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All this non-sense stupid QQ will make Bioware nerf Operative/Scoundrel.


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Finally one more class/spec is viable for NiM PVE content, the OP from my raid group is very happy because she likes the middle tree, now she's playing concealment and have a lot fun and doing a better DPS. Now because of the BAD PVP players, with this EXAGGERATED posts and whines, Bioware will listen to them. Like they always do. And these bad pvp players knows that, this is why they complain all the time.


I really hate nerfs based on QQ from players because that class killed them. "4 Op ganked me and stunlocked me, I died in 4 secs, nerf them". I think only 4x madness assassins wouldn't kill a tagert in 4 secs, but all the other dps spec in the game does.

What's the difference between 4 marauders, 4 powertech, 4 deception, 4 vengeance, 4 snipers, 4 sorc dps? YOU'D DIE INSTANTLY, you're not supposed to live against 4 dps, only a marauder can survive 5secs longer and sorcerer/sage 10sec with bubble, no other class does.


I don't main an OP but I'm really tired of all the troubles and nerfs PVE players have to pass because of 10 BAD PVP players QQing, always calling for a nerf, nerf.. Never saying "buff my defenses, buff my survivabilty, buff my damage". It's always the same BS.



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Eh I wouldn't worry too much. Current combat team is terrified of change and it'll probably be several patches before conc gets limelight again.


Not like they jumped to nerf smash or medicine and the crying about that was equally profound.

Edited by CaptainApop
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Eh I wouldn't worry too much. Current combat team is terrified of change and it'll probably be several patches before conc gets limelight again.


Not like they jumped to nerf smash or medicine and the crying about that was equally profound.


For some reason, I can see them, with good intentions, trying to turn a new leaf and be more responsive. And in Bioware fashion, it will be the worse way possible to do it by acting on a class and spec that has been garbage for around 2 years now. They just find ways to make asses of themselves.

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I understand and support Bioware talking with players.

Playing this game since launch I can say that ALL the QQ's resulted a nerf for the class in question.


The only class they didn't nerf even players QQ'ing was Sniper and Operative HEALS.

ALL the other specs in the game got nerfed because bad pvp players were complaining. This is why I support a full PVE game or full PVP.

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Just to be clear. You're saying a stealth single target burst class is parsing on par with other classes that don't have the same opening advantages... That seems ok to you OP?


Seems to me the problem lies within players like yourself that are content with serving as stationary PVE(P) dummies for Operatives. OH GOSH DARN AN OP JUMPED ON ME ah well I'll just stay where I am and do nothing to prevent them from killing me. Hilarious, isn't it?:p

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Lol. Op's are called balanced because of their survivability, because when they open the team focuses them and kills them. That's not balanced, they are getting 2-3 v 1. Stealth burst classes are meant to do dmg, get in, get out. Not burst and have comparable sustained dmg to non stealth classes.

Their dmg is out of balance and their survivability is ****. They need changes.

Edited by Puissant
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Lol. Op's are called balanced because of their survivability, because when they open the team focuses them and kills them. That's not balanced, they are getting 2-3 v 1. Stealth burst classes are meant to do dmg, get in, get out. Not burst and have comparable sustained dmg to non stealth classes.


PVE forums are that way, honey ==>

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If they removed the KD on SF/HS, made Flashbang a 1.5s cast, gave the roll a 15s CD, then they would be balanced.


Besides, concealment operatives are skirmishers-they don't belong in the center of the battle. They should be taking out supporting players like healers and RDPS, and doing what they do best. Deception Assassins are supposed to be in the middle of the fight, which is why they have better CDs.

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Lol. If you had problems with dmg as conc before just stop typing. Their dmg was fine, they need survivbility. Just stop showing your ignorance.

Jokes on you, I main an Arsenal Merc and if my Electro Net is up I eat Scrappers for breakfast. And I don't even need it most of the times because 99% of Scrappers are just... well, bad.

