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Is SWTOR the pariah of MMOs?


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GW2, although beautiful, didn't blow my hair back. Lack of a trinity system killed it for me. The result is a chaotic, absolutely terrible group pve experience. Running any type of dungeon, world boss, or raid in that game is a joke, especially if you are not a ranged class (getting repeatedly one shotted by a Champion boss is great fun amirite?). Which is why my time in that game, when I rarely do log on, is simply to oooh and aaah over the beautiful graphics and run around and level alts by myself.


Old Republic is fun, beautiful, implements a trinity system, and has a great community.

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Says it all in the spoiler and very similar to someone else that left, seems a username designed for greatness and given he appears to pay to be here still.



About Gamesux

Biography This game sux

Interests MMOs, FPS's, Major League Gaming, Women

OccupationCompetitive PvP'er; Trolling PvE Carebears

Signature So new games are coming out and with the state of PvP as it is, SWTOR will lose a ton of players to those games.


If one goes through the poster's history (now 110+ posts dating all the way back to yesterday) there are references to the account that provided the Trojan horse they came in on. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Apparently it's the second highest gross profit mmo Last year I just hope they funnel some of that cash into improving The game Like x server tech A better engine

I've played a few mmos too and tried the Eso beta Swtor doesn't have much to worry about.


No, its not. It is doing good but it is the 8th not the 2nd and that is only with F2P models




Now EA is making money as a game company right behind blizzard in 3rd place.




As for SWTOR being a pariah.......I don't care. Play a game because you like it.

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No, its not. It is doing good but it is the 8th not the 2nd and that is only with F2P models




2nd highest grossing western MMO. Moreover, other elements on that list are not MMOs at all, and this only includes the f2p portion of those MMOs' earnings. Like WoW's f2p earnings for instance.

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Every MMORPG that I have ever stuck with from launch (most notably DAoC, Earth & Beyond, WoW, GW, Auto Assault, DDO, LotRO, and now SWTOR) shipped incomplete. Every one of them. The new MMOs coming out (RPGs - not FPS simulators ... different genres) won't be any different. People who are bitter to this day about TOR taking 6 months to get to where it should have been at release are dealing with issues that reside well outside the scope of video games imho.


It's 2014. Unless one is somehow still playing an unpatched 2011 1.0 release version of the game, it's time to pull the piñatas out off the wayback machine and get with the here and now program.


Six months? The game is still no where near where it should be. Has it improved, sure. But it went f2p for a reason. They were required to conduct significant server merges and shut down its apac servers for a reason.


- The engine has significant stability and performance issues.


- PvE lacks appreciable progressive endgame content. The front page of the forums have been filled with qq about that and the length of time until the release of the next hm/nim op according to the producers roadmap. I'm sure a PvEer could expound on this more.


- PvP is in shambles:


PvP gear is utterly useless.


As you stated its 2014, and this game STILL doesn't have cross server queues; but BW decided to remove 8v8 ranked and replace it with arena.....against the players wishes. When asked about cross server queues BW replied that it would be too technologically difficult and require too many resources. As a result ranked PvP was killed when a large part of the pvp population quit with the removal of ranked WZs and server populations were too small to support an elo based esport.


BW has a notoriously bad track record for balance passes by either taking too long, deciding to forgo the nerf bat and instead use a nerf nuke, or make a change that makes you wonder if they were high.


Ilum was entirely removed from the game while they revamped their crowning achievement of endgame, non instanced pvp. The end result was that ilum returned as simply a borderline useless and empty endgame daily pve hub.


Like I said: I enjoy the game. I'm no swtor or BW hater, and I'm not in the habit of paying a sub for a game I hate. Defending the game from me is pointless. I'm merely pointing out facts. Swtor got its reputation and lost a massive amount of players for a reason. It didn't take six months to recover from or fix the issues that got it it's reputation. Many of those issues exist two years later.

Edited by Telaan
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I hope I’m not too late for all the vitriol. To answer the question posed by the thread’s title: No, SWTOR is not the pariah of MMOs. Wow, that was an easy one. I mean, the OP didn’t even bother to phrase the issue in terms of whether SWTOR is A pariah of MMOs. But to declare it the one and only pariah among all the MMOs … not a hard question to answer. :D


As for the ancillary issues that posters have raised:


I’ve played (and left) several MMOs, most of which I really enjoyed my time playing. WoW, City of Heroes, Age of Conan, EQOA, DDO, FFXI, and others. I can’t recall a single game I did not enjoy on some level, even if the game did not turn out to be “my thing” in the long run. I can honestly say that I never felt that any game wasted my time. That said, when I move on from a game (i.e., stop playing and/or cancel my subscription), I move on. I don’t haunt the game’s forums trying to poke those who still enjoy the game. I don’t do so for fun … and I certainly don’t do so under the guise of “caring” about the game I chose to leave.


