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Character Story - the Series ?


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(1) Well if you want a story about the Emperor's Wrath working for the Emperor through the Emperor's Hands with Vette,Quinn and crew, you need a warrior story. Ditto for the other 7 classes. Each one has specific things they would naturally be doing in unique ways of doing them with their crews who would actually speak up once in a while. (2) Like a biography, a character doesn't end when they first ascend to power and their relationships aren't static. Would you be content with a biography of Elizabeth 1 if it ended when she was crowned queen? I want to see the rest of their stories, not just the early rise to power chapters.


(3) If you did not get attached to the characters and their companions while you leveled and just want to see a story about someone doing whatever for the Empire/Republic and don't care about who that person is or was or how that individual would tackle the job or interact with others, then faction stories are fine.


(4) The faction based stories they have so far created are not nearly as "entertaining, immersive, compelling, and thought-provoking" as the original class stories are. They set the bar high and are now doing limbo with it :p


*This is my opinion. Some share it, others don't.


1) You're not describing a class-specific story. You're describing each class interacting with the same story in different ways.


2) If we're talking biography, none of my characters' bios ended when their class story ended. My Shadow went to Makeb. Then she dealt with Czerka. Then she went to Oricon and dealt with the Dread Masters. These things still happened to her. They're in her biography now. My Sorceror went to Makeb. I haven't bothered bringing any other characters beyond that point, but I soon will with an Assassin. That's a playstyle thing not a story thing.


3) You can be attached to the character and each of your characters can react to the story differently than your other characters. Ditto your companions - they react differently.


4) This is opinion. Some (myself included) found the Makeb stories interesting and compelling. Likewise the Oricon / Dread Master story.


In none of what you wrote did you answer why it has to be class story. You maybe hinted that you're missing companion story, which I agree is a miss but hardly worth agonizing over.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Well if you want a story about the Emperor's Wrath working for the Emperor through the Emperor's Hands with Vette,Quinn and crew, you need a warrior story. Ditto for the other 7 classes. Each one has specific things they would naturally be doing in unique ways of doing them with their crews who would actually speak up once in a while. Like a biography, a character doesn't end when they first ascend to power and their relationships aren't static. Would you be content with a biography of Elizabeth 1 if it ended when she was crowned queen? I want to see the rest of their stories, not just the early rise to power chapters.


If you did not get attached to the characters and their companions while you leveled and just want to see a story about someone doing whatever for the Empire/Republic and don't care about who that person is or was or how that individual would tackle the job or interact with others, then faction stories are fine.


The faction based stories they have so far created are not nearly as "entertaining, immersive, compelling, and thought-provoking" as the original class stories are. They set the bar high and are now doing limbo with it :p


*This is my opinion. Some share it, others don't.


Exactly. Or, as a freshly minted member of the Dark Council, I'd like to know what happens with my SI. I mean, it was quite a trip to get there, am I expected to believe that everything's hunky-dory and they're all happy about it?

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1) You're not describing a class-specific story. You're describing each class interacting with the same story in different ways.


2) If we're talking biography, none of my characters' bios ended when their class story ended. My Shadow went to Makeb. Then she dealt with Czerka. Then she went to Oricon and dealt with the Dread Masters. These things still happened to her. They're in her biography now. My Sorceror went to Makeb. I haven't bothered bringing any other characters beyond that point, but I soon will with an Assassin. That's a playstyle thing not a story thing.


3) You can be attached to the character and each of your characters can react to the story differently than your other characters. Ditto your companions - they react differently.


4) This is opinion. Some (myself included) found the Makeb stories interesting and compelling. Likewise the Oricon / Dread Master story.


In none of what you wrote did you answer why it has to be class story. You maybe hinted that you're missing companion story, which I agree is a miss but hardly worth agonizing over.


1. One class doing what no other class is doing is class specific regardless of whether if follows the larger story or not. Continuing class stories could go either way. They could be like the original chapters which are only tangential to the central story, or they could be developed to dove-tail closer to the central story. Either would be a vast improvement to the fill in the blank nods we have now. I'm not going to outline plots that I think each class could have. Other posters have listed very creative possibilities on other threads, and the developers had already planned out stories well past ch. 3 that we are not privy to.


2. I simply disagree on this. Melding 4 characters into 1 is simply not satisfactory to me and that is what Makeb and Oricon do. It works for older planet arcs because you have the class stories to flesh out the characters. There is no character development in any of the faction stories. Your characters are in the exact same spot in their lives before and after Makeb. Ditto Czerka. Ditto Oricon.


3. They could, but they don't. They all pretty much react just the same, often having the exact same dialogue. Our companions have no dialogue what so ever. I don't consider affection gain or loss to be a real reaction. Right now the differences between the classes in faction stories are extremely shallow at best, and in some cases contradictory with the earlier class stories (cough IA cough).


4. That is why I said it is my opinion and that not everyone shares it. You just paraphrased what I wrote on this one :p

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I'd be ok with some individual class and companion story extension, it's better than none. Waiting a bit isn't an issue really, I've been waiting for close to two years now for them to do something, and I watch Sherlock. So I'm well aware of and accustomed to long hiatus'. Edited by Lunafox
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sorry, im not buying Bioware's excuse that class stories are to time consuming and expensive.. why? its real easy:


create a planet with a world arc


create one unique quest chain for each class - i.e. create 1 or two quests unique to each class per zone.. similar to how the class quests are done now.




seems pretty strait forward to me.

Edited by SithInitiate
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