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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Flyby Nerf Concrete example how bad


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I am on a level 55 gunslinger in 72/78 gear, and it's optimized. 4 piece set bonus (some 69 armorings for that).


I went to Black hole area. I target 4 mobs, 3 regulars and 1 silver. They are level 50. I'm am lvl 55. Do they die when I use flyby? No. 1 reg mob dies. 2 are at about 25-30% health. The silver is at 80%!


A silver lvl 50 mob is at 80% health after my flyby and i'm lvl 55 in optimized 72/78 gear? What the ?????


This is wrong, just wrong. It doesn't work as an aoe, even on easy mobs. These nerfs are getting so tiresome. First it was killing the Sage SEer in 1.2 Anyone remember? They've never recovered. I'm not speechless, but if you combat devs don't gain some common sense in the time it takes to cast flyby, you're going to lose the rest of your subs. I've been a sub since day 1. And this is almost the last straw.



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I had the same experience in CZ running the SM heroic 2+ version. I used to clear a side on my own with Flyby - full 78s BiS. I had removed the 2x php stuff over a month ago. I drop flyby and manage to kill not a single mob after 3 full ticks. Maybe I got some not so lucky crits….but thats pretty brutal for an AOE attack.
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Grenade + Supression-Fire/Sweeping Guns. Does 25-30% more damage, and is more or less spammable (actually it is in Saboteur/Engineering), though at much greater energy-cost.


I did the usual Czerka [DAILY] down in the basement...You know those "weak" womp-rat mob thingies?


My XS Flyby still killed them on its own. Some of the time.


FIX THIS, you utterly clueless, arrogant bunch of ...




For ****'s sakes.


I thought I had seen the depths to which developer cluelessness and/or outright incompetence could sink --I was front-and-centre during the EVE-Online: Incarna debacle of Summer 2011-- but then, I started playing SW: tOR :(

Edited by midianlord
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People should stop complaining about how Flyby was nerfed and focus on ways to be even more awesome than before (especially those of us who played SS). Try out a full Sab spec like what is suggested on Noxxic. It is super fun, excellent DPS, and a great challenge to do well!


Better your skills, DPS, and enjoyment levels :D

Edited by ArcherOrant
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I won't quit over this, as I've seen some others post in other related threads.


But there is a fine line in HM ops between being viable and being a bit of a liability and it looks like SS is the latter now. My main has been a SS since pre-launch and I love that play style, but trying out Sab looks like it may finally have to happen.

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The progression team I was on dps consisted of 2 gunslingers, 1 scoundrel and 1 sentinel. We dropped flybys for add management. Because of the severity of the nerf, which affected 3/8ths of our team and 3/4ths of our dps, and the fact that I was the newest member on the team, I have been asked to step aside. Finding progression groups is difficult.


Not sure what to do.


I dont have the time to re-roll now. I am busy with work, and family. Kinda depressing logging into the game

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Seriously people stop complaining... Yes we have been nerfed. We still hit hard and have enough raid utility.

Just get used to the change and you will see that we do just fine.


The progression team I was on dps consisted of 2 gunslingers, 1 scoundrel and 1 sentinel. We dropped flybys for add management. Because of the severity of the nerf, which affected 3/8ths of our team and 3/4ths of our dps, and the fact that I was the newest member on the team, I have been asked to step aside. Finding progression groups is difficult.


Not sure what to do.


I dont have the time to re-roll now. I am busy with work, and family. Kinda depressing logging into the game


This is not the flyby fault. Flyby was awesome but you shouldn't rely on it. Gunslinger still hits good and will still have spots in progression teams.

My progression team has at most 2 gunslingers running, usually 1 or none. Though often enough we have a scoundrel healer (either a guildie or myself). We hardly use flyby for adds as scoundrel healer and we do just fine.

We don't care if someone brings his gunslinger or whatever class that person brings. We bring that person, not his class.

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What are you smoking and can I have some?


Nothing, the "Nerf" is a buff in disguise, many people say "Damage is everything" well, while it MAY be, but the cast time on XS Flyby used to be about 2.0 seconds, now, it's about 1.2 seconds, and 30 second CD, makes Orbital more spam-able than it was, that's half the CD of what it was.

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As a full saboteur, my activation is 2.5 seconds and cooldown is 45 seconds. Not very spammable in this tree.


Same for DF.


FlyBy used to do 9k damage at a 40% energy cost, now it does 3.3k.

On my Commando the grenade AOE, with similiar equipment does 9K damage at 25% energy cost on a 1 min CD and 3 sec. cast time, quite comparable to the old FlyBy.

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So, you are angry that you no longer have a skill that 1 shots every trash mob.


DOH! (knocks self in forehead) (meant toward the guy who posted the original post.) So I'm in agreement with this poster here.

Edited by PatT
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Here is a bigger problem I have found about the nerf. I was in section X on my 55 gunslinger, I throw down XS ( Habit ) on an elite and a strong. I sent my tank companion in first. And after the XS bomb hits, here comes the elite and strong straight at me! So they nerf the crap out of XS and increase the threat? Someone who is in charge of this nerf seriously is lacking some common sense here. Why nerf one class and let other classes keep their one shot aoe's? I am sorry, but this nerf was a pvp reason. Anyone who says otherwise, is deluded.
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some common sense here. Why nerf one class and let other classes keep their one shot aoe's? I am sorry, but this nerf was a pvp reason. Anyone who says otherwise, is deluded.
Well, if it was intended at PVP, it's completely missed. Flyby/Orbital Strike are mostly used in Warzones to prevent caps, and the faster cast time and lower energy cost actually make it better for that. It might not persuade people to get the heck out of the area as much as it used to (once they realise that it only tickles) but it certainly does act to prevent someone capping a node for the full duration (which is in fact 3s longer with the 4-piece PVP set).


All of which leads me to think that it was in fact aimed at reducing its' use in single target rotations as they stated, even though they've done it in a very stupid way, and gone the wrong way -- IMO giving Flyby a longer cast time, say 4-5 seconds, would probably have done the job in preventing it being used in a rotation, while preserving its' iconic "level 50 smuggler trademark" ability role.


(See the 2.7 Smash spec changes for what a PVP-targetted AE nerf actually looks like).

Edited by Ancaglon
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  • 2 weeks later...
All of which leads me to think that it was in fact aimed at reducing its' use in single target rotations as they stated, even though they've done it in a very stupid way, and gone the wrong way -- IMO giving Flyby a longer cast time, say 4-5 seconds, would probably have done the job in preventing it being used in a rotation, while preserving its' iconic "level 50 smuggler trademark" ability role.


I wish they had done this as well, though I guess the long cast time would have made it prohibitive in PVP... there were times where it was hard to get off before they reduced the cast time. That or a longer CD would have been fine by me. I'd rather have that same big whallop even if it mean for a longer CD. I really don't like how shooting a bunch of blasters in an area now does more damage than an explosive attack from a passing ship. Just does not make sense.


I'm rolling with the changes, but either of the above would be much, much better, to my mind, and still accomplish their main concern with how it was set up.

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