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The BattleZone Winner's Bracket Match : Darth Nyriss vs. Darth Vader


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Welcome to The BattleZone! The BattleZone pits thirty-two of the galaxy's mightiest Force users against each other to find out who is history's deadliest fighter. Our previous match saw Darth Plagueis defeat Darth Malgus through an incredible display of raw Force power. Our next match pits Dark Council member Darth Nyriss against Emperor Palpatine's deadliest lieutenant Darth Vader.


(Due to the limited information I have on Nyriss there will be no Physical or Mental categories. Assume that Vader gets the edge in those fields)


(No bios because I don’t have the patience to study Nyriss’ story in Revan)


Lightsaber Skill:


Darth Nyriss:


Nyriss was a skilled swordswoman, capable of engaging the Jedi Exile Meetra Surik and Lord Scourge simultaneously.


Darth Vader:


Darth Vader’s skill with the blade was born of a need to completely redefine and revamp his fighting style to compensate for the weaknesses inherent in his suit. To do this, Vader adapted the advantages of all seven fighting Jedi lightsaber Forms into his fighting style to create a hybrid fighting style built on the back of Djem So. Through constant practice against organic and inorganic opponents, Vader developed a style with minimal weaknesses. He could effortlessly disarm opponents even with the most casual of blows, and his defense against more agile opponents was nearly unbreakable, though he could be outmaneuvered when outnumbered.


Vader was also an excellent student of the blade. His knowledge of the sever Forms and lightsaber combat made him seem like a machine programmed to know every possible maneuver and attack that his opponent could possibly unleash, and respond with his own attacks that could break an enemy’s defense quickly and with little difficulty.


Edge: Nyriss’ victory over the Exile and Scourge appears impressive at first glance. Unfortunately, this was achieved on Dromund Kaas, a powerful Dark Side nexus, which automatically diminishes this feat. Vader gets the obvious edge, nexus or not, because he is very clearly a master swordsman far beyond Nyriss.


Force Abilities:


Darth Nyriss:


As a long-time member of the Sith Empire’s Dark Council, Darth Nyriss was an incredibly powerful Sith Lord. She delved deep into the Dark Side’s secrets and developed a mastery over many dark powers. She was a well-known practitioner of Sith Sorcery and Force lightning.


Darth Vader:


Darth Vader was an immensely powerful Dark Lord of the Sith. Though he was incapable of attaining his full potential, what he did achieve was nothing short of remarkable. His mastery of the Force was nearly unmatched in his time, and he was capable of unleashing devastation with ease.


He had a wide range of defensive abilities including Tutaminis, Protection Bubble, and Force Barrier. He was a master of Tutaminis, capable of absorbing blaster bolts into his bare hands, and his Force Barriers and Shields could be used to absorb and even deflect blaster fire.


His telekinetic mastery was most profound. He had little difficulty causing mass destruction with Force Waves and Repulses, or by throwing large objects such as starfighters. His capacity for destruction was such that he could collapse massive buildings with ease even when severely injured. He has, on several occasions, used the Force to bombard his foes with objects in the midst of combat, overwhelming them on multiple fronts with practiced ease.


He was also a master of Force Crush, using it on a regular occasion to casually kill most opponents. He also had little difficulty breaching the Force Barriers of Jedi Masters to telekinetically assault them either by freezing them or by crushing their hearts.


Vader also spent much of his time developing his Force Healing abilities, eventually learning to heal his damaged lungs, if only briefly.


Edge: Darth Vader is obviously the more powerful Force user. Unfortunately for Vader, he can't actually use Force lightning at a whim, but Nyriss can. However, Vader can actually defend against this with his lightsaber, and he has modified his suit to mitigate the damage caused by it. Further, Vader has, on several occasions, dealt with severe punishment and continued fighting despite such severe damage to his suit. So Force lightning is not the trump card it is believed to be. Nyriss really has nothing major to bring here. Vader gets the obvious edge.


Thoughts: Like I said in the past, Vader was going to have to stay where he is in the brackets otherwise he would end up facing someone he has already defeated in canon.


So who will win? Who is truly superior?

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"…one can do some interesting things with a lightsaber, you know. I'll do my best to show them all to you if you'll cooperate by not passing out." - the last words Nyriss hears.


If that's a self-made quote, bravo. If not, where is that from?

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Here is detail of the duel between Darth Nyriss and duo of Lord Scourge and Meetra Surik:



From Star Wars: The Old Repubic: Revan


From the stairs, T3 let out a piercing wail, several octaves higher than the incessant alarms.


“Someone’s coming!” Meetra said.


Scourge turned to the guards still sitting on the floor.


“Ready your blasters, you fools!” he shouted.


As they scrambled to their feet, T3 let out what could only be described as a shriek of terror. An instant later, the little astromech came tumbling down the stairs and bounced across the floor as if he’d been shot from a cannon. He landed in the corner on his back, his wheels still spinning.


“Get Revan out of the way,” Scourge said to Meetra.


