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Dicta Boelcke: Basic air to air tactics for the aspiring newb


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Roughly one hundred years ago, during WW1, german fighter pilot, Oswald Boelcke devised his Dicta. which is the foundation of air to air combat taught today. I thought I'd post it here. obviously you'll have to adapt some of it, but I figured 90% of this is useful, hopefully this'll help some folks.


1. Try to secure the upper hand before attacking. If possible, keep the sun behind you[edit]

Advantages for World War I aircraft included speed, altitude, surprise, performance and numerical superiority.


Speed: the pilot with the faster of two machines has control over the combat. He has the choice to break off combat and retire. The slower machine can not catch him. The pilot of a slower machine must stay on the defense. He can not run to safety. A fast moving aircraft can perform elaborate maneuvers, giving its pilot many options. A machine flying close to its stall speed can do little beyond wallowing in a more or less straight line. Aircraft engines available in 1914 and 1915 provided just enough thrust to keep machines airborne at 150 km/h (93 mph), and not much more. Level flight was fine, but climbing to a higher altitude took several minutes and cut air speed nearly in half. Diving, on the other hand, could add half again to a plane's top speed. By 1916, engine power and speed increased. By the end of the war, aircraft were operating regularly at speeds over 200 km/h (124 mph). Speed was critical.

Altitude: From the advantage of flying above his opponent, a pilot had more control over how and where the fight takes place. He could dive upon his opponent, gaining a sizable speed advantage for a hit and run attack. Or, if the enemy had too many advantages- numbers for instance- a pilot could fly away with a good head start. At best, World War I aircraft climbed very slowly compared with later types. Altitude was a hard earned 'potential energy' store not to be given away capriciously.

Surprise: getting the first shot before one's opponent is prepared to return fire was the 'safest' and preferred method for attack. Most air victories were achieved in the first pass. Without all-seeing devices like radar, a pilot could approach his foe stealthily, using clouds, haze or even using the enemy aircraft's own wings or tail to conceal his approach. The glare of the sun, especially, provided an effective hiding spot.

Performance: Knowing the strengths, weakness and capabilities of your own aircraft, and that of your foe, was also critical. Who was faster, who could turn tighter, how many were there, etc. He argued against foolish acts of 'heroism.' If he could not 'secure advantages,' he would not attack. One of Boelcke's pupils, Manfred von Richthofen (better known as the Red Baron), learned this rule very well and later became World War I's top scoring ace.

A documented example of Boelcke 'securing advantages' took place on 17 September 1916. Boelcke and his pilots intercepted a flight of bombers and fighters crossing the lines. He chose not to attack right away, but had his Jasta climb higher above the bombers, keeping themselves between the bombers and the sun. There they circled and waited. When the bomber pilots, observers and fighter escort pilots were preoccupied with the destruction they were causing on the ground, Boelcke signaled for his pilots to attack. Several enemy aircraft went down and Jasta 2 lost no one.


2. Always continue with an attack you have begun[edit]

Rookie pilots would start a fight, but instinct (fear) would convince them to break it off and run. This inevitably presented the rookie's tail to his opponent's guns, making the rookie an easy victory for his enemy. Boelcke learned that it was far better to stay and continue mixing it up — waiting for his opponent to make mistakes or flee — than to break and run. To turn tail and run was to surrender most, if not all, of the advantages a pilot might have had. As an example, when Manfred von Richthofen met British ace Lanoe Hawker in November 1916, each persisted in trying to get on the other's tail. Both stuck to Boelcke's second dictum. When their endless circling had brought them down near the ground behind German lines, Hawker had to choose between landing and capture or fleeing. He chose to flee. Richthofen was then able to get behind him and shoot him down.


3. Open fire only at close range, and then only when the opponent is squarely in your sights[edit]

A common rookie's urge was to start blasting away upon sighting his first enemy machine. Shots taken at ranges of 1000 m (3280 ft) stood little chance of hitting their mark. The rattle of machine gun fire would alert the intended target and gave them time to react.


