a class (well, spec) that could use that


I advise every op healer to go play merc or sorc heals for a while and come back. Your ability to manage cooldowns, casts and energy will feel god-like and you will probably be a better healer for it.

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From today's [3/13] patch notes...


Imperial Agent


Surgical Precision now re-grants Tactical Advantage when Surgical Probe is activated regardless of the target’s health percentage (up from only below 30%), but this re-grant can only occur once every ten seconds.




I thought it was every 6 seconds.. now they are making it every ten seconds? WTH , this SP ability is the heal that I use the most, and often times spamming it when a player is at 30 percent health isn't even enough to save them because the heal is usually not for very much....

This is probably the most important heal to our class, I would say it is the most important heal to my playstyle.... why this big nerf? Was anyone really complaining that much about it? I think if something is working just fine the way it is , they should leave it alone.


Bioware one day you will realize it does not pay off to piss your player base off by *********** with their classes abilities.

The time it takes to cast your Hot on all your teammates and then the difficulty it is to cast a kolto injection , make an ability like surgical probe very much relied upon, and tweaking it like this will probably have devastating results for this class. What is wrong with this dev team? Can't they just leave well enough , alone?


Every time I try to get back into this game bioware does something to screw up my game play and then I will take another hiatus.


You know there are alot of times when we don't have time to double cast a kolto probe on every single teammate , inbetween all the stunlocks and knock backs and whatever comes your way, this heal is a life saver at some points, and you guys are gonna make an already weak heal , just so much more weaker.... It is a hassle to try and get a TA proc up sometimes and when a player is at 30 percent health or lower you don't have that much time to try and proc a TA , your team mate will be dead, we have no other ability that will be enough to save them, especially with the massive damage that is dished out in this game. What should I do, use a kolto injection Lol, that is an interrupt waiting to happen, and if that doesn't happen the cast time is enough to kill them.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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This "nerf" is pretty much just an adjustment to an ability at this point. We now get 1 TA regrant every 10 seconds instead of infinite when in execute range. Although this hurts the ability to spam someone below 30% and keep them up (somewhat ridiculously) it tweaks the way an ability works and slightly raises the skill cap on a class (well, spec) that could use that


I advise every op healer to go play merc or sorc heals for a while and come back. Your ability to manage cooldowns, casts and energy will feel god-like and you will probably be a better healer for it.


I have made toons Merc/Mando and Sorc/Sage for this exact reason. I have never had force/heat/ammo issues. L2P.

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Im glad these changes are happening. The operative healer was clearly overpowered. Not even challenging to stay alive assuming there was no swarm of dps. I have an operative i like to run concealment on but heal from time to time. I enjoy a challenge and being an operative healer was one of the easiest jobs ever imo.
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Anyone trying to claim the surgical probe spam is balanced need to stop drinking the cool aide and get real. It is a 3-5K heal, which is instant with zero cost. Combine this with the HOTs and you can easily drop 3-4K HPS on any target below 30%. It is 100% imba and need to go.


As a person who played all three healing classes, ops will remain ahead in PvP by a large margin. Mercs are harder to kill, but are no where close in terms of mobility and healing output. Sorc are bad all over.

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I play all healing classes and Operative healing by far is the easiest and require little to no effort to play. It's pretty pathetic that a class like this requires almost no skill. Anyway, it's a break from playing my Sorc. I prefer my Sorc over any other healing classes though. I actually have to focus and heal on my Sorc. :)
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  • 5 weeks later...
I have made toons Merc/Mando and Sorc/Sage for this exact reason. I have never had force/heat/ammo issues. L2P.


It's so funny that you tell someone to L2P after you whine about Operative/Scoundrel Nerf.


Allow me to start off by saying, after reading the first paragraph of this, I'm assuming that you've never healed on an operative. Secondly, no, it does not make them on a level playing field with other healing classes. Ops do not have abilities that make them immune to interrupts like Mercs/Sorcs. So in a PvP world where instant casting is a huge benefit and seeing as with 2.7 Surgical Probe is being taken away as an instant cast without a CD, we have 1 being KP which does trash healing to begin with.


So, they have essentially gutted the healing which made Ops competitive in PvP and PvE. With the current changes and even with 2.6 live, its not at all difficult to get any speced Op to 30% without touching their resolve bar and then finishing them off. The community has asked repeatedly for better DCDs or just survivability in general, and the Devs have consistently refused to acknowledge these requests.


In the eyes of a vast majority of the Scoundrel/Operative community these changes are the backlash of a consistent QQ by players who do not know how to counter our class. Which, lets be honest, unless you're in healer spec, and really even then, is really not that hard to do. These changes to Surgical Probe, Jarring Strike and Exfiltrate, are by far the worst I have ever seen coming to Ops/Drels.


2.6 brought Mercs/Mandos to where they should've been healing wise, and if you're honestly saying that Ops/Drels will still be top dogs of healing come 2.7, you really need to check out how this will affect our EHPS. Mandos/Mercs recently hit the 2k+ mark, which is right behind Ops/Drels, and with the 2.7 changes to Sorcs/Sages, they will exceed us in EHPS. (seeing as Sorcs/Ops are nearly neck and neck in that respect already)


I can not tell you the countless times I have used Surgical Probe even on a target above 30% because its an instant cast, doesn't cost me energy, and Injection, which is quite an energy drain if you're low already, isn't viable. With the rest of my abilities on CD and I already have 2 stacks of KP on the target, and DS is just a trash ability in a pinch(or in general) and really should only be used for energy management. If you're saying that the Surgical Probe changes aren't huge, then you really are an idiot. It plays a vital importance in energy management just like Diagnostic Scan, cause you know, I pair the two together seeing as I'll get my TAs back from DS or my Kolto Probes and Surgical serves as my heal in place until I have my energy back to a reasonable level again.


So this whole argument that Surgical Probe is not as important an ability to healers as we're trying to make it sound, is a farce, to say the least. So please, if you want to talk about how healing Ops are so OP, maybe you should try rolling one and learn how important SP really is.


The nerf is not bad at all. Scamper/Exfiltrate has been BUFFED, not nerfed >> If you have any skill as an Op/Sc you will see that.

The DPS of a Scoundrel/Operative has never been better.

And for healers - (I have all the healers to 55 (All 6) plus I have some extra 55 healers for more lockouts.)

Scoundrel and Operative healers are in a great place right now. They still have good EHPS, they have the easiest energy management of the healers, AND they have unlimited revives in combat in most fights

(although most newer fights will keep them in-combat because BW is trying to rid boss fights of stealth rez).

All healers have always been viable, and any changes made to them have not been that bad.

No, they will never be totally balanced, but they will all be viable.

If you think a healer class sucks compared to the other two, you simply need to practice and learn that healer class.

Simple as that.


P.S. The same goes for PVP - All healers will always be viable - but Scoundrels/Operatives will always have an edge in PVP due to one mechanic the other two will never have ---> stealth.

Stealth is an invaluable mechanic in PVP, and if you don't think so - PVP more often to find out.

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