As she dragged the Jedi’s unconscious body into the nearby cell, one of the guards drew his weapon, while the other rushed over and picked his discarded blaster up from where Revan had kicked it aside.


Scourge nodded at the guards. In response to his silent command they crept to the foot of the stairs and peered up toward the door above. A burst of purple lightning arced down the steps, catching both men in the chest. They barely had time to scream before they were turned into charred and smoking husks.


Scourge took a step back, knowing exactly who had been responsible for unleashing the fury of the dark side against the hapless guards.


Nyriss made her way slowly down the stairs, the outspread fingers of her left hand still crackling with electricity. In her right hand she held her lightsaber, the blade humming softly. By the time she reached the bottom, Meetra had emerged from the nearby cell.


She ignited her lightsaber and came to stand beside Scourge.


“What’s this?” Nyriss asked, her voice mocking. “Another Jedi?”


When neither of them answered, she turned her head to the side and laughed bitterly. “The Imperial Guard will make sure I never leave my stronghold alive,” she told them. “But neither will any of you.”


She raised her free hand above her head and fired off another burst of lightning. Both Scourge and Meetra threw themselves clear of the deadly electrical bolt, but in doing so they gave Nyriss the early advantage.


Before they could recover, she leapt at them. Despite her withered appearance, she moved with the all the speed and ferocity of a dark side warrior in her prime. She landed right between her two adversaries, her blade flashing back and forth in a series of slashes and cuts that immediately threw her two opponents on the defensive.


Scourge barely managed to parry the first wave of her assault, unable to even think about countering with an attack of his own. Another quick thrust forced him off balance and he staggered backward.


Nyriss seized on the opportunity to focus all her efforts on breaking through Meetra’s defenses. The Jedi was clearly overmatched; though she managed to hold her ground, she was forced down to one knee.


In the awkward position her right flank was exposed, and Nyriss brought her blade in to deliver a crippling cut. At the same time, Scourge lashed out with the Force, catching Nyriss flush in the center of her chest. An ordinary foe would have been thrown clear across the room, but Nyriss instinctively threw up a Force barrier to protect herself, absorbing and redirecting the brunt of the impact. Even so, Scourge’s attack knocked her off balance just enough to send her lightsaber wide of the mark, giving Meetra the opportunity she needed to scramble away to safety.


Scourge rushed forward, hoping to drive Nyriss back into a corner, but she met his charge with an invisible wave of rippling energy. It picked Scourge up and tossed him head-over-heels, sending him crashing to the wall.


Dazed, he looked up just in time to see another bolt of violet lightning catch Meetra in the chest. Like Nyriss, she threw up a barrier to save herself from the worst of it, but she was still knocked from her feet.


“Did you think I would be as easy to defeat as Xedrix?” Nyriss shouted, raising her lightsaber triumphantly above her head.


The air around her began to crackle and grow hot as she gathered herself for the killing blow. Scourge felt the energy building inside her, and he knew he would be powerless to stop it. Nyriss was too powerful; her command of the dark side was too strong.


“Gaze upon me and see your doom!” she declared. “I am Darth Nyriss, Lord of the Sith. I am the conqueror of Drezzi, the destroyer of Melldia, and a member of the Dark Council!”


Scourge braced himself for the end.



It shall be noted that both Lord Scourge and Meetra Surik were/are EXPERT swordsmen themselves, I seriously doubt that Nyriss is lacking in lightsaber dueling prowess herself.


In-fact, Nyriss is very smart combatant, she kept both Scourge and Meetra on the defensive during most part of the duel and eventually gained upperhand. Also, their is no guarantee that a lightsaber would be sufficient to absorb the power of her supercharged lightning attack.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Yeah...except Legend that...


Vader >>>>> Scourge/Surik in terms of saber combat, he is one of the best lightsaber combatants in the SWU. So still it's Vader >>>>> Nyriss in terms of saber combat.


Not even taking into account that his lightsaber style, would be something that Nyriss hasn't encountered before, you know I would also like to point something else out about Vader and his saber combat, but I don't think people would agree with me about it because of how ridiculous it may sound to some.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Yeah...except Legend that...


Vader >>>>> Scourge/Surik in terms of saber combat, he is one of the best lightsaber combatants in the SWU. So still it's Vader >>>>> Nyriss in terms of saber combat.


Not even taking into account that his lightsaber style, would be something that Nyriss hasn't encountered before, you know I would also like to point something else out about Vader and his saber combat, but I don't think people would agree with me about it because of how ridiculous it may sound to some.


Honestly I would like to hear it, I doubt it is really all that rediculous.

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Yeah...except Legend that...


Vader >>>>> Scourge/Surik in terms of saber combat, he is one of the best lightsaber combatants in the SWU. So still it's Vader >>>>> Nyriss in terms of saber combat.

I would like to clarify one thing here: Scourge have been canonically envisioned as one of the mythos's finest swordsmen.


Scourge is no slouch when it comes to lightsaber combat, his kill record of both Jedi and Sith exceeded 1000. This exemplifies his prodigious combat abilities. You may assert that he became more powerful and experienced with passage of time but he wasn't lacking much in technical proficiency and speed when he fought Nyriss.