The machine guns available for aircraft during the First World War were not highly accurate at longer ranges. Add to that the difficulty of aiming from a moving, bouncing gun platform at a fast moving target and it is a marvel that anyone ever hit anything. Boelcke preferred to fly to within 100 m (330 ft) or less before firing, to ensure hitting what he aimed at with his opening burst. Once the rattle of his guns was heard, the advantage of surprise was gone, so it was best to make that first shot most effective.


Another aspect of making each shot count was the limited supply of ammunition carried in World War I aircraft — usually only a few hundred rounds. This could amount to less than 60 seconds of sustained fire. Reloading in the air varied from dangerous to impossible. Spraying the sky with lead in hopes of hitting something, eventually, was not an option. Shots had to be chosen carefully. Early in the war, when a sense of chivalry still held sway, some men allowed their opponents to depart if they were out of ammunition or had jammed guns. Total war did not allow such courtesies to last for long.


4. You should always try to keep your eye on your opponent, and never let yourself be deceived by ruses[edit]

The first part, 'keeping your eye on your opponent,' sounds obvious enough, but it needed to be stated. In the hustle and bustle of an air fight it was easy to lose sight of your adversary. A restatement of this rule might be: never assume you know where your opponent is or will be. If a pilot 'lost' his foe, the advantage shifted to the foe. A successful pilot did not allow himself to be distracted from his opponent. As far as ruses go, it was not an uncommon practice for a pilot to feign being hit, going into a supposedly uncontrolled spin or dive, in order to exit a fight that was not going well. This practice traded on the chivalry of their opponents. To continue hammering a man who was already going down, was thought unsportsmanlike. Boelcke recognized that too many enemies were being allowed to escape and return to fight another day. War for national survival was not sport. He taught against the accepted notion that once a machine began to spin down, that one could move on. If it were a ruse, the enemy pilot would pull out at the last moment and either escape or return to attack, perhaps now having gained the advantage of surprise. Boelcke wanted his pupils to follow their opponent down, and make sure they were out of the fight or resume the fight if necessary.


5. In any type of attack, it is essential to assail your opponent from behind[edit]

Firing at a machine flying across one's path required 'leading' the shot—aiming ahead of a moving target to compensate for its speed. While a few pilots were adept at the mental calculations necessary and good aerial marksmen, most were much less adept. The velocity of a moving gun platform, the speed of bullets plus the speed and direction of a moving target could be a lot to consider in the heat of battle. Furthermore, in deflection firing, the target could cross the stream of fire whose bullets were 50 m (165 ft) or more apart. Such crossing gave less exposure to the bullets.


Head-on attacks or head-to-tail attacks required little or no calculated deflection in aim. A head-on attack, however, exposed one directly to the enemy's guns. It was far safer and more effective to have one's target and bullet stream all traveling in more or less the same direction. This required little or no 'leading,' and exposed the target to a greater concentration of fire.


Because of the prevalence of attacks from the rear, aircraft design adapted to allow for rear firing guns in two-seaters and larger bombers.


6. If your opponent dives on you, do not try to get around his attack, but fly to meet it[edit]

This rule is related to dictum #5 above. The instinctive reaction of many rookies was to turn and flee from an approaching attacker—especially a diving one. This simply presented their tail to the attacker, usually with disastrous results. Boelcke taught that a pilot had to conquer that instinct. Turning to face the attack could force the attacker onto the defensive, or at least keep the situation unsettled, which was far better than presenting your tail. Even though climbing to meet an attack would reduce speed, it was better to try to bring one's own guns to bear than to flee, and approaching the enemy still increases the relative velocity between the two fighters and thus reduces the time during which the enemy can fire. Furthermore, if both fighters miss, the diving attacker must now pull out of his dive, while the defender is now in position to circle around and counter-attack with his own dive.


