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Il-5 scout best build


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i search for IL-5 SCOUT BEST BUILD

i have

Primary: Burst laser cannon shield piercing (right) , inc hull DMD (left)

Sec: cluster missiles AMMO CAPACITY (right), double volley (left)

system booster overcharged left left (also have mastered blaster overcharge and use it early). what u say about targeting telemetry?

shield: distortion right option

engines: barrel roll right

armor: light weight

capacitor: frequence

reactor: turbo

thruster: speed (also have mastered turned and use it early)


i saw in game very dangerous in dogfight IL-5 scout, that build they USE?

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Before 2.6 something like this would have been the "best" build. It was rather perfect for Domination with no bombers. These days there's some other good options you can try that I'm not going to give away in this post.


Also, you do know that the IL-5 is the same as the Sting/Flashfire? You could build your IL-5 like above and try a different build for the Sting/Flashfire.

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i search for IL-5 SCOUT BEST BUILD

i have

Primary: Burst laser cannon shield piercing (right) , inc hull DMD (left)

Sec: cluster missiles AMMO CAPACITY (right), double volley (left)

system booster overcharged left left (also have mastered blaster overcharge and use it early). what u say about targeting telemetry?

shield: distortion right option

engines: barrel roll right

armor: light weight

capacitor: frequence

reactor: turbo

thruster: speed (also have mastered turned and use it early)


i saw in game very dangerous in dogfight IL-5 scout, that build they USE?


Primary weapons:

- I prefer armor pen upgrade on burst lasers. That puny 8% shield pen doesn't have much of an impact in most of the fights, but with armor pen i can quickly take out turrets.

- Increased shield dmg upgrade is much more useful in GSF than hull dmg, since you are firing at shields most of the time. Shields can regenerate itself and shield capacity can be increased and restored via shield abilities.



Well, this depends on your playstyle.

- Blaster overcharge gives more rough power and does more dps than Targeting Telemetry but only if you can hold the trigger at your enemy. In dogfights, that ability is wasted most of the time.

- Targeting Telemetry on the other hand has a much shorter cooldown (which lets you use it more frequently) and it also affects secondary weaponry like cluster missiles and rocket pods.



- Bust Lasers benefit more from damage capacitor, because they have a very low rate of fire and deliver their damage in short burts.

- Frequency cap is better for weapons with a high rate of fire, like Light Lasers.

Edited by Sindariel
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- Bust Lasers benefit more from damage capacitor, because they have a very low rate of fire and deliver their damage in short burts.

- Frequency cap is better for weapons with a high rate of fire, like Light Lasers.


While the rest of your post is spot on, this isn't true.


Rate of fire provides a linear increase in dps. There's no breakpoint where rate of fire provides more dps than increased damage per shot would. Frequency capacitor's +15% rate of fire will always provide more dps than damage capacitor's +10% damage per shot.


The reason why many people prefer damage capacitor with burst lasers is because burst lasers excel in situations where you have very short firing windows, perhaps a quarter second every two seconds or so. In this case, increased rate of fire does you no good, and damage capacitor is superior.

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While the rest of your post is spot on, this isn't true.


Rate of fire provides a linear increase in dps.


Only versus a wall.


Rate of fire's dps increase is actually pretty crazy, because it depends on the actions of your enemy. If your enemy bobs and weaves but you are able to get a bead on him every time your shot comes up, then it's linear. If he bobs and weaves enough such that you have to constantly reacquire him, then rate of fire may offer no benefit at all. In the more standard case where you can get in 2-3 shots on someone, rate of fire might be huge (hitting thrice instead of twice is 50% more damage, and you could have gotten to that with 10% more rate of fire) or nonexistent (you shot him thrice and he flew away, but it would have been three regardless).



Frequency capacitor's +15% rate of fire will always provide more dps than damage capacitor's +10% damage per shot.