Nyriss overwhelmed the duo with extremely good decision-making, and use of Force powers and martial prowess in swift and decisive manner. Such level of finesse is rare occurrence in combat situations. Nyriss have been a Dark Council member for a long time and had ample experience under her belt.


Not even taking into account that his lightsaber style, would be something that Nyriss hasn't encountered before, you know I would also like to point something else out about Vader and his saber combat, but I don't think people would agree with me about it because of how ridiculous it may sound to some.

Nyriss's combat style involves active use of both Force powers and dueling skills. She doesn't have any speed related hindrances either and can consistently act very fast, something that Vader is not able to manage after his cybernetic condition. In this duel, split-second shortcoming presents possibility of end of life at the hands of Nyriss.


(Due to the limited information I have on Nyriss there will be no Physical or Mental categories. Assume that Vader gets the edge in those fields)

Physical edge may go to Vader but mental? I am not sure.


Nyriss have been very mentally sound and even tutored Scourge (a Sith Lord) during his time of service to her.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Physical edge may go to Vader but mental? I am not sure.


Nyriss have been very mentally sound and even tutored Scourge (a Sith Lord) during his time of service to her.


The mental category is decided by more than simply a sound mind. Tactical forethought, strategic ingenuity, and psychological warfare are major factors. Nyriss, due to the limited information on her, is severely limited in this aspect, whereas Vader has all of that and more. Thus Vader would get the mental edge.


I'll leave the rest of your points for the others to debate.

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I am going to put it this way: Sidious had without a doubt the most powerful lightning a Sith Lord ever had, this isn't even an opinion it's a canonical statement: Sidious' lightning was the most potent.

Yet Vader took his lightning at point blank range, his hand likely acted as a conductor, yet Vader still picked him up, threw him down the shaft and didn't die until he'd already reached the hangar bay of a freakin moon-sized space station.


Pretty sure he can tank whatever lightning Nyriss throws at him, so that is a big chunk of her Force prowess thrown out the window, not all of it, but a massive part of it.


Then we go to lightsaber combat:


Darth Vader was the greatest Form V practitioner of all time and he hybridized his form to be almost perfect.


Darth Nyriss has no such claim to fame, likely a high-skilled lightsaber duellist.


So Vader is not only the far superior duellist but can tank Nyriss' lightning with ease.

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Honestly I would like to hear it, I doubt it is really all that rediculous.


You sure you wanna know? I mean if you take into account everything Vader has done, I suppose it's not that ridiculous...but you sure? It is after all just an observation, among of course my fellow SW nerd sources and after reviewing it seems right.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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You sure you wanna know? I mean if you take into account everything Vader has done, I suppose it's not that ridiculous...but you sure? It is after all just an observation.


Absolutely, it is Darth Vader after all, and I have seen him do quite a bit. I really want to hear this man.

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Absolutely, it is Darth Vader after all, and I have seen him do quite a bit. I really want to hear this man.


K well taking into account of all the beings he fought, all the things he has done with his lightsaber, his hybrid style, being able to take on multiple opponents at a time, then going to his prime state(ROTJ), then after asking my SW nerd sources. His saber skill is on the level of Mace Windu(yes even with Vapaad, not including the ridiclous amp he got when fighting Palps that's really just a 1 and a million thing).


Mace is slightly better, but it's so negliable that it doesn't even matter.

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K well taking into account of all the beings he fought, all the things he has done with his lightsaber, his hybrid style, being able to take on multiple opponents at a time, then going to his prime state(ROTJ), then after asking my SW nerd sources. His saber skill is on the level of Mace Windu.


Mace is slightly better, but it's so negliable that it doesn't even matter.


Ya that was always the impression I got from him :D. If the 2 were to fight I would almost give Vader the edge simply because of Force powers but ya I have always believed Vader's saber skills on par with Windu by the end for the same reasons. I support this theory :D.

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Ya that was always the impression I got from him :D. If the 2 were to fight I would almost give Vader the edge simply because of Force powers but ya I have always believed Vader's saber skills on par with Windu by the end for the same reasons. I support this theory :D.


He would actually too. But yeah...me thinks why he should be bumped up on the dueling list.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I would like to clarify one thing here: Scourge have been canonically envisioned as one of the mythos's finest swordsmen.


Scourge is no slouch when it comes to lightsaber combat, his kill record of both Jedi and Sith exceeded 1000. This exemplifies his prodigious combat abilities. You may assert that he became more powerful and experienced with passage of time but he wasn't lacking much in technical proficiency and speed when he fought Nyriss.

I would, Lord Scourge as the Emperor's Wrath developed over a thousand years. Killing one Jedi/Sith a year in that respect is not exactly exemplary, nor is it relevant to Scourge when facing Nyriss.


I would also like to see evidence that suggests he is one of mythos' finest swordsmen.


Altogether I feel that if Revan can defeated Nyriss in such an easy manner, then Vader - a Force User of similar if not superior ability - can do so also. I don't see any real advantages that Nyriss has in this department.

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