7. When over the enemy's lines, always remember your own line of retreat[edit]

If a pilot chose to flee a superior force, or was coming down with a damaged machine, it was critical to spend what little time he might have going in the right direction. This rule sounds as though it is stating the obvious, but Boelcke found it necessary to include it. More than a few pilots came down behind enemy lines because they got confused and lost their way. In World War I, aerial navigation was done mostly by sight. Taking regular note of landmarks helped a pilot get his bearings quickly, perhaps making the difference between safety and captivity.


8. Tip for Squadrons: In principle, it is better to attack in groups of four or six. Avoid two aircraft attacking the same opponent[edit]

In the first year or so of World War I, air combat was more of a one-on-one affair. The early aces, like Pegoud, Garros, Boelcke and Immelmann, hunted the skies alone. As the war progressed, the sheer number of machines in the sky increased. Several reconnaissance machines traveled together for mutual protection, further protected by escorting fighters. Boelcke recognized that the days of the lone hunter were over. Many young pilots, however, still came to the front expecting to dash valiantly into battle as an errant knight, alone, but in reality they would be quickly overwhelmed by multiple enemies. Boelcke tirelessly lectured his pupils on the need for teamwork—sometimes scolding them for acting too independently. Attacking in a group allowed the leader to concentrate his attention exclusively on his target, while his wingmen protected his tail.


Air battles later in the war could involve dozens of aircraft from each side at the same time. The sky could become a swirling tangle of machines. When your side was at a numerical disadvantage, it was especially important not to double up on one opponent. The concentrated fire was of dubious value, since you were just as likely to get in each other's way as to hit the enemy. Doubling up also left an enemy machine somewhere unbothered and free to tail one of your side's machines. Later in the war, teamwork became the primary key to success and survival.

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A good read, a lot of this I already knew from being a huge fan of flight combat sims, especially those of the world war 2 era.


However, most of these dont apply all that well to GSF's combat. Some of the basic principles remain the same, but we dont have to deal with altitude, stalling speeds, limited ammunition (with some exceptions), or landing behind enemy lines. What we do have to deal with that boelcke didnt is advanced radar, super-advanced targetting systems, and a variety of craft that have extreme strengths and weaknesses in different aspects of combat.


I'll comment on each:


1. Try to secure the upper hand before attacking. If possible, keep the sun behind you[edit]

Advantages for World War I aircraft included speed, altitude, surprise, performance and numerical superiority.


Speed: the pilot with the faster of two machines has control over the combat. He has the choice to break off combat and retire. The slower machine can not catch him. The pilot of a slower machine must stay on the defense. He can not run to safety. A fast moving aircraft can perform elaborate maneuvers, giving its pilot many options. A machine flying close to its stall speed can do little beyond wallowing in a more or less straight line. Aircraft engines available in 1914 and 1915 provided just enough thrust to keep machines airborne at 150 km/h (93 mph), and not much more. Level flight was fine, but climbing to a higher altitude took several minutes and cut air speed nearly in half. Diving, on the other hand, could add half again to a plane's top speed. By 1916, engine power and speed increased. By the end of the war, aircraft were operating regularly at speeds over 200 km/h (124 mph). Speed was critical.

Altitude: From the advantage of flying above his opponent, a pilot had more control over how and where the fight takes place. He could dive upon his opponent, gaining a sizable speed advantage for a hit and run attack. Or, if the enemy had too many advantages- numbers for instance- a pilot could fly away with a good head start. At best, World War I aircraft climbed very slowly compared with later types. Altitude was a hard earned 'potential energy' store not to be given away capriciously.

Surprise: getting the first shot before one's opponent is prepared to return fire was the 'safest' and preferred method for attack. Most air victories were achieved in the first pass. Without all-seeing devices like radar, a pilot could approach his foe stealthily, using clouds, haze or even using the enemy aircraft's own wings or tail to conceal his approach. The glare of the sun, especially, provided an effective hiding spot.