It just seems that players who leave the game but linger like bad odors on the forums just to tell us what’s wrong with the game we enjoy are like guys who break up with girls, then call the girls every day to remind them why they left. It’s hardly clever to engage in such conduct in the passive-aggressive manner posed by the OP. You might as well call your ex and, with sincerity-laced concern in your voice, ask, “I know I dumped you a while back … but are you now a pariah?”


I accept that SWTOR has flaws. Show me a game that doesn’t. But of the various complaints registered lately, none affect me or my enjoyment of the game. I mean, I hope they fix it for you players who do care. But it won’t stop me playing. The few times I’ve felt anything negative about SWTOR (btw, I’ve been playing … off and on … since it released) were all caused by fellow players … not the game itself.

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GW2, although beautiful, didn't blow my hair back. Lack of a trinity system killed it for me. The result is a chaotic, absolutely terrible group pve experience. Running any type of dungeon, world boss, or raid in that game is a joke, especially if you are not a ranged class (getting repeatedly one shotted by a Champion boss is great fun amirite?). Which is why my time in that game, when I rarely do log on, is simply to oooh and aaah over the beautiful graphics and run around and level alts by myself.


Old Republic is fun, beautiful, implements a trinity system, and has a great community.


Wow, you said something that makes sense. Totally agree. It is good to see this from a newbie.

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- PvE lacks appreciable progressive endgame content. The front page of the forums have been filled with qq about that and the length of time until the release of the next hm/nim op according to the producers roadmap. I'm sure a PvEer could expound on this more.


Could, but that horse has already been beaten to death.


As you stated its 2014, and this game STILL doesn't have cross server queues


This one I think I can understand. Cross-server play occurs to me as something that would be really, really, difficult to implement if you didn't plan on that from the start, and clearly Bioware wanted the servers to be isolated.


What is more embarrassing is to realize that 2+ years later we still don't have dual-spec, chat bubbles, legacy perks like a legacy bank, the ability to sit in the majority of chairs in the game, account-wide friend/ignore lists, guild halls, filterable buffs/debuffs, or mounts that are solid and don't let our clothing clip through them, and so on. Basic QoL features that have been suggested and requested since launch, that should be simple, but aren't happening.

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Could, but that horse has already been beaten to death.




This one I think I can understand. Cross-server play occurs to me as something that would be really, really, difficult to implement if you didn't plan on that from the start, and clearly Bioware wanted the servers to be isolated.


What is more embarrassing is to realize that 2+ years later we still don't have dual-spec, chat bubbles, legacy perks like a legacy bank, the ability to sit in the majority of chairs in the game, account-wide friend/ignore lists, guild halls, filterable buffs/debuffs, or mounts that are solid and don't let our clothing clip through them, and so on. Basic QoL features that have been suggested and requested since launch, that should be simple, but aren't happening.


Except you are missing things here. They have added QoL things since launch. The legacy system for one was added after launch, reputations, placing gtn on your ship,the current group finder and more. there have been a lot of item added since launch sure there are more that would be nice but to claim it's embarrassing is really just embarrassing yourself.

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Except you are missing things here. They have added QoL things since launch. The legacy system for one was added after launch, reputations, placing gtn on your ship,the current group finder and more. there have been a lot of item added since launch sure there are more that would be nice but to claim it's embarrassing is really just embarrassing yourself.


Indeed. People who haven't been here since launch really should do some research before describing what has and hasn't happened since launch. Suggest starting with the Patch Notes page.


The game has improved tremendously in the last 2 years.

Edited by DarthTHC
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A pariah, no.


Given the game's hype, budget, and pedigree, people were expecting a Corvette. What we got was a Chevette instead. A bland, unoriginal, stale, knock-off of something that other companies perfected 10+ years ago. It has a super shiney paint job, but under all that flash it's just a tired Everquest/WoW clone with a tiny game world, token multiplayer elements, terribly linear gameplay, and poor replayability. It's completely missing many innovations introduced to this EQ/WoW clone model over the last decade and a half. Oh, and it's been co-opted now by a Cash Shop modeled after Pokémon or Magic:The Gathering's business model.


So no, it's not terrible, but it could have (and should have) been so much more.

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A pariah, no.


Given the game's hype, budget, and pedigree, people were expecting a Corvette. What we got was a Chevette instead. A bland, unoriginal, stale, knock-off of something that other companies perfected 10+ years ago. It has a super shiney paint job, but under all that flash it's just a tired Everquest/WoW clone with a tiny game world, token multiplayer elements, terribly linear gameplay, and poor replayability. It's completely missing many innovations introduced to this EQ/WoW clone model over the last decade and a half. Oh, and it's been co-opted now by a Cash Shop modeled after Pokémon or Magic:The Gathering's business model.