I'm not the type to say something like that, but honestly, L2P. Ops are fine and finally more or less playable, it's not their problem a baddie like you can't deal with a stealth class. BTW, do you use your CC breaker on their Hidden Strike?:p Boo, bad boy.

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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because 99% of Scrappers are just... well, bad.

This is why they got a dmg buff. They didn't need it at all, they buff based on scrubs. Same reason they gave vigi a root on master strike. Completely unneeded. Did I say I had a problem with them? No. I pointed out using logic that their playstyle should not have comparable sustained dmg to non stealth burst classes. I only play grouped anymore, I just call out in voice, get guard and focus them.

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PVE forums are that way, honey ==>



Hey don't lump him in with us :p


Conc might be a tad overbuffed but it's been useless for over a year and a half in pve, it being solid is a welcome change and there are more pressing matters even in pve than nerfing them back to satisfy the ego of the maras.

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Jokes on you, I main an Arsenal Merc and if my Electro Net is up I eat Scrappers for breakfast. And I don't even need it most of the times because 99% of Scrappers are just... well, bad.

I'm not the type to say something like that, but honestly, L2P. Ops are fine and finally more or less playable, it's not their problem a baddie like you can't deal with a stealth class. BTW, do you use your CC breaker on their Hidden Strike?:p Boo, bad boy.


And btw. Lul. I'd love to see you on my vg bwahahahahahahaha.

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Oh gosh it jumped on me ill stay where I am at really? You do realize for some classes like trooper we get only one get out of jail free card, on a extremely long cool down right? The other semi get out of jail free card only works for snares and slows. We stay where we are because oh damn we ARE STUNLOCKED!!!!!!! GET IT!


For your information its been operatives/scoundrels that have been qqing the most about not being nerfed, and going around the pvp forums and calling everyone under the sun a bad. We get it you guys can only speak in cave man language. You bad wow that took allot of thought. Also for your information some of us are actually looking for balance. Now if you read this original post in this topic, I point out its multiple things, and the dps increase in 2.6 is the straw that broke the camels back. SO before you qq read the entire original post word for word. My word You guys are desperate, and your not even caring about balance.



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Finally one more class/spec is viable for NiM PVE content, the OP from my raid group is very happy because she likes the middle tree, now she's playing concealment and have a lot fun and doing a better DPS. Now because of the BAD PVP players, with this EXAGGERATED posts and whines, Bioware will listen to them. Like they always do. And these bad pvp players knows that, this is why they complain all the time.


I really hate nerfs based on QQ from players because that class killed them. "4 Op ganked me and stunlocked me, I died in 4 secs, nerf them". I think only 4x madness assassins wouldn't kill a tagert in 4 secs, but all the other dps spec in the game does.

What's the difference between 4 marauders, 4 powertech, 4 deception, 4 vengeance, 4 snipers, 4 sorc dps? YOU'D DIE INSTANTLY, you're not supposed to live against 4 dps, only a marauder can survive 5secs longer and sorcerer/sage 10sec with bubble, no other class does.


I don't main an OP but I'm really tired of all the troubles and nerfs PVE players have to pass because of 10 BAD PVP players QQing, always calling for a nerf, nerf.. Never saying "buff my defenses, buff my survivabilty, buff my damage". It's always the same BS.



Fully support!

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After playing MMO's for over a decade now. I can tell you that there's never been a game that's had class balance. What happens is each and every class will eventually get buffed and enjoy a block of time in the limelight before they're brought back down to earth. AP/Tanks had their time in the sun, now's it's the OPS's turn.
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Yeah we all know how Bioware consistently screws PVE players to cater to those darn PVPers, right? :rolleyes:


PVE players would cry their little eyes out if PVP gear was comparable to high end raid gear, so our gear stays several levels behind. But they can't be bothered to get PVP gear of their own. Who has time for that when you have to run dailies on 12 alts? They should be entitled to show up in their raid gear and still compete.


PVE players gave us bolster- the most detrimental thing that has ever happened to PVP in this game. So I'm not going to shed too many tears if your little girlfriend can't take her op to raids.

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