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Rocket Pods....


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Pre 2.6, rocket pods were a decently balanced, if slightly underpowered, weapon that rewarded the player skillful enough to land their shots.


post 2.6, Rocket Pods feel like an additional laser bolt every now and again.


I understand that all weapons with shield piercing had their damage reduced, but I feel this is a little bit of overkill on Rocket Pods.


c'mon, a slow firing, 50-shot weapon with a horrific tracking penalty doing ~250'ish damage a shot?


at the very least give it a base 25% crit chance.

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I understand that all weapons with shield piercing had their damage reduced, but I feel this is a little bit of overkill on Rocket Pods.


This is totally wong. The most dangerous shield percing weapon, the Slug Railgun did NOT get nerfed.

And afaik, concussion missiles did also not get nerfed.


But they unnecessarily nerfed Rocket Pods, the weakest of all shield percing wepons...

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This is totally wong. The most dangerous shield percing weapon, the Slug Railgun did NOT get nerfed.

And afaik, concussion missiles did also not get nerfed.


But they unnecessarily nerfed Rocket Pods, the weakest of all shield percing wepons...


I think the Slug Railgun got nerfed the most out of any weapon in this game. You can no longer pop-shot and the shield piercing was reduced so much that you get FAR fewer 1 shot kills, and strike fighters now take 3 shots at full charge and not 2, most of the time (depending on damage redux build).


The Rocket Pods, on the other hand, used to be so powerful you could fly straight toward any player, and with good aim eliminate them with 2-3 good hits with rocket pods and your lasers running, almost every time. You now require maybe require an additional pod now, but you are still REALLY effective.


Concussion Missiles have a benefit at top tier of decreasing enemy speed, which has nothing to do with shield pierce. The total damage on the missile is still high and the pierce is still reduced, but it's a powerful missile. That hasn't changed.

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This is from the patch notes:


  • Shield Piercing upgrades have been reduced in power, and weapons with native Shield Piercing have had their damage reduced slightly.


The highlighted part is NOT true for the slug railgun. It did 1600 dmg when fully charged pre 2.6 and it still does post 2.6.


The nerfs to shield piercing and the minimal required charge are seperate from this.

Edited by Sindariel
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This is from the patch notes:




The highlighted part is NOT true for the slug railgun. It did 1600 dmg when fully charged pre 2.6 and it still does post 2.6.


The nerfs to shield piercing and the minimal required charge are seperate from this.


I am with you on the rocket pods.

If they are going to nerf the damage then nerf the tracking penalty as well.

Something that takes manual aim should be at least as effective as the double volley cluster missile, granted it is still broken and reaping additional gains from the undodgable 2nd shot, but rocket pods need either a buff, or a tracking penalty decrease, I would personally like the DOT upgrade to become default to the stock rocket pod and something else added in to replace it in the upgrades tree :)


As to the railgun, I have noticed that even with fully charged shots the average ship is taking at least one more hit than usual to down. I don't know what is causing this as apparently the numbers have not changed, but that coupled with a blind power drain that causes some of your shots to leave you with no power and still no shot has made life behind the scope much more difficult than before.


I think the real issue with railgun spam was love taps applying DOTs.


If I were the devs I would switch things back to the way they were before, but I would make the DOT effects be what is not granted on a partial charge, as if I want to fire a shot with 1% energy I should be able to do so with 1% damage applied to my target, it is the DOTs that were making the lovetap railgunning an issue.


Both need a fix, but I do believe the railgun does not need a nerf, but needs an alteration.

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I'd like to have infinite ammo on rocket pods, at least. They run out so damn fast. :(


It's unfair that bombers have an infinite ammo pool on their drones and mines, but we have to restock every minute. :mad:


Would you like the horrid CD that the bombers endure to get unlimited rocket pods?


And with 2 ways to rearm your scout, pods are a LOT more useful!

1. Yellow power-ups rearm as well as boost energy regen

2. Tier 3 repair drones have the option to rearm or slowly regen shields. (hint: rearm is a lot more useful to your team)


Now to the OP. So you are complaining that 2% less shield piercing is lowering your kill success? Why? No build in a scout is going to beating something (that's fresh) before the shields are gone... ever. So lower shield piercing really only affects targets that are already damaged and have regenerated their shields...

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I miss the old Rocket Pods too ... but in truth pre 2.6 they let Scouts easily win head-on jousts with Strikes ... and I believe that is something BioWare does not want to be true.


I believe that was more a product of distortion field than pods...

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Now to the OP. So you are complaining that 2% less shield piercing is lowering your kill success? Why? No build in a scout is going to beating something (that's fresh) before the shields are gone... ever. So lower shield piercing really only affects targets that are already damaged and have regenerated their shields...


He's not complaining about the reduced shield piercing, he's complaining about the reduced base damage.

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I don't really like Rocket pods because they mess up my rhythm when firing burst cannons, but I usually have them equipped because lock on missiles just feel cheap and skill-less.


How do they mess up your rhythm? Just press and hold both mouse buttons until the guy blows up.

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let's do some napkin math.


Slug Gun fully charged = 1600. 2% less shield pierce = 32 true damage redux

Rocket Pod does 250 dmg per pop, you'll get 3 pods in during a charge of railgun... 750 with 2% less = 15 true dmg redux.


even accounting for range and with perfect accuracy, railgun got slammed by this nerf. WAY more than Rocket Pods. Every gunship player felt it when they nerfed it.

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This is from the patch notes:


"Shield Piercing upgrades have been reduced in power, and weapons with native Shield Piercing have had their damage reduced slightly."


The highlighted part is NOT true for the slug railgun. It did 1600 dmg when fully charged pre 2.6 and it still does post 2.6.


The nerfs to shield piercing and the minimal required charge are seperate from this.



This is incorrect. Slug railgun DOES NOT have native shield piercing. It has an upgrade. The upgrade used to grant 20% shield piercing, and now it grants 16%. In fact, this part:


"Shield Piercing upgrades have been reduced in power, and weapons with native Shield Piercing have had their damage reduced slightly."


(bolded) applies. Rocket pods were nerfed because they had (and still have) 20% shield piercing baseline.

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Was it 20%? I think it was only 18% and now it's 16%? I remember it being consistent across the board, 2% reduction



That wouldn't be constant at all!


It was around a 22% reduction, but it was rounded to the nearest int in all cases. In the case of slug railgun it was a 20% reduction, going from 20% to 18%.

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This is incorrect. Slug railgun DOES NOT have native shield piercing. It has an upgrade. The upgrade used to grant 20% shield piercing, and now it grants 16%. In fact, this part:




Slug Railgun DOES have 20% native shield piercing and the upgrade provides 8% (down from 10%).


Read the tooltips again...

Edited by Sindariel
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