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first evil 50 character..... Now what?


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I've just managed to get my first L50 character and its my highest ever character in any MMO......so I'm well chuffed:)


I'm a subscriber so can take him to 55 and that's my intent. However as I have been in and out of the game so many times I have no idea what my options are now and beyond 55.


Currently I am a pure solo player though I do intend to join a PvP guild, however I have no intention of running group PvE as I can not stand all the .....'your bracers are one blue level to low so we're gonna kick you'.


Almost certainly because I am pure solo player my understanding of the game is very limited.


So I really need to know what my SOLO options are and how best to prepare for L55 PvP games?


Did I mention have minimal credits? Though I do have L400 biochem and Cybertech crafters.


Any advice is sorely needed and most welcome.





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It's out-dated now, but I once wrote a guide about hitting 50 and how to progress from there.




Since that's out-dated, let me say instead this:


You have MANY options at 50 to get to 55.


If you want the most CREDITS per level:

Head to Makeb. The Planetary Comm gear for "makeb" is great btw. You also should have just opened up a bunch of great daily-quest areas to earn credits in. The Black Hole daily area on Corellia, Ilum, and Perhaps Belsavis's Imperial Domination Outpost. There is a little terminal with an Imperial symbol near the ship-shuttle in each of these daily-areas that will insta-port you to the next daily area! So you can go from daily-area-to-daily-area making fat credits and xp at the same time. 10k credits per daily adds up quick once you know where to go and have a path worked out for each day.


If you want the most GEAR you can get in group-finder per level:

Do the Hard-Mode level 50 flashpoints. Que for them with group finder. Make sure to pick up the "vehicle achivment quest" for the Aretech Ice speeder in the GTN section of the fleet before you do those flashpoints. The speeder is still rare and cool to this day. Plus flashpoint gear is GREAT. You'll be getting black-hole level gear. That's stuff you used to have to raid to get at level 50.


If you want the most GEAR you can get, and you have GUILD MATES THAT LOVE YOU:

Have them run you through story-mode raids like EV and KP. Pick up the quest first of course, and enjoy all the gear. You mentioned solo, so lets skip this.


The most GROUND PVP focused path:

Just do warzones over and over and over! Turn your warzone comms into ranked warzone comms once you pass valor rank 40. The great thing is, you'll be at the top of the lowbie braket. You'll be killing level 32 players with level 52 abilities they don't have yet. Just keep banking ranked comms until you are maxed on both ranked and warzone comms. By that time, even if you PVP only, you will be 55. You'll make 7k credits per match on average, but it will take you weeks to hit 55. This is a slow path to level, but fun. You can also que for GSF at the SAME TIME to mix up the action.




The MOST FUN path:

Do a little bit of everything! Do your GSF daily, pvp daily, and group-finder daily all the same day for the most credits/xp per hour.

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Just be warned, HM's at lvl 55 aren't anywhere close to the HM's at 50. They are super hard if you don't have the 156 rated gear from oricon. Black Hole dailies are pretty simple to make about 80k credits. At 52 section X gets a bit easier. So you got that one. Then at 55 you have Crz and Oricon. These two aren't bad, but Oricon isn't easy even with the 156 rated gear. But at 55 it is definitely a comm's grind.
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thanks for the replies guys......


heading to work now so will re-read them and the links later.


Are all these dailies SOLO stuff?






Almost. The majority of the dailies are solo (I'd say around 95% of it is). In daily areas there are also Weeklies which can be done once a week (hence the name), and some of them require some of the group missions in the Daily Areas. Although, the only things in these Daily Areas that you can't solo are 1-2 Heroic missions, and that's about it (with the exception of CZ-198 which requires you to do 2 Flashpoints to finish the weekly).


But the good news is, the CZ-198 Flashpoints are role neutral and extremely easy. ;)

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Almost. The majority of the dailies are solo (I'd say around 95% of it is). In daily areas there are also Weeklies which can be done once a week (hence the name), and some of them require some of the group missions in the Daily Areas. Although, the only things in these Daily Areas that you can't solo are 1-2 Heroic missions, and that's about it (with the exception of CZ-198 which requires you to do 2 Flashpoints to finish the weekly).


But the good news is, the CZ-198 Flashpoints are role neutral and extremely easy. ;)

Not to forget: The CZ-198 flashpoints are entertaining as well. They are so far (together with Kuat) my favourite flashpoints. :)

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however I have no intention of running group PvE as I can not stand all the .....'your bracers are one blue level to low so we're gonna kick you'.




