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Several of us have all been experiencing the following "glitches" on a regular basis, we have confirmed with each other that our systems are all fully up to date, and have even run the SWTOR repair function.



Sometimes when in the gunship, regardless of distance or weather or not the drone is targeted with the computer, fully charged slug shots fail to register, often multiple times in a row.



Frequently a target in your sights who has just used their engine ability, and who's distortion field you just saw move on to cooldown will be targeted with your missiles, the lock completes, you release but no missiles fire, this has been tested and confirmed on relatively stationary targets under the started circumstances to rule out the possibility of this being a lock break by the target.



A: These straight up fail to fire sometimes, even with multiple trigger pulls, confirmed by the blaster pool staying at maximum.

B: A good portion of the time the laser fire comes out invisible, you know this because you pull the trigger, see nothing, but all of a sudden your target explodes, crediting you with the kill, and you notice a decrease in the power pool.



The lasers list close range accuracy for example as 500m = 110% , yet for most people any shots at this range-point blank fail to register 90% of the time, regardless of laser type.


Personally I have played games where it registers at this range just fine VS satellite turrets, only to come in a match later and have ZERO close range shots register.



The above glitches happen quite often to myself, and several others who also complained of them and then made efforts to control the circumstances and test them, each of us still reporting positive for the glitches.


Anyone else get these glitches???


Does anyone have any illumination to shed here on the side of us possibly missing a mechanic we have not considered???


Would like feedback before taking this to bug report.

Thanks all.

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I can say I have noticed both A and B in regards to the burst cannon.


The invisible shots actually happens so much I don't take note of it anymore. I actually take it as an advantage because the other ship can see or hear my shots being fired. By the time they know they are being attacked they are dead.


The burst cannons misfiring is actually really annoying. I have a feel for the cadence of each burst cannon shot and as I hold down the fire button (or click multiple times) I sometimes noticed a gap of about 2-3 shots. (I have a good example of this in a video I made which I'll link later).


EDIT: nvm on my other point.

Edited by okiobe
fixed typos
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Statement: I've seen all of the mentioned glitches as well. The missile firing failure, the Gunship hit failure, and most notably, the invisible lasers (which makes things more difficult than one would think).


Addendum: I've had several occasions where I would try to get a missile lock while my target's abilities were on Cool Down, and they'd break my lock attempt even while still well within range and inside the Reticule.


Statement: I've also had many times where I'd be targeting the circle (I forget the term) that you target with your lasers to hit whomever you're trying to hit, and even being dead center, I'd get no hits on them. At all. I would attribute that to lag, but not when I've been firing at it non-stop for 10sec and I didn't see the usual everyone jumping around when the lag goes away.

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Addendum: I've had several occasions where I would try to get a missile lock while my target's abilities were on Cool Down, and they'd break my lock attempt even while still well within range and inside the Reticule.


Statement: I've also had many times where I'd be targeting the circle (I forget the term) that you target with your lasers to hit whomever you're trying to hit, and even being dead center, I'd get no hits on them. At all. I would attribute that to lag, but not when I've been firing at it non-stop for 10sec and I didn't see the usual everyone jumping around when the lag goes away.


I've also had both of these issues, as well as the one OP mentioned for point-blank range. Pretty much never seem to hit anyone at point blank.


With regards to missile lock, I've also had numerous instances where I can't even BEGIN to lock on missiles, even though the target is in range, smack in the middle of the reticule, and on defensive CD. Perhaps there's something I'm missing here (not my own missile's CD) but it sure seems odd when it happens.

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I believe everyone of these issues are related to latency. I often loose lockon while targets are clearly well inside my targeting reticle. Many times the enemy will boost away a moment later. I believe what you see on screen is just ever so slightly behind whats is true on the server side. Another reason while targets moving in a straight line are easier to hit. I hate being too close to targets because the hit box is small and is likely a little off (server side) from where you actually see it.


I find in this game that seeing is not believing. You really have to feel the force instead.

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About these glitches:


Sometimes when in the gunship, regardless of distance or weather or not the drone is targeted with the computer, fully charged slug shots fail to register, often multiple times in a row.

We need more info to even know if what you describe is a glitch or not. Firstly, fully charged shots fail to register at what distance? You know the very tiny (><) at the center of the tiny circle you can only see at close range, where was your mouse cursor in comparison to that when you released your mouse click?


A video of this happening would be necessary before I call this a confirmed bug.



Frequently a target in your sights who has just used their engine ability, and who's distortion field you just saw move on to cooldown will be targeted with your missiles, the lock completes, you release but no missiles fire, this has been tested and confirmed on relatively stationary targets under the started circumstances to rule out the possibility of this being a lock break by the target.

It'd be pretty hard to get video of someone using an engine ability, distortion field AND someone getting a missile lock on with enough of the lock-on-confirmed sound to confirm they didn't release the button early... I would love to see video of this happening. Any link?



A: These straight up fail to fire sometimes, even with multiple trigger pulls, confirmed by the blaster pool staying at maximum.


More information is needed to tell if what you are referring to is indeed a bug. What do you mean "Trigger pull"? you mean you literally just click your weapons each time you want to shoot? This is not how Imperial design functions, and the Republic ape's our superior designs.


Smiliar to how you would not want to "tap spacebar multiple times" to boost, you should only click a total of 1 time each attack-run. Clicking does not "fire" per say, it instead turns on your firing mechanism which spits out super-heated plasma on global cooldown equal exactly to the "rate of fire". What you may be experiencing (if you are clicking multiple times) is only having the mouse-key pressed those portions of the rate-of-fire-cooldown is on cooldown.


So, if you think about it, it isn't a bug. Without this mechanism, you could just grab the slowest-heaviest-hitting blasters and click-click-click faster to increase DPS. Therefore, rate-of-fire wouldn't matter as DPS would rely on rate-of-spam-click.


That's what I *think* is being described here, but I'd need video to see if what is really happening is something else.



The lasers list close range accuracy for example as 500m = 110% , yet for most people any shots at this range-point blank fail to register 90% of the time, regardless of laser type.


Personally I have played games where it registers at this range just fine VS satellite turrets, only to come in a match later and have ZERO close range shots register.

I think I need video to be sure of what is going on here. Bioware doesn't make it easy by making there be no visual indicator when Evasion is used to have an attack pass straight through the (><) point. Hard to say here.




Does anyone have any illumination to shed here on the side of us possibly missing a mechanic we have not considered???


There's a TON of complexity in GSF. There's a TON we haven't considered in this thread.


Evasion is a big one, for sure, that is difficult to understand because the devs don't release exactly how the equation is used in calculations, under what circumstances, and if those "pass through model" with no fly-text shots are always, in-fact, Evasion.


So Bio don't make it easy on us to reverse-engineer their math and programming. The big problem is, if a bug such as you described with 110% shots passing through turrets, it would at least be a sign Turrets probably shouldn't have base evasion as immovable objects.

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