Performance: Knowing the strengths, weakness and capabilities of your own aircraft, and that of your foe, was also critical. Who was faster, who could turn tighter, how many were there, etc. He argued against foolish acts of 'heroism.' If he could not 'secure advantages,' he would not attack. One of Boelcke's pupils, Manfred von Richthofen (better known as the Red Baron), learned this rule very well and later became World War I's top scoring ace.

A documented example of Boelcke 'securing advantages' took place on 17 September 1916. Boelcke and his pilots intercepted a flight of bombers and fighters crossing the lines. He chose not to attack right away, but had his Jasta climb higher above the bombers, keeping themselves between the bombers and the sun. There they circled and waited. When the bomber pilots, observers and fighter escort pilots were preoccupied with the destruction they were causing on the ground, Boelcke signaled for his pilots to attack. Several enemy aircraft went down and Jasta 2 lost no one.


Having the advantage is good no matter what theatre you're fighting in, or what machine or weapon you're using. Common sense says whoever has the advantage typically wins - heroes and uphill battles rarely do anything other than wind up as news headlines.



Definitely still a major aspect of GSF combat. This is one of the reasons why scouts are so powerful compared to other ship classes - they're faster, they can boost for longer, they can execute engine manuvers more frequently, and all of those factors combine to allow them to be wherever they're needed, whenever they're needed. It also means that you cant run from a scout with much success, and a scout can almost always run from you.



Doesnt typically apply in GSF, though it does in one major way: Players, especially less skilled players, tend to try to maintain themselves on the standard plane - the same altitude as objective satellites - and they try to stay 'level' with that artificial horizon as well. I've found that flying far above or below the level plan of the map makes you far less likely to be targetted or even noticed as you close in on distant targets. I use this tactic all the time to hunt down enemy gunships - they're almost always slightly above the plane, looking down at a slight angle towards an objective, and because they're frequently zoomed in with their sniper-esque railguns they have a tiny field of view. Flying high lets you get up close to them without being noticed.



Obviously being able to attack a target when they're not expecting it is always a good advantage. As I said above, going above the plane can help sneak up on gunships. Sensor dampening, combined with clever use of obstructions and terrain, can also help you sneak up on an enemy. I'm definitely not looking forward to having to deal with the 'stealth fighters' supposedly being added in june.



Obviously applies pretty heavily here as well.

A gunship will be weak at close range, but exceptionally powerful at long range.

A bomber will be weak at long range, but exceptionally powerful at close range.

Scouts are strong at close range, average at mid range, and weak at long range.

Strikes are strong at mid and long ranges, but average to weak at close ranges.


2. Always continue with an attack you have begun[edit]

Rookie pilots would start a fight, but instinct (fear) would convince them to break it off and run. This inevitably presented the rookie's tail to his opponent's guns, making the rookie an easy victory for his enemy. Boelcke learned that it was far better to stay and continue mixing it up — waiting for his opponent to make mistakes or flee — than to break and run. To turn tail and run was to surrender most, if not all, of the advantages a pilot might have had. As an example, when Manfred von Richthofen met British ace Lanoe Hawker in November 1916, each persisted in trying to get on the other's tail. Both stuck to Boelcke's second dictum. When their endless circling had brought them down near the ground behind German lines, Hawker had to choose between landing and capture or fleeing. He chose to flee. Richthofen was then able to get behind him and shoot him down.


I agree here, to an extent. In GSF, the longer you harass a fleeing opponent, the longer they're kept out of the fight. On the flip side, doing so also keeps -you- out of the fight. In a game type based on capturing static objectives, you want to keep as many of your guys on those objectives as possible and keep as many of the enemy's pilots off of the objectives as possible.


Problem is, running isnt always a pure disadvantage for the enemy here. A fleeing gunship that you're intent on taking down can easily draw you into range of his capital ships' spawn defense turrets.


I would ammend this rule to "press the attack as long as you have the advantage, but know when to retreat in order to avoid losing that advantage."


