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ridiculous imbalance


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I hate to say this, but they really need to figure out how to fix the match making in GSF. I have been in maybe one close balanced match. the matches i have won and the ones I have lost have all been by extremely large margins. its ridiculous and screams poor match-ups. if this keeps up it could end up being one of the least loved parts of this game. the worst part is that I find myself sitting through crappy matches almost like a chore so I can get my daily and weekly exp from it. .
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The best thing I can tell you is: The quality of matches I participate in has GREATLY increased since I started grouping. This does not take long, as long as sending a tell + group invite + que match. Even without VOIP makes a huge difference (Though with VOIP you can be even more competitive)


Start adding good pilots / familiar faces to friends list (add notes as well to keep track, had to do this recently) shoot these people tells and see if they want to group, you may even luck into an ace who can show you the ropes or a preform to roll with.


Matchmaker will never be good, skill is extremely hard to quantify. The rules cannot be too stringent or matches will take too long too find, they cannot be to loose or you have problems with skill gaps , what we have now is likely as good as it gets. Take the power out of matchmakers hands and start grouping, with any luck you will find some cool people and you will likely become a better pilot for it (even a loss is less salty on a team, as at least you can joke about it)


Also come to Bastion the GSF PvP here is glorious =)

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I hate to say this, but they really need to figure out how to fix the match making in GSF. .

Yea, cause they got it right in ground pvp...it's not the lack of match making, it's the nub pilots who have no clue *** is going on. I'll spot the F2P'ers 2 weeks grace period, but the sub players and pref players know better. 1 week before 2.6 goes live, and I saw pref players flying like morons. After all this time, you still don't get it? Don't blame matchmaking. Blame your brain. There are a ton of guides and YouTube vids out there by now. Use them, learn from them, or stop queuing. Either way, you have ZERO excuse. A scout opens fire 10,000m meters away? Research that stuff.

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I hate to say this, but they really need to figure out how to fix the match making in GSF. I have been in maybe one close balanced match. the matches i have won and the ones I have lost have all been by extremely large margins. its ridiculous and screams poor match-ups. if this keeps up it could end up being one of the least loved parts of this game. the worst part is that I find myself sitting through crappy matches almost like a chore so I can get my daily and weekly exp from it. .


So what do you do if 8 experienced, skilled pilots on the "X" side , queue and 8 inexperienced noobs queue on the "Y" side? THIS is what's happening!

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So what do you do if 8 experienced, skilled pilots on the "X" side , queue and 8 inexperienced noobs queue on the "Y" side? THIS is what's happening!


There is nothing that can be done in a lot of matches. I have had games where we lost by a lot and I got 11 kills and was the only one on the imp side to get a kill. When there is a stand out player on a poor team against a premade group he becomes target number one and can not carry the team.

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I'm personally getting so frustrated that I even started using profanity in one match. It was 8 Republic Veterans vs. 7 new players with (two ships) and myself (all unlocks). No matter how much you try to tell people move together stop charging into the bombers it ended up being 50-8 and the kills we got where all me. I had zero deaths because I fly a gunship and know how to plan a escape route, but the veterans loaded up two to three bombers and just destroyed these guys. There is no reason these Imperial pilots should of been facing these guys and all it did was cause me to become frustrated enough that I really have no want to que in because I am getting sick of losing all the time.
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Instead of getting frustrated start helping people and encourage those nubs to keep flying. With one week of of solid flying they will get better and start contributing. Also, quit worrying about your stats and play for the enjoyment of it. Playing against a tough team should be seen simply as a challenge. Measure your performance in other ways. In no win situations take pride in holding a node for as long as possible with no support or keeping 3 fighters busy while still getting in some damage. Quit feeling sorry for yourselves. Its just a game.
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The main problem I see is the chat box sucks. Trying to type out instructions while in combat is just gonna get you fragged, so VOIP is a major benefit. As far as trying to instruct pilots what to do I have done that numerous times and its like it falls on death ears. I lost enjoyment in the game the minute they add statistics that are inaccurate to say the least. In another thread I authored, I state legacy wide I have 305 matchs, but just on my gunship since the new statistcs where added it says I played 407 matchs. So I am confused how I could have played more matchs then my legacy even says I've flown.
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I don't see how no one in any of these types of threads seems to understand that there are simply not enough pilots that play GSF to consistently stratify the skilled and the unskilled. If we had cross server queues, sure. But on on a single server with people playing at various times.
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I don't see how no one in any of these types of threads seems to understand that there are simply not enough pilots that play GSF to consistently stratify the skilled and the unskilled. If we had cross server queues, sure. But on on a single server with people playing at various times.


Even if you could I'd argue it's not worth the effort. I bet most of the people complaining have positive KDR they just don't like the fact that they ever die so they come to the forum and lash out. You won't ever make them happy without giving them exclusive God mode.


Most people get skilled enough in a week of flying to not need to be seperated out anymore.

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I don't play very often but lately ive seen a lot more close matches than in the past. And its usually a vey large mix of player skill levels involved in the match. The games are usually decided by which of the skilled players spend time trying to kill the other skilled players or the ones that just focus on fast newb kills.


Ive also seen a lot of mediocre players that seem to be grouping a lot more, which is definitely making the games more fun.

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Even if you could I'd argue it's not worth the effort. I bet most of the people complaining have positive KDR they just don't like the fact that they ever die so they come to the forum and lash out. You won't ever make them happy without giving them exclusive God mode.


Most people get skilled enough in a week of flying to not need to be seperated out anymore.


And yeah this is very true, I thought it would take atleast 2 weeks for the shine to wear off the f2p rush gsf had but it looks like it didn't last that long.

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Problem is I have yet to see this happen lately. When GSF first launched for the subscibers, other then the beta testers matchs would go one way or another but we did have blow outs. Then about three weeks in there was a shift and alot of matchs started to become one sided big time. Since I play mainly Imperial, it's really hard getting victorys since the majority of people playing Imperial side seem to have less ship choices then the Republic players. It's only when the Republic veterans play there Imperials do all of a sudden its like the Republic players have fewer ships but the player base definately seems to favor Republic for GSF.
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