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Guild houses


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pleas every one keep this thread what we Think is good or not good for SWTOR and Guild houses.


By all means, I think BW has nothing to lose when it comes to us players who want guildhouses / hall or ship.

What has BW to lose, hardly nothing.

To say straight out, it does not fit in this game, it has been in SWG and other games, because while there were no players in them, is only retrograde to say.

I hope with me and all of us who like SWTOR and having online games hourly time in-game, have some Place to be in, as I look at my playing: 7-14 hours / day, and next thing my personal best during the day is 41 laps in the fleet clockwise and 38 laps counterclockwise at same time, the time it takes to make them, I would rather sit in a guildhouse on a planet and talk to guild members.

In the house, one could have several steps on the guild bankslots, one might have in-game tactics on the different OP's playing, you can sit on the reading there, and more.

Is giant lot of players who have lots of ideas around this that would make the game more unique than any other game.

my last thing to say about it:

- Agi qoud agis!


Its beating a dead horse, there has been many threads about this and its been how long? since anyone at BW has said anything more about guild-ships or housing. I don't think BW has the people to do the coding for this feature nor want to pay someone for it. They know we been asking but don't care or they would say something about it.


As i have already said, this game has turned into "how can we make more money off the CM' Im a big crafter and feel crafting was torn from the game just so BW/EA and line their pockets with money. and before you 'defenders' come on and say 'they need the money to keep the game going' no, they are using the money to 're-skin'/color' stuff and that does not take months to do.


You have 2 big games coming out this year, BW needs to do something 'huge' to keep the player base. And its not giving us a speeder.

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I would rather sit in a guildhouse on a planet and talk to guild members.

In the house, one could have several steps on the guild bankslots, one might have in-game tactics on the different OP's playing, you can sit on the reading there, and more.


I am not opposed to the idea, however this is exactly why it makes no sense. You talk to your guild mates from any place in the game using guild chat. You read tactics and any required information on-line already. The concept alone is archaic like internet cafes or libraries.


btw, are chat bubbles next on your list? :p

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I just write what I look for in this E-games, that I should feel that it is worth the time must surely have somehow will diminish because if it would work.


The player who no longer feel that they have no more to do in the game, will terminate its payment and look for another game.

Parentheses myself, I look nothing game right now, I'm waiting for my beta key to another game must go on.


I just write what would make me and many others to stay there for another game would show up, does not take advantage of the opportunity when it shows up hems you soon at your own wave, to sit down in a comfortable chair for a while can be good, but soon you have to be on the track in the gene for new ideas, but in time.


Many new online games are already on the way and game companies looking for folks with precisely these kinds of ideas and creativity, I have myself a development sketch which I have sent proposals to 2 other game developers, where one of them has shown a huge interest and what I have I said from the beginning ideas cost nothing, take care of the fans' interest and creativity, the game has a awsome business, it's just things that may oldsubs.. gamers return, but especially new to want to try the game.

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Its beating a dead horse, there has been many threads about this and its been how long? since anyone at BW has said anything more about guild-ships or housing. I don't think BW has the people to do the coding for this feature nor want to pay someone for it. They know we been asking but don't care or they would say something about it.


As i have already said, this game has turned into "how can we make more money off the CM' Im a big crafter and feel crafting was torn from the game just so BW/EA and line their pockets with money. and before you 'defenders' come on and say 'they need the money to keep the game going' no, they are using the money to 're-skin'/color' stuff and that does not take months to do.


You have 2 big games coming out this year, BW needs to do something 'huge' to keep the player base. And its not giving us a speeder.


And yet your still here playing this big , money grab, re-skinned , nobody working on it, need something huge piece of trash game. So why exactly are you still here?

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Wow, uh...can you imagine what Guild Ships would do the fleet population? Why in Jabba's name would anyone in a guild want to be on fleet if there were Guild ships to hang out on to wait for the queues to pop? I'd end up on fleet just long enough to turn in for coms, buy what I need and zone out. People say it's a dead game judging from populations now...
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Wow, uh...can you imagine what Guild Ships would do the fleet population? Why in Jabba's name would anyone in a guild want to be on fleet if there were Guild ships to hang out on to wait for the queues to pop? I'd end up on fleet just long enough to turn in for coms, buy what I need and zone out. People say it's a dead game judging from populations now...


Because 100% percent of my OP pugs are from general chat on fleet. I do dailies or anything productive while waiting for a queue pop. Why would I want to waste my time in some place where the only thing I can do is stare at someones alt, wave, hop, and sit every few minutes?


People sometimes have nothing to say, so they say random things like 'this game is dead,' hoping they will sound smart.

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Hey DEVs, give us a reply to this topic. We have asked and asked about it for a VERY long time now, you can SQUASH it or give us a definite that its being worked on.


I got this.


They’d love to do that at some point, but "technically very challenging and unlikely to happen in the near future."

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I don't understand some of what you're saying but I agree that player/guild housing would be a gigantic boost to this game, both financially for them and in terms of virtually unending content for the players. This is assuming that a detailed decorating system was included in such a thing, of course.


While perks for gameplay might be nice in guild ships I personally am way more interested in customization.


Guild ships were promised since the guild summit at the beginning of 2012, and it could be their biggest cash cow in the cartel market if done right. Here's hoping.




I honestly hope it doesn't go on the CM. This is something a guild should work for together, instead of paying to have it instantly.


If they give us 6 months heads up, no reason why guilds shouldn't have most, if not, all items required by the time it launches.

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btw, are chat bubbles next on your list? :p


Yes... They can't honestly be that hard to implement -.-


I've come to the realization that I can almost judge if a game will go f2p on whether or not it has speech bubbles or sittable chairs. Now that I type this I can actually remember warning Bioware of this very fate months beforehand and cited DCUO as a prime example.

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Spontaneously, I think why not such a big online game have not implemented this before.

A guildhouse or hall , will be to enhance the community who are in a guild.


The good news is, this feature was announced already.


They give you a time-estimate for when to expect that feature in the link. I think the estimate still holds true.


"It's a Very Large Project. Not something you'll see soon." at 9:30 seconds into that video.

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Player or guild housing would be a good idea. Why? Because believe it or not it is good end game content.


You wouldn't think so, but if you think about it it kinda is. Even all of you who are saying pffft whatever I won't use it.... yeah when it comes out you are going to want it trust me. In SWG a players house or a guild hall was a place where players could nt only customize how ever they wanted with what ever they wanted, but also can hang out and even sell their goods... or hide from BHs lol. I imagine if we ever did see something like this it would be with our personal star ships or some sort of guild ship.

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I honestly hope it doesn't go on the CM. This is something a guild should work for together, instead of paying to have it instantly.


If they give us 6 months heads up, no reason why guilds shouldn't have most, if not, all items required by the time it launches.


I agree and hope that housing, if they add it, isn't 100% part of the cash store but the simple fact of the matter is that it would be incredibly profitable for them. All they have to do is allow you to buy houses, instances, whatever with either credits or cartel coins and sell vanity decorations through the shop while allowing others to be obtained through the game in other ways--you know, the same as they do with vanity armor.

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