So no, it's not terrible, but it could have (and should have) been so much more.


And yet your still here posting your bland, unoriginal, stale, knock-off from other haters, posts with no flash, no new paint job, and a terrible bias view of the game.

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Except you are missing things here. They have added QoL things since launch. The legacy system for one was added after launch, reputations, placing gtn on your ship,the current group finder and more. there have been a lot of item added since launch sure there are more that would be nice but to claim it's embarrassing is really just embarrassing yourself.


Fair enough. Although I don't really see much benefit to legacy exactly, outside of BoL gear and some 1% boosts, it doesn't make actually playing the game any better, especially since they changed it so that legacy names no longer had to be unique. Same thing with reputation and achievements; they don't make the game play any better, they just give you more things to grind for.


So for a list of things added since launch that actually make playing the game better, I would say:


- Rocket boots.

- Repair droid

- Rocket boots.

- Treek

- Rocket boots.

- Group finder

- Priority transport markers.

- Raid markers.


So I am not claiming that there have been NO QoL improvements since launch...just that there are some glaring missing items from that list.

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Indeed. People who haven't been here since launch really should do some research before describing what has and hasn't happened since launch. Suggest starting with the Patch Notes page.


FYI, I have been here since launch.


EDIT: and a subscriber too. Still am, at least through May.

Edited by NoFishing
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Fair enough. Although I don't really see much benefit to legacy exactly, outside of BoL gear and some 1% boosts, it doesn't make actually playing the game any better, especially since they changed it so that legacy names no longer had to be unique. Same thing with reputation and achievements; they don't make the game play any better, they just give you more things to grind for.


So for a list of things added since launch that actually make playing the game better, I would say:


- Rocket boots.

- Repair droid

- Rocket boots.

- Treek

- Rocket boots.

- Group finder

- Priority transport markers.

- Raid markers.


So I am not claiming that there have been NO QoL improvements since launch...just that there are some glaring missing items from that list.


I agree there are missing items. My point was it's not "embarrassing" what they have added. Some of the things you mentioned in your prior post would also not make the game better. The point is they have added a lot since launch and they have and hope will continue to add more.

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As for QoL improvements, for me, along with Rocket Boots, instant Legacy Fleet travel is a huge boon. I use it constantly.


And group finder, for all it's challenges, is still better than no group finder, as we had at launch.

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I play a variety of MMOs but SWTOR is my main game. And whenever this game is mentioned in chat channels of other games, or on other forums, the common response is "lol".


It's almost embarrassing to say you play SWTOR? Is it like this across the genre or just in certain games? Curious what other peeps have noticed.


SWTOR is one of the biggest laughingstocks currently, in all honesty.


Mainly due to how it bombed within it's first year, was on life support, and then went to mainly focusing on the Cartel Market, abandoning class stories, and consistently ignore the very few constructive feedback and concerns that players post about.


Hell, the "anniversary" in SWTOR is a consumable item...which one has to pay real money for to get more of after 25 uses. The grind is just dull with the constant rehashing of old content that is still lined with bugs, "new" items and gear are just reskins and kitbashes of multiple gear into one.


I can honestly go on.....which is the saddest part. I really want SWTOR to be the MMO it was intended to be but that ship left the hangar bay awhile ago I believe. I unfortunately bought a CE to SWTOR and actually had faith in this game at one point - the only single thing keeping me here are my guildmates.


I can honestly bet that in most MMO forums, you'll see SWTOR mentioned in the same manor as myself and others have posted here. STO (though Cryptic / PWE are as bad as EA), Star Citizen, TESO, all of these have similar conversations; it's just unfortunate that the "legacy" of SWTOR will be disappointment and an example of what not to do.

Edited by Eillack
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SWTOR is one of the biggest laughingstocks currently, in all honesty.


Mainly due to how it bombed within it's first year, was on life support, and then went to mainly focusing on the Cartel Market, abandoning class stories, and consistently ignore the very few constructive feedback and concerns that players post about....


Group Finder.

GSF. ("Real" space battle instead of a space roller-coaster.)

Bounty Event.

Better looking gear.

Up-Leveled Rakghoul Event.

Class Representatives.

Animal mounts


Yep. I see how one could say the developers completely ignore player feedback. Clearly. :rolleyes:

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I can honestly bet that in most MMO forums, you'll see SWTOR mentioned in the same manor as myself and others have posted here. STO (though Cryptic / PWE are as bad as EA), Star Citizen, TESO, all of these have similar conversations; it's just unfortunate that the "legacy" of SWTOR will be disappointment and an example of what not to do.


The legacy of TOR is that nobody will ever make another WoW knock-off. That is its crowning achievement and one for which MMO players the world over should be thankful for.


What comes later might be great or it might suck, but it will be different.

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