3. Open fire only at close range, and then only when the opponent is squarely in your sights[edit]

A common rookie's urge was to start blasting away upon sighting his first enemy machine. Shots taken at ranges of 1000 m (3280 ft) stood little chance of hitting their mark. The rattle of machine gun fire would alert the intended target and gave them time to react.


Again this rule doesnt really apply as heavily to GSF. A scout, obviously, will want to open fire at close range to ensure hits with their short ranged weaponry. A gunship, however, wants to maintain maximum range. Ammunition isnt an issue aside from missiles, but weapon power reserves do somewhat count into that limitation - dont waste shots if you arent going to hit, because you may not have power availalbe to fire those blasters when you might have a guaranteed kill facing you.


4. You should always try to keep your eye on your opponent, and never let yourself be deceived by ruses[edit]

The first part, 'keeping your eye on your opponent,' sounds obvious enough, but it needed to be stated. In the hustle and bustle of an air fight it was easy to lose sight of your adversary. A restatement of this rule might be: never assume you know where your opponent is or will be. If a pilot 'lost' his foe, the advantage shifted to the foe. A successful pilot did not allow himself to be distracted from his opponent. As far as ruses go, it was not an uncommon practice for a pilot to feign being hit, going into a supposedly uncontrolled spin or dive, in order to exit a fight that was not going well. This practice traded on the chivalry of their opponents. To continue hammering a man who was already going down, was thought unsportsmanlike. Boelcke recognized that too many enemies were being allowed to escape and return to fight another day. War for national survival was not sport. He taught against the accepted notion that once a machine began to spin down, that one could move on. If it were a ruse, the enemy pilot would pull out at the last moment and either escape or return to attack, perhaps now having gained the advantage of surprise. Boelcke wanted his pupils to follow their opponent down, and make sure they were out of the fight or resume the fight if necessary.


Because of the extremely effective sensors and targetting systems we have available to us in GSF, this isnt as big an issue. Even when I cant see my opponent with my field of view, I can tell what direction he's facing relative to me via the targetting window, I can tell if he's boosting or not due to information on his engine/weapon/shield power levels in the targetting window, and I can tell what the bearing to his ship is relative to mine by his marker on my hud.


Once you learn to pay attention to that information, it can be advantageous - going as far as allowing you to counter-trick the enemy into thinking that you -dont- know what he's doing, when in fact you have all the information you need readily available and can turn on him in an instant to get your kill.


5. In any type of attack, it is essential to assail your opponent from behind[edit]

Firing at a machine flying across one's path required 'leading' the shot—aiming ahead of a moving target to compensate for its speed. While a few pilots were adept at the mental calculations necessary and good aerial marksmen, most were much less adept. The velocity of a moving gun platform, the speed of bullets plus the speed and direction of a moving target could be a lot to consider in the heat of battle. Furthermore, in deflection firing, the target could cross the stream of fire whose bullets were 50 m (165 ft) or more apart. Such crossing gave less exposure to the bullets.


In general I agree, attacking from behind means that the enemy isnt attacking you, and it means that he's focused on avoiding your hits rather than returning fire. It is also much more difficult to hit a target going across your field of fire due to the lead necessary.


However, we have a computer-calculated targetting reticule that will tell us exactly where to fire in order to get the proper lead needed to make our shots connect with the target, so it isnt that much more difficult than hitting a target in a head on or tail on run.


Head on attacks arent always a bad idea either - they certainly can be dangerous, but a large portion of my kills come from so-called 'jousts' where my opponent is coming straight at me and we're exchanging shots. I know that, due to my upgrades and the weapons I use, I will most likely kill the enemy before they're able to kill me. However, it is a calculated decision - I have to ensure that I have enough shields, enough hull strength, and that the damage I suffer during that 'joust' will not leave me overly weakened for the enemy's buddies.


