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Please remove capital ships from Deathmatch - replace with 6-8 hyperspace beacons


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When I'm playing imp side on ToFN which is completly unbalanced (we on republic dominate) I often call for people to fall back and fight close to capital ships where they are protected and where I'm protected to snipe them from distance.


This is only viable way to make matches more interesting (and they still end in something like 50:30) when you are on side with 90% 2/3 ships and on semi upgraded GS, while opponents are with full set of ships and you know each of them and you know they know how to play. and what to do.


Not that it helps anyways, people never listen :D


Another tip for new players - if you see somebody is calling for directions in GSF; listen. He knows what he is doing. This isnt normal pvp where loudest mouth is usualy worst player.


This needs to be addressed by better matchmaking, not safe zones. I understand the urge (as I feel it when I play Emp on The Shadowlands) but that is a separate issue that also needs to be addressed.

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Playerbase doesnt allow that. And I've never seen this "retreating to ships and keeping score".


Better team pushed weaker. to their ship. And that is it.


This is why I say keep it in. The only reason you're even near the cap ships is because you're dominating the other team badly. The cap ships help the team not get completely spawn camped. All this premade vs pug garbage will normalize when people actually get some experience with the game. You will always have the odd lopsided matches but they will be more the exception than the rule as the player base matures.


Of course some people will whine no matter what when they lose and blaming it on premades is convenient. If premades didn't exist people would still whine. To be honest I have flown almost exclusively solo since beginning starfighter and have yet to find a "premade" that I didn't feel competitive against. The last time I remember feeling like I could do nothing against my opponent was when I was still new and learning to fly. My solution was l2p rather than scream nerf, nerf, nerf all over the forums.

Edited by -Streven-
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Gunships who camp are, frankly... boring.


I don't really see the point in camping there in the first place. If you were pushed there, that's ok, there's another spawn point and I've yet to see a team camp 2 spawns, so why not flank them? Also, if you're on the capital ship, you're just out in the open. That's kinda bad to do as a sniper, the being out in the open thing. All you end up doing is sitting there, hoping to get a kill before a gunship or scout with any sense and some cds take you out. It's slower to retreat to the shp than to just die, and, like I said above, it's just boring.


Boring to watch happen, boring to do, boring to win against, boring to lose against. I don't want to know where i'm being shot from. I want to curse the bastard who shot me, and run at him from an interesting angle, rather than run head on, trying to outlast my evasion cd. I want a MATCH, not a two-way shooting gallery.


So gunships, and especially you, Verain, since I respect you, please don't forget to be awesome and make sure to shoot me with all your might, because we love you on the Bastion.

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