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Let's change up the pace here. Most underpowered, less played spec in the game?


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I will rate the 5 worst specs IMO from worst to best:


Madness sin. I just do not see any purpose of this class. It is a melee dot with no survivablility or burst.

Lightning sorc. The damage is there, but good luck casting anything in WZ, and you will be melted in secs.


Annihilation marauder. Needs a lot of ramp and up time for target which it has no tools for. At least have some niches were it excel, but not very useful in PvP.


Concealment ops (with recent buffs). Concealment with all the buffs still not viable for anything and anything they do deception sin does it million times better. Plus no survivability.


Lethality ops. Has major PvP identity crises. Plays as melee with not tools to survive in melee. Has some ranged surviving tools, but can't do anything but dot tab in range. I put it a head of the other classes, because the damage is there and reliable damage delivery method, but no tools to survive.



There are other specs that are poorly performing, but not as bad as these 5.


I agree with your list completely, and I note that the two that I highlighted are specs that are shared with a ranged AC. And in both cases, the ranged AC version is demonstrably better. Madness and Lethality, IMO are simply not intended to be used in melee range.

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I agree with your list completely, and I note that the two that I highlighted are specs that are shared with a ranged AC. And in both cases, the ranged AC version is demonstrably better. Madness and Lethality, IMO are simply not intended to be used in melee range.


Yeah I get that. I thought madness played out quite well pre 2.0 since maul and shock were both part of the rotation and force management was better off. It got completely gutted and dumbed down because "no one played it".

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As a stealth class (Infiltration Shadow) I have the least trouble with Lightning Sorcerers and Vengeance Juggernauts.


For Vengeance in particular, their spec is built around the leap and if they can't get that initial jump off they're pretty much sitting ducks. Easiest class in the game to kite, IMO.

However, in the hands of a competent player, they can be a nightmare. There's one famous Ven Jugg in particular. I faced him in a warzone, but I swear he used Saber Reflect twice within the span of 20 seconds. Don't want to make unfounded accusations, but it was blatantly obvious. As I mained a Vigilance Guardian for a while, I know there's no reset on that ability.



Still, good Vig/Ven players are rare and tend to take people by surprise when they show up.


As a Vigilance Guardian, agreed on all points. I still don't think I've EVER, EVER come across another one. Either tanks or smashers are all I see.


You guys wreck me when you unstealth behind me and start trashing me. If I get the jump on someone (literally) I can usually abuse them pretty bad but any stealth class that attacks/CCs from stealth I can never win against. Same goes for stealth escapes, they usually survive and come back healed to make me pay.


Basically I look for healers and bad sentinel/marauder players to target.

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Yeah I get that. I thought madness played out quite well pre 2.0 since maul and shock were both part of the rotation and force management was better off. It got completely gutted and dumbed down because "no one played it".


Madness sin is Austin P. baby (remember mad sin interview). He won't admit that the completely suck.


As a Vigilance Guardian, agreed on all points. I still don't think I've EVER, EVER come across another one. Either tanks or smashers are all I see.


You guys wreck me when you unstealth behind me and start trashing me. If I get the jump on someone (literally) I can usually abuse them pretty bad but any stealth class that attacks/CCs from stealth I can never win against. Same goes for stealth escapes, they usually survive and come back healed to make me pay.


Basically I look for healers and bad sentinel/marauder players to target.


Veng is complicated. After recent buffs especially I would not call it bad by any means. It does not have place in ranked arenas, but can perform decent in WZs, even competitive ones. It is still better than many other poor specs that can't compete in WZs. Heck, it is so much better than concealment ops that are plaguing WZs right now. Much more survivable and does more damage on average, just less burst.

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