You know, I was afraid of this when I first started playing as well, but once you find a nice guild it will not be a problem at all. Quite the contrary actually, they will gladly take you along to gear you up. When my guild does story mode runs we almost always have someone or even two with us who are undergeared. Or we take some on HM50/55 FPs to help with weeklies and dailies.


The solution is: no pugs. Find a nice guild and run with them. Really, it's fun.


I'm aware this probably doesn't convince you to try more group content, I know it took a long time for me to come out of my solo player only shell and join a guild for that. But I haven't regretted it since and 'met' some really great people. :)

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You know, I was afraid of this when I first started playing as well, but once you find a nice guild it will not be a problem at all. Quite the contrary actually, they will gladly take you along to gear you up. When my guild does story mode runs we almost always have someone or even two with us who are undergeared. Or we take some on HM50/55 FPs to help with weeklies and dailies.


The solution is: no pugs. Find a nice guild and run with them. Really, it's fun.


I'm aware this probably doesn't convince you to try more group content, I know it took a long time for me to come out of my solo player only shell and join a guild for that. But I haven't regretted it since and 'met' some really great people. :)




Thanks for the great replies. I'l try and do some homework tonight on where exactly to pick these missions up.




I did :) smile when I read this. I probably do need to 'man up' and join a guild............

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I'm confused a little bit. I keep being told ingame that FLASHPOINTS are not soloable........


Are all these missions that we discuss FP's?

Also... how do I find them? I only found BLACKHOLE as I bought the travel card thing for it.





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On a similar theme..... can anyone please advise what sort of armour etc I should be aiming for?


I have a Cybertech crafter that can make 50's but is that what I should be looking for or something ingame?





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I know this is a very big ask, but it is possible for someone to list all the soloable missions?


I'm trying to work out what I can do moving forwards and keep coming across missions that I dont know about.... the latest ones are: Seeker Droid missions and Macrobinocular missions.


I am trying to enter all the missions I find to see if they are soloable (not just being lazy) but there are just tons of them and it's taking me forever (long loading screens).


I need to work out what armour I need and where I can get it from..........






ps. thanks all of you for all your help so far......... I'm sure I'm trying your patience but your assistance is greately appreciated.

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I'm confused a little bit. I keep being told ingame that FLASHPOINTS are not soloable........


Are all these missions that we discuss FP's?

Also... how do I find them? I only found BLACKHOLE as I bought the travel card thing for it.






You can only really solo a flashpoint or a heroic 2 or 4 when you are a higher level than it (I'm sure some players will say they can, but I can't).


The dailies can be found in the following places:

Voss: in the cantina, you will pick up the weekly and then you must travel around for the heroics

Corellia : The black hole : it's an option from the shuttle (I could be wrong about this)

Belsavis : Sextion X: Again, it's an option from the shuttle in the orbital station

Cz-198 : upon landing there is a console near the shuttle.

Makeb: There are LOADS and LOADS of daily missions on this planet!

Oricon: Fly there and grab some dailies and get some very neat gear!


I'm no expert, so I am probably wrong about some of this and have probably left something out, but I thoroughly recommend visiting Black Hole, Oricon and CZ-198 for some really fun quick missions and LOADS of commendations!!!

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On a similar theme..... can anyone please advise what sort of armour etc I should be aiming for?


I have a Cybertech crafter that can make 50's but is that what I should be looking for or something ingame?






This depends entirely on your class and role (tank/heal etc). You can get good endgame gear with basic comms fromm hardmode flashpoints (quickly) or you can do loads and loads of (perfectly soloable) dailies which will also give you comms to spend on gear.


You may find that if you are not keen on grouping, you can only comfortably complete several of the dailies (there are heroics and flashpoints and ops included on the worlds too), but just pick what you're happy with and grind them out. You'll get gear, rep and you'll get rich!!


If i have little time I do:

Oricon (everything apart from the heroic and operation)

Black Hole (all except Heroic)

Section X ( all of it. It's worth doing the weekly including the heroic!)

Cz-198 : all of them, and I queue for the super quick, super easy, super fun flashpoints while i work.


You should be able to complete all the above in around 2 hours or so, perhaps less.


The questline for oricon also nets you almost an entire set of purple 55 gear, and the FP's on CZ-198 give you high level orange gear (rip out all the mods from it).


Hope this all makes sense.

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thats great..... thanks guys......


So it looks like Oricon is the way to go.


For the first time in a while my armour is a little behind so I'll update that asap and get it to at least L50 (im 52 now).


I did try CZ-198 and got my backside handed to me in the first room..... So clearly there is a level requirement perhaps a little stronger than a normal mission.


What I'm a little worried about is aiming for the wrong amour set and wasting weeks of work. I'm a DPS sage and will both PvE and PvP.





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