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Mandalorian Helmets


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Adaptive armor and orange armor (the armor that has an orange ring around it) in general is upgraded when you put better armorings, mods and enhancements in it. Whenever you finish a quest, you should almost always pick planet commendations. Each planet has a commendation mod vendor that sells you higher level armorings, mods and enhancements as you progress. You are going to want to upgrade your components for your orange armor about every other planet or so, and don't forget about your companions as well, as that can make a big difference. As a Bounty Hunter you are going to always want your orange armor to be Adaptive or Heavy, as that will give you the most protection.


As far as her helmet, there is only one in the game that looks exactly like it. It is the helmet that you get from the reputation vendor for getting a high reputation with the Bounty Brokers Association which is an event that happens once a month. You can wear it at any level and it is tradeable among your legacy. (currently happening right now)


As far as helmets that are very similar, you will start to get them in your 40's. If you go here http://tor-fashion.com/bounty-hunter/ you can see all the BH looking armor including Mandalorian armor and you can see the level restriction so you know when you have access to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I haven't really found a good authentic looking bounty set that would sooth my eye... So my merc has just tionise set with gray dye (looks pretty cool with gray helix pistols) and on my PT runs in RD-12b moddable with red/black dye
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So looking at it, id have to say that the BBA helmet matches spot on, but as for the rest of the armor, THIS isnt in the game anymore apparently, as per THIS thread, which is over a year old. Has anything changed in that time period? If it isnt in the game anymore I wish they would bring it back.


That isn't in game unfortunately. It's a nice looking set, so maybe they will at some point.


I wish there was a helmet like Shae Vizla's with a T visor. It would still be different enough from GCW era Mando helmets with shape and stuff while still giving a good Mando vibe. I want a helmet with a T visor and a targeting system/antennae thing or whatever you want to call it on the side but there aren't any right now.

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So looking at it, id have to say that the BBA helmet matches spot on, but as for the rest of the armor, THIS isnt in the game anymore apparently, as per THIS thread, which is over a year old. Has anything changed in that time period? If it isnt in the game anymore I wish they would bring it back.


you can get the same armour type as that at lvl 40 from the pvp armour vendor in Kaas City, no colour module however exists to match :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm still a complete noob, I have no Idea how to upgrade adaptive armor other than adding mods to them and I'm not even sure if that upgrades them


It... does. Adaptive Armor automatically adapts to your highest available armor class. There's no trick to it or anything like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On Taris, you get the Mercenary Elite armor set by doing Heroic missions. It's a nice looking kit, and since it can be modded, I'm still using most of it today at level 52. I've upgraded to a different helmet that looks more like the NPC Mandos.


For the record, I believe Shae Vizla's helmet is classified as a TT visor, as opposed to the T visor that most Mando buckets have.


Here's what the Mercenary Elite set you get on Taris looks like:




Note that the belt and leg armor aren't from the set, but you get the idea.

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