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So ingame mailed money is being lost?


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My fiance mailed 30k to my alt, and the money never arrived. Tested it again with a smaller amount and it did not arrive either.




mail seems to take forever to arrive even between chars on same account, not nice at all, i think it´s even up to 24 hours or something crazy

Edited by DaPyro
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mail seems to take forever to arrive even between chars on same account, not nice at all, i think it´s even up to 24 hours or something crazy

I've sent 100+ mails (probably 500+) between my characters (i have 8, one of each AC), and while i cant say that i've never lost a mail (i dont think i have, but i might).. i can say that i've never lost a mail containing money, and the mail is instant. Its always in my other characters mailbox when i log on, even if its 30 seconds later.


Sounds quite scary though.. if mails just "dissapear".

Edited by PlacidDragon
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I frequently mail money from my AH alts to my main account. No problem whatsoever. Chances are your fiance typed the name incorrectly.


No it's happened to me as well on 2 different alts and different servers. It is frustrating hehe.

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