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OFFICIAL I want my money back thread..


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Hey bioware ea I want my money back I bought this game to play with my friends, 5 are in game right now and im sitting here doing nothing because your launch was BS.


I took the day off to play this now not only do I want my money back but you should pay me for the hours im missing today you HORRIBLE company.


Troll :tran_grin:

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LOL exactly. I'm glad OP took a day off from McDonalds. Otherwise I would have to drink his tears in my soda when I go get some Mceedees today.


Im not even in but I could care less, its so much fun watching the QQ here.


Mmmm I want a McRib...

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Hey bioware ea I want my money back I bought this game to play with my friends, 5 are in game right now and im sitting here doing nothing because your launch was BS.


I took the day off to play this now not only do I want my money back but you should pay me for the hours im missing today you HORRIBLE company.


I think you'll find you were never promised anything more than the possibility of early access. And only five days at that. The fact that you don't get in 7 days early would hardly ever stand up as a reason to get your money back.


If you're that bothered cancel your preorder.

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Well, considering you were only promised 5-days Early access, i don't think you have the right to complain.


Also taking a day off work to play a game, was your own choice. So Quit your whining and wait like everyone else.


No one was promised anything more than 1 day of early access, if that. It's UP TO 5 days. For people who ordered very last minute they will be lucky to get some time on the 19th.


Calm down people. It's just a game.

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There would be one legal way you could ask for your money back.


If you pre ordered very late (in November/December right up until forums closed)


Because you pre ordered thinking you could still get in UP TO 5 days early, even though it would be physically impossible for you to get in UP TO 5 days early, then it would be classed as miss selling/false advertising.


If they had of changed the advert later on, to say "Early access guaranteed!" but didn't say UP TO 5 days, then they wouldn't have broken any advertising laws.


Just something for bio to think about ;)

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Fixed for accuracy.


I loved it. :D Im not in either. Sad and disappointed, but expected. Tomorrow's another day. The only thing I hate is not even knowing a time frame. I'm afraid the minute I quit checking is the time they will grant me access. What a dilemma

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Hey bioware ea I want my money back I bought this game to play with my friends, 5 are in game right now and im sitting here doing nothing because your launch was BS.


I took the day off to play this now not only do I want my money back but you should pay me for the hours im missing today you HORRIBLE company.


You want Bioware to pay you for skipping work?


I want you to pay me for reading something as stupid as this.

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its nice now that all the guys that got invited today are now a day ahead of us in levels. I preordered the day it came out and didnt get it registered till 8/2 thanks to the lovely problems these web sites been giving people
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