6. If your opponent dives on you, do not try to get around his attack, but fly to meet it[edit]

This rule is related to dictum #5 above. The instinctive reaction of many rookies was to turn and flee from an approaching attacker—especially a diving one. This simply presented their tail to the attacker, usually with disastrous results. Boelcke taught that a pilot had to conquer that instinct. Turning to face the attack could force the attacker onto the defensive, or at least keep the situation unsettled, which was far better than presenting your tail. Even though climbing to meet an attack would reduce speed, it was better to try to bring one's own guns to bear than to flee, and approaching the enemy still increases the relative velocity between the two fighters and thus reduces the time during which the enemy can fire. Furthermore, if both fighters miss, the diving attacker must now pull out of his dive, while the defender is now in position to circle around and counter-attack with his own dive.


Definitely agree here. Back when I used snap turn/koigaran turn, I would often charge head on with boosters to full at approaching enemies. Closing the distance as quickly as possible means they only get a few shots off before I pass them, and then I can excute that snap turn to get around behind them and gain the upper hand.


If at any point you think you cannot survive a joust with an enemy, charge them as fast as your engines will let you go to close the distance and get into a circling war.


7. When over the enemy's lines, always remember your own line of retreat[edit]

If a pilot chose to flee a superior force, or was coming down with a damaged machine, it was critical to spend what little time he might have going in the right direction. This rule sounds as though it is stating the obvious, but Boelcke found it necessary to include it. More than a few pilots came down behind enemy lines because they got confused and lost their way. In World War I, aerial navigation was done mostly by sight. Taking regular note of landmarks helped a pilot get his bearings quickly, perhaps making the difference between safety and captivity.


Not really an issue here, all i'll say is make sure you dont get drawn into enemy capital ships, minefields, drones, or gunship traps if you can help it.


8. Tip for Squadrons: In principle, it is better to attack in groups of four or six. Avoid two aircraft attacking the same opponent[edit]

In the first year or so of World War I, air combat was more of a one-on-one affair. The early aces, like Pegoud, Garros, Boelcke and Immelmann, hunted the skies alone. As the war progressed, the sheer number of machines in the sky increased. Several reconnaissance machines traveled together for mutual protection, further protected by escorting fighters. Boelcke recognized that the days of the lone hunter were over. Many young pilots, however, still came to the front expecting to dash valiantly into battle as an errant knight, alone, but in reality they would be quickly overwhelmed by multiple enemies. Boelcke tirelessly lectured his pupils on the need for teamwork—sometimes scolding them for acting too independently. Attacking in a group allowed the leader to concentrate his attention exclusively on his target, while his wingmen protected his tail.


If anything, teamwork is the single most important factor in GSF right now, and the single reason so many players get destroyed or lose matches and come here to complain.


Often times when flying my strike fighters, I'll pick a friendly player - usually someone commonly harassed by enemies like a bomber or gunship, though occasionally another strike (I cant keep up with scouts so I dont do this with them) - and I'll follow them around at a distance, waiting for them to be attacked by an enemy. The ally and enemy will get into a dogfight, and With that distraction in place I'll line up my guns and blast the attacker out of the sky for an easy kill.


Call me evil for using my teammates as bait if you want, but I am a darksider afterall =P

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Again this rule doesnt really apply as heavily to GSF. A scout, obviously, will want to open fire at close range to ensure hits with their short ranged weaponry. A gunship, however, wants to maintain maximum range. Ammunition isnt an issue aside from missiles, but weapon power reserves do somewhat count into that limitation - dont waste shots if you arent going to hit, because you may not have power availalbe to fire those blasters when you might have a guaranteed kill facing you.


true although at the same time not opening fire until you are in range is important. I see a lotta new pilots spray fire recklessly out of range. all this is is make nosie and waste energy

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1. Try to secure the upper hand before attacking. If possible, keep the sun behind you

One interpretation of this for GSF is that when you go to engage an enemy make sure you have your CDs up and close to full engine and weapon power.

2. Always continue with an attack you have begun

This is not always true, especially with repair drones. Sometimes it's better to get back to safety especially if you are outnumbered.

