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Best PvP set for Watchman spec Sentinel?


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What do you think is the best PvP (Oberon) set for a Watchman? I am unsure here.

And in general, doesn't matter where your strength, power, crits etc. come from, as long as they are in the right balance, or am I wrong here?


Thanks in advance

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From what I gather, either one of these two specs:





Smash Monkey:



Both of these are from the Dulfy's guide. SWTOR Marauder DPS Class Guide


In other words, not Watchman (due to the DoTs being too easy to remove lately, and Watchman not being a viable PvP spec as a result).


Edit - forgot that another poster recommended this as a better PvP spec over the Dulfy's (which is PvE-focused).


Edited by georgemattson
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Watchman is kinda frustrating these days.. because its too easily kited and cleansed.. etc

For all specs you wanna run all power/surge with 2-3 accuracy with strength or power augments (its up to you 1-2% crit chance vs small bonus dmg increase - i go str its up to you tho) Just take whichever challenger/weaponmaster piece has power, the set bonus is the same and they work together.. stay clear of alacrity..


Dulfys guide is pve focused..

Here is what i would personally run in pvp for each spec. Alot is preference but aoe reduction is a must for all specs.

Combat - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#320-1233222212221212023222-0

Watchman (if you are masochist) - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#122130302122212223320-23230-0

Focus -http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sentinel#20-20230-123230211322211022223

Edited by AngusFTW
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