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Best Combat Sentinel spec for PvP?


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Since all the DPS leaderboards I can find seem to focus on PvE, I'm not sure I trust them overly much. I'd be curious to see what spec specifically provides the best single target DPS.


I should likely mention that by "best," I'm looking for highest DPS, but would love to hear arguments on specs that gain enough utility to make up for a slightly lower DPS.


Also, what would everyone's opinion be on this spec?




This is from Dulfy's SWTOR Marauder DPS Class Guide


There are a few questions that I have about this spec:

Debilitation/Overwhelm would seem to be a rather important ability to spec to 100%, but she leaves it off completely?

Displacement would seem really useful as well? Again - left off the build completely.

Hungering/Merciless Zeal seems like kind of a waste?


Here's my present build, which I'm guessing is sub-optimal:



Some specific things I'm thinking are that the one point in Stagger seems a bit wasteful, while Inflammation looks quite interesting. I would think two points in that might be very useful, but don't know what else I might steal a point from? Or is Inflammation even worth it?

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Dulfys guides are based around pve for pvp you wanna run something like this..



RE: merciless zeal, the reason pvers take it is for the slight chance of a dmg boost from a double proc on heals from main stat relic or sometimes the Kell Dragon SA (these can both proc twice from dmg/heals in same time frame) however its very rng based and doesn't happen that often but its def worth it on a single static target in pve.. in pvp nah i doubt it would be worth it over the other skill points. Since you don't have static rotation in pvp and i'd always use a gcd to fish for most burst rather then cauterise unless its against a stealther or tank maybe... but you won't be using it enough.. 1 heal of 200 every now and then is not the reasoning to take it.. :p

Edited by AngusFTW
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Dulfys guides are based around pve for pvp you wanna run something like this..



RE: merciless zeal, the reason pvers take it is for the slight chance of a dmg boost from a double proc on heals from main stat relic or sometimes the Kell Dragon SA (these can both proc twice from dmg/heals in same time frame) however its very rng based and doesn't happen that often but its def worth it on a single static target in pve.. in pvp nah i doubt it would be worth it over the other skill points. Since you don't have static rotation in pvp and i'd always use a gcd to fish for most burst rather then cauterise unless its against a stealther or tank maybe... but you won't be using it enough.. 1 heal of 200 every now and then is not the reasoning to take it.. :p


^That build's the best there is for combat in PvP pretty much.

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