3. Open fire only at close range, and then only when the opponent is squarely in your sights

This. One of my best tactics. Unless it's just the two of you out in the middle on nowhere you are always going to be able to sneak up on people. Especially around turrets don't give away your position until you have a clear shot of 2-3 seconds. With upgraded lasers its either a kill or heavy damage.

4. You should always try to keep your eye on your opponent, and never let yourself be deceived by ruses[edit]

This is especially true when gunships (running to spawn) and bombers (drones/mines) are on the field.

5. In any type of attack, it is essential to assail your opponent from behind

Yes. Jousting is time consuming and dangerous. This in conjunction with #3 is deadly.

6. If your opponent dives on you, do not try to get around his attack, but fly to meet it

This is actually a good tactic that I use a lot. When you have a long missile lock (i.e. concussion, sab, or torpedo) and you know who it is I like to fly at a 30 degree angle towards him and boost. This also works when he is shooting you with lasers. This minimizes his advantage of surprise and allows you to engage on your terms.

7. When over the enemy's lines, always remember your own line of retreat

Good tip for deathmatch. sometimes you get overwhelmed and it's better to retreat to where you team in concentrated. It's even better when your bombers are dropping repair drones.

8. Tip for Squadrons: In principle, it is better to attack in groups of four or six. Avoid two aircraft attacking the same opponent

Obvious benefit there.


These might not be exactly what you refer to in each point but this is how I would interpret it in the GSF world. Also these are tactics I use on my Flashfire and Sting. Your mileage with other ships may vary.

Edited by okiobe
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Not all those things apply very well to GSF since the game is different than those old WWI aircraft.


For example: continuing the attack. Makes sense, except that in this game the enemy can rapidly run to support (cap ship, satellite with guns) in a way that couldn't be done in WWI. There was no such thing as AA guns that could only hit your enemy, and leave you unscathed. I frequently have to break off attacks because the enemy is running to their cap ship.


Or only opening up at very close range. In GSF the ships move so fast and it is so hard to actually hit other ships up close. It's actually much better to open up at medium ranges because then when you opponent goes evasive, you can actually follow him and get him back into your sights instead of getting into a really tight turning battle right away where no one can get a hit in. Unless, of course, you have huge burst damage and can get a kill in a couple of hits.

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Altitude does not really apply in this one. Due to the fact that there is no "ground" and you can't stall regardless of orientation.


I often fly and the lowest reaches of the maps because everyone else tends to congregate at the top half. I can then dive at a opponent of my choice. And this is often better than attacking from the top because often pilots pull up when they suddenly come under fire which puts their tail into a bottom attacker's sights.

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regarding always continueing the attack, I've found that's actuallly wise advice to a dgeree. when you engage an enemy he is engaged and knows you are there. chances are he also ahs you targeted with his "target who shot me" button. thus you should always ensure you don't forget about him as he may be manuvering to kill you after you attack him
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Roughly one hundred years ago, during WWI, German fighter pilot Oswald Boelcke devised his Dicta, which are the foundation of air to air combat taught today.


Dicta Bomber für GSF:


1) Buy railgun drones; use repair drones

2) Fly out toward the fray, but don't get yourself killed

3) Fire off railgun and repair drones near your squadron mates

4a) If Death Match: run back to your capital ship until your cooldowns expire to avoid being ganked like the sitting duck you are. From time to time, run out to the edge of the capital ship's range to score at least 1 damage on an enemy to prevent the dreaded "you are not participating" message.

4b) If Domination: circle very slowly around a satellite to rack up medals and prevent the dreaded "you are not participating" message.

5) When your cooldowns expire, fire off railgun and repair drones

6) Go to Step 2 (GOTO)


Conclusion: collect achievements and requisition for pushing two buttons (1 and 2). Congratulations: you just won GSF.


Nota bene: I plan to update this detailed guide after I get enough requisition to afford seeker mines.

Edited by Dreamquencher
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