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Bug in Dread Council encounter (Dread Palace HM) - Siphon Energy still on cooldown


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Thanks to a report from PCG Mint Imperials in the PVE forums (check the link for a video), we have uncovered a bug in the Dread Council fight of the Dread Palace operation. This was tested and confirmed in 8-man HM but it may occur in other difficulty modes as well.

There appears to be a bug with the ability "Siphon Energy" which is used by all four bosses (Bestia, Calphayus, Raptus, Tyrans): it is possible for this ability to be on cooldown when the boss needs to use it, therefore bugging out the other timers of the boss and messing up the phases of the fight.


Details of "Siphon Energy":

- can be used by a boss when he is on the throne and below 50% HP

- 40 second channel

- 2 minute cooldown

- During the channel, the boss has the buff "Unreachable -- Charging this target will not close any distance. Immune to damage"

- Once the channel is over, the boss will heal himself up by 25% and jump back down


Steps to reproduce the bug:

1) Bring down Bestia to below 50% so she will jump up to her throne and casts "Siphon Energy" for 40 seconds.

2) Keep the other three bosses above 50% the whole time.

3) Wait for 40 seconds until "Siphon Energy" is finished, so that Bestia will return, now at 75%.

4) Burn Bestia down to 50%, within two minutes from when she started casting "Siphon Energy" the first time.

5) At 50%, Bestia will once again jump up to the throne, but since the "Siphon Energy" ability is not yet ready, she will jump back down and continue her regular ability rotation.


Obviously, from now on all the timers are messed up because Bestia is below 50%, while the other bosses are above 50%. This leads to multiple scenarious where players are able to exploit the encounter, e.g. triggering the "Power of the Masters" phase while the other bosses are still above 50% HP and skipping the Brontes/Styrak transition phase.


It seems like there is an issue where the cooldown of "Siphon Energy" is not reset after it has been channeled. To fix this, either correctly reset the cooldown, or remove the cooldown from it altogether so that "Siphon Energy" is always available.


This bug should be treated as a release blocker for Game Update 2.8 as it can impact nightmare progression if guilds are able to exploit the fight in this way.

Edited by Jerba
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Why would it be a bug, and who say the boss is not supposed to be having cooldowns on skills?


It is like when a boss interrupt you on masterstrike or when stealth rezzing to mention a couple of examples.... its just beating it another way around maybe even causing less stress durign the phases.


Anyhow a Dev need to confirm if it is working as intended or not ;-)

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Why would it be a bug, and who say the boss is not supposed to be having cooldowns on skills?


It is like when a boss interrupt you on masterstrike or when stealth rezzing to mention a couple of examples.... its just beating it another way around maybe even causing less stress durign the phases.


Anyhow a Dev need to confirm if it is working as intended or not ;-)

Don't get me wrong; usually, I am the last person to call a fight bugged and I will always look for other explanations on why something worked different than how it is described in guides.

However, when experiencing this bug, multiple things happen that cannot be intended by the developers:

  • The Dread Holocron has a buff "Dread Power -- This Holocron is filled with Dread Energy" at 4 stacks and Siphon Energy will remove one of the stacks. It is obvious that one boss mechanic is to remove all four stacks, that way starting the next phase. With this bug, it is possible to skip this mechanic.
  • The fact that Bestia will target the Dread Holocron the second time she jumps to the throne, a clear indicator that she would need to cast Siphon Energy, but instead does nothing until a tank taunts her and she jumps back down.
  • It is possible to get Bestia down to 15% while the other bosses are at 50% on their thrones. Once Power of the Masters starts, they will stay on their throne. When their Siphon Energy cast finishes, they will first continue their normal ability rota for a few seconds, and only when they receive damage will they join Bestia with casting Power of the Masters. If this was intended, the bosses should either have jumped directly into the center or continued their normal abilities a while longer, but not jump to the center at an arbitrary time.
  • The fact that the holocron becomes lootable before Styrak and Brontes have appeared and that Styrak and Brontes will still appear afterwards; thereby a clear indicator that Styrak and Brontes cannot be left out but that they are supposed to be a part of the boss fight, and the loot should not be available before those two bosses are killed as well.

Because of this, I am highly confident to call this a bug, and when you watch the video, you'll see these occurences that cannot be intended.

Edited by Jerba
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