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10 Good
  1. LOL Und ich dachte schon es geschehen Zeichen und Wunder
  2. Seit 3Jahren PVP Wachmann 1. Was denkt ihr, wie eure Jedi-Wächterskillung von anderen Klassen wahrgenommen wird? Wachmänner im PVP sind selten. Daraus schließe ich, "Wachmann-Skillung" wird gemieden. 2. Wie nimmst du deine eigene Skillung wahr? Ist das der Voight-Kampff Test?! Juyo Wächter, müssen von der Gruppe getragen werden. Über ein ausreichend großes Repertoire an Erfahrung verfügen, um allen Kontern gewachsen zu sein. Wir brauchen Zeit gegen über den METAbuilds und "Burst".
  3. Greetings Scarab_ Yes I think you're using support classes as a crutch, and yes, that's legitimate. More so, its the way IMO Sentinels are meant to be played. Sentinels are team players. Like you, I don't care much about my personal "appearance" . Fighting alongside my friends, I do what's necessary, no matter what, the WIN is the goal. If everything falls on its place, results are rewarding anyway, numbers and all. If not, well, you've been one of the nastier character all around anyway, hurting them. Its important HOW you enter a fight and which fights you enter. What is, at this very moment, the given task? Offensive - Defensive? Going after their healer or guarding your own against incoming DDs? - melee or ranged? Aggressively attacking individually, exposing your self as you go, or, as a support, focussing with team mates, turning in on specific targets, melting into the background - if this still is possible for you. You're melee, so which beautiful nose you may ever broke, you did so, upfront, literally face to face. You're a threat? You're known. Duelling? It starts : "3" "2" "1" "go" . It ends with the best utility.
  4. Playing Sentinel exclusively, for 3 years now, being a Watchman. To OP, thats right, one on one duels divergent from "real" PVP. Duels in this game are just a gimmick, not really balanced as ware zones are, think of all the hidden Buffs there. Basically, I see my role as a GPS. Let others marvel about their damage numbers - which are high for us anyway - unless we are out-focused and there is no Back up or heal. Like you, I think kills matter. As a Watchman in PvP I am the killer, if I am not stunned Lots of solos and high kill count are to be expected. If they are dead, they are good. Everything beside this, is drama. 1vs1 is much harder against certain classes you ordinarily cut to pieces.
  5. Agreeing with this statement. PvP doesn't need much rework. Watchman is, a solid spec for PvP now. If the Devs keep the slows/stuns and roots for us, say like, to keep the watchman from target, a denial for (game)balance, as I sait, give us more "time" or a little more crit, wouldn't make it OP I think.
  6. Greetings, watchmen. I only comment on PvP here, cos that's where I come from. Understand, I am very happy with the resend changes. Inside a good team, the spec is a great addition, powerful and versatile. In the light of this, I don't see a cause, or urge to change much, if anything! There had been a long time, Watchman underperformed notoriously in PvP. All on your own, you'll accomplish naught. Hard hitting watchmen usually generate a lot of agro, your a focus. So, if you like to listen Devs, give us either more "time", or, burst our critical (might)hit chance, slightly. Watch out!
  7. This. Greetings, I am a watchman since day one. And play PvP exclusively. With a competent healer and a descend team in the drop, you're a threat. I love the changes, but one on one against the two classes is hard in a duel, outside the BGs. Watchman by now is beautiful to play, a fluent dance, ZEN makes your swords sing to you, you light up like a Christmas Tree, burning them down as you go. Would love to see Emperor Norton or oofalong talk a bout PvP gear ! Cheers PS. Anyone beside me, playing watchman in PvP on Jen'jidai ?
  8. This. Its working, thats what it is. Took them over 2 years.
  9. Been Watchman in PvP since day one. I am grateful for the last patch, do know how to prevail in BGs and doing fine. Thank you. FarizAA, don't mind the needless commentaries you got so far. IMO merciless slash still isn't there where it belongs. Please Devs take a look, watchman still lags behind in PvP.
  10. My bad. Which form did he use? EDIT/ Found the answer.
  11. If you love the sabers, and fencing, IMO, the watchman swordplay, both damage wise and in appearance is the core of Starwars. Go Yuyo, as Vader did! Damage wise in PvE? Well, its the violinist, not the violin.
  12. I am A PvP Watchman Sentinel and I support this. IMO Watchman is gorgeous, I love the animations and its utility in PvP is great. Sustain its dots or make the spec. a little more bursty. I am not the best, but good at it. In fact, I only got one character in SWTOR, its all I want to do, I'm bored with anything else, please BIOWARE, listen.
  13. Thanks for the replies! But if you really wanted to go for watchman, I do, I wondered, which set could possibly be more of a use. May the might be with you!
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