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We all that I read on the forums, and its apparent that there are 5 groups of people, however most only see two.


Group 1- the person likes the game, sees an issue here and there, but is over all enjoying it (will defend product of under attack) (Majority)

Group 2-Fanboi- defends the product no matter the issue, trolls complain threads (minority)

Group 3- this person likes the game, but finds the problems to be annoying, and to them, gamebreaking, wants to see if fix for the betterment of the game. (majority)

Group 4-haters- finds everything they can wrong with the game, troll everyone (minority)

Group 5 -the first timers- these people can find themselves in any group, however they tend to ask silly questions, and jump in whatever group seems more fun. (small minority)


So what did we learn, that fanboi's and haters are a small group, and most people have ether problems they would like fixed or don't really have any and love the game. So lets try to be more respectful to one another.

the bottom line, this game is good with some problems (both personal and technical )

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We also learned the OP can't do math. There can only be one majority.


Not quite true, if you have a large group who... lets say, wants to keep gunlaws the way they are, and you have another large group wants to increase gun control, then you have another small group who wants more powerful weapons legal, in this case we have 2 majorities and one minority.

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My only issue is controlling movement of my toon. I am used to

SWG (yes I loved swg). In SWG you could alt between free look and mouse

pointer. It really is an issue when I get attacked and my autopilot kicks in

from swg. Several times I have moved the mouse and clicked into the chat

box and then had to figure out why i was not attacking lol.


Other then that, i'll be playing TOR for awhile i'm sure.


And, I ignore flame/troll posts, life is to short

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My only issue is controlling movement of my toon. I am used to

SWG (yes I loved swg). In SWG you could alt between free look and mouse

pointer. It really is an issue when I get attacked and my autopilot kicks in

from swg. Several times I have moved the mouse and clicked into the chat

box and then had to figure out why i was not attacking lol.


Other then that, i'll be playing TOR for awhile i'm sure.


And, I ignore flame/troll posts, life is to short


Well if you hate swtor so much why don't you go back to playing SWG!?!?

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My only issue is controlling movement of my toon. I am used to

SWG (yes I loved swg). In SWG you could alt between free look and mouse

pointer. It really is an issue when I get attacked and my autopilot kicks in

from swg. Several times I have moved the mouse and clicked into the chat

box and then had to figure out why i was not attacking lol.


haha, I have done that several times. When I played a cc/dps class in lotro, I would sometime just watch the 2 or 3 guys I want to cc while fighting something in the other direction.

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I think I will slot myself in group 3.


I do enjoy the game but there are a few things I would like to see fixed, note I said fixed NOT added. I'm happy with what i've got I don't *need* anything new like barber shops, LFG, addons, macros or the like. So they are not my concern.


The one issue i've got, and it really does *break the game* for me is something i've been harping on about since beta.


The damn raid frames.


Fix them.


I need them to update health in real time not stay full when people are dying.


As a healer they let me know what is going on. If they are not working properly then I am not working properly.

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