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Tech Analysis: Blasters


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So folks am back with my Analysis threads, woot! This time we shall be delving into the blaster tech side of the SWU and see how they function and so forth. This won't be specific to any blasters, but it'll cover everything that encompasses in how a blaster operates and so forth...so without further ado let's begin!



"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side kid"- Han Solo to Luke Skywalker




The most common weapon in the galaxy, blasters can be found on nearly every planet in the Republic and a manufactured by a variety of companies. A variety of them could range from small hold-out blasters for gamblers and Naboo royalty or the more durable heavy blasters which are favored by smugglers and other criminals. Blaster tech has also produced larger weapons going from blaster rifles, repeating blasters, blaster cannons and blaster turrets.


Blasters fires a concentrated beam of high energy particles, in the most powerful of blasters they can punch through the most advanced alloys with relative ease, against organic targets most blasters cause irreparable damage. Blaster tech is easy to grasp with a blaster relying on 2 key components, them being the a gas chamber and power pack.


Blasters can easily be repaired with common hand tools, spare blaster repair kits and parts can be found even at the most remote galactic outpost. Probably the blaster's most important trait is it's versatility, not only can manufacturers modify the basic design and produce literally thousands of variants, but individual owners can also make small and easy modifcations to increase performance. Example while most blasters are semi-auto, some can be modified for automatic fire to allow a steady stream of bolts.


Many manufacturers also produce blasters with a number of settings including a stun setting which can render targets unconscious for up to 10 minutes without causing lasting physical damage. Conversly the Relby-K23 used by Cloud City guards and Imperial Agents is designed to inflict excruiating pain and slow death. Other companies focus on providing aftermarket upgrades, such as scopes, silencers, targeting lasers, sensitive hair-triggers, extended barrels to increase range and a host of other components.


Blasters however are not without their drawbacks, they can be prone to overheating especially with poor maintenance or modified for full automatic. An overheated blaster can lock up or worse explode in the user's hand.



Gas Chamber


The gas chamber can be filled with a variety of energy rich gases, including Tibanna gas from Bespin. When fired a small amount of the gas is moves through a conversion enabler(often called XCiter) where the energy from the power pack(or reactor/power generator from a larger weapon) ignites the gas. The volatile gas then moves through an actuating module, which converts into a particle beam, which the beam then moves through a prismatic crystal or some other focusing device before emerging from the barrel as a bolt of glowing energy. The final particle beam, or "bolt," contains high-energy particles that cause tremendous damage to anything they hit, the bolt's visible beam is a harmless by-product of this reaction. Blaster bolts can appear in many different colors depending on the gas and focusing device, although red and green are most common, all bolts produce a smell similar to ozone, blaster gas is also readily avaliable.



Power Pack


Despite research into sonic and other weapons, blasters remain the most pervaise ranged weapons due to reliability and accuracy. Power packs which can provide energy up to 100 bolts, are cheap and can be replaced in under 10 seconds or recharged at portable generators, a full chamber can fuel up to 500 bolts.



Thoughts: Well there you have it folks, eh not much else to say here.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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It may be worth while to go over some of the most common models such as the famous E-11 blaster carbine. Showing specific demonstrations of their firepower by specific events would also help to illuminate why they are so widely spread across the galaxy. Though, setting a blaster to overload and using it as a grenade is also a fun topic.


By chance do you have any information about the bolt throwers VS Blaster argument? That could add some meat to this topic that show why it is that the majority of the galaxy have labeled bolt throwers as obsolete, however, they still do have a few good uses.


Another good point that could be mentioned are the Star Ship variants of blasters *turbo lasers and ect* and how it is they are different than their smaller cousins, or even why the Disruptor technology that on a handheld scale can damage the hull of Capital class hull armor, is not enlarged to fit onto Star Destroyers as their main batteries. *a really, really nice explanation this one has, similar to problems modern warships run into actually.*


They things that you did list however, are dead on and a very thorough description of how they work. :D

Edited by Silenceo
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By chance do you have any information about the bolt throwers VS Blaster argument? That could add some meat to this topic that show why it is that the majority of the galaxy have labeled bolt throwers as obsolete, however, they still do have a few good uses.


If by "bolt throwers" you mean Slughthrowers, (guns as we know them) they have some advantages but not many.


Aside from tracer rounds they couldn't be seen by the naked eye, unlike the very visible colours of blaster bolts. They could also be fitted with suppressors to muffle the firing sound, but this reduces range and stopping power. Not to forget that they're ballistic projectiles that fall victim to gravity, wind, and even moisture in the air.

Any armour designed to withstand a blaster bolt will be impervious to a slugthrower's projectile, whilst unarmoured targets are as vulnerable to a blaster as they are to a slugthrower.


Blasters also carry much higher and far lighter quantities of ammunition over slugthrowers, in a smaller and lighter package.

A standard box magazine for most modern assault rifles is typically 30 rounds in the magazine, compared to blasters having up to and over ten times that many shots before requiring reloading.

Typically, only a Light Machinegun can match some models of blaster when it comes to ammunition count, but at a substantially heavier and less mobile trade off.


Whilst cheaper to get and maintain, unlike specialised ammuntion for them, the benefits of slugthrowers over blasters are ultimately few, and really only of use with specialist individuals who can exploit their benefits effectively.

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