ThIS is not true. Damage cap will provide 10% more damage. Here's how it works with burst laser cannon:


Time 0: DamageShip is up 10% versus range ship.

Time 0.58: HasteShip is 2x damage, Damageship is 1.1x, hasteship is up by 82%.

Time 0.66: Damageship is 2.2x damage, Hasteship is 2x, damageship up by 10%.

Time 1.16: Hasteship is 3x damage, Damageship is 2.2x, hasteship up by 36%

Time 1.33 Damageship is 3.3x damage, hasteship is 3x, damageship up by 10%.

Time 1.74 Hasteship is 4x damage, Damageship is 3.3x, hasteship up by 21%.

Time 2 Damage ship is 4.4x damage, hasteship is 4x damage, damageship up by 10%.


So, this presents a VERY different picture than just "uh, 50% better". It's also obvious that even under small firing windows where multiple shots are fired, the damage is beating the haste. Damage is ahead of haste for much of this time- over this two second firing window, the damage ship is ahead for 1.5 of these seconds! But there's a couple brief windows where haste is ahead by a lot. Over time, this averages out...


The damage capacitor is much better for burst laser cannon. And it's because of the slow rate of fire, just as people state. But it's not because the numbers multiply to be higher- it's because the odds of you actually finding yourself getting an extra shot in are simply lower. With rapid fire laser, you will MUCH more often find yourself nailing that extra shot, because it doesn't take that long to get out of the mode of "damage is normally ahead" and into the mode of "on average, the haste delivers more dps", which is a function of total shots fired. By the time you have fired 20 shots, you are spending much more of that time in "haste guy is ahead". But firing 20 shots takes 13.33 seconds with burst laser, but only 5 seconds with rapid fire laser. You very quickly move from a world where you are gambling with haste (big payoff, very low odds) into a world where you can actually just MULTIPLY by the haste value.


So in very real terms, faster firing weapons benefit more from haste. Really!




Also, haste capacitor drains your battery 12% faster. Damage cap for BLC guys!



Or maybe range cap. He's much harder to analyze, but some percentage of your shots will have a larger damage table to roll on, and a more favorable accuracy table too.

Edited by Verain
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And if that doesn't convince you, picture a bigger spread.



Beam Laser Cannon hypothetically does 800 dps, but he calculates it oddly- he fires a steady laser. The game engine counts how much of the time you spend with your left click fired down and your reticule "hitting" the enemy- in other words, this math literally makes beam laser cannon have an infinite rate of fire. Then, it looks at how much of the time you spent over the target, and gives that much damage. So if you spent 1.5 seconds of 3 seconds over the target, it would deal 800*3/1.5=1600 damage. It should be obvious that frequency capacitor would just be a multiplier here- it would be strictly better than damage capacitor, though it would presumably still drain the power faster. If you were to deal 1000 damage, a damage cap would put you at 1100, and a frequency cap at 1500. Easy!


Now picture a similar 800 dps weapon that fires every 1.25 seconds, Skeetskeet Laser Cannon. This massively slow weapon is very unlikely to hit twice in a row, but a single 1000 hit will probably make you happy enough. Would you be willing to make it still hit for 1000, but every 1.09 seconds, or would you like to just have it hit for 1100? Even if you still prefer the faster rate of fire, there's no way you consider it to be 50% better of a boost, as you did in the previous case.

Edited by Verain
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I know. That's why i said Burst Lasers benefit more from damage capacitor. I didn't say dmg cap does more dps.


I must have misinterpreted what you said. My apologies.


Only versus a wall.


We prefer comparing to tofu!


I should have clarified I meant theoretical dps over time. You're right, though, that for the bursty situations GSF regularly puts us into, damage capacitor is better.


To both of you, I didn't want the OP to be confused as to why his burst laser's tooltip DPS was higher with frequency capacitor than with damage capacitor. I think you can understand how that might come about, though again, I wasn't clear about what I was saying.

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