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Obroan Relic of Focused Retribution vs UW Boundless Ages


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Is the Obroan Relic of Focused Retribution really superior to the Underworld Relic of Boundless Ages? I haven't parsed with it yet (something is wrong with my torparse) but I'm not ripping aggro off the poor tanks I run with right after my opener like I usually do and something just "feels" a little off as a result. Tough to put my finger on it. Even the math is a little sketchy off the top of my head though: 425 power for 30 seconds vs 625 main stat for 6 seconds at a rate of only once per 20 seconds. In a best case scenario, you probably only have 625 MS for 7-8 seconds out of every 30. Admittedly, I don't remember what the cool down time is for the BA relic but for the initial 30 seconds of every encounter 425 power for 30 seconds >> 625 strength for 7-8 seconds. :rak_02:


EDIT: Not to mention a loss of 11 constant power by going with the Obroan relic over the UW one.

Edited by Lord_Garrex
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Is the Obroan Relic of Focused Retribution really superior to the Underworld Relic of Boundless Ages? I haven't parsed with it yet (something is wrong with my torparse) but I'm not ripping aggro off the poor tanks I run with right after my opener like I usually do and something just "feels" a little off as a result. Tough to put my finger on it. Even the math is a little sketchy off the top of my head though: 425 power for 30 seconds vs 625 main stat for 6 seconds at a rate of only once per 20 seconds. In a best case scenario, you probably only have 625 MS for 7-8 seconds out of every 30. Admittedly, I don't remember what the cool down time is for the BA relic but for the initial 30 seconds of every encounter 425 power for 30 seconds >> 625 strength for 7-8 seconds. :rak_02:


EDIT: Not to mention a loss of 11 constant power by going with the Obroan relic over the UW one.





Using the boundless ages on cooldown and assuming that the FW procs every 30 seconds (and it's extremely unlikely to be so unlucky, especially in annihilation spec) FW is superior. Not accounting for the need of burst in particular phases.



Ripping aggro or not really shouldn't be your measuring stick ._. maybe the tank got better?

Edited by Kawabonga
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Ha. I wouldn't call that my measuring stick -- just that the absence of it "felt" off and therefore got me thinking about the numbers. The one thing that's missing from your equation up above is the loss of 11 constant power by going with the Obroan relic. That makes the difference essentially marginal, particularly if you factor circumstance and RNG into the equation. If the FR relic procs a couple of times during your filler phase between double gore windows then, depending on the length of the fight, you would have been better off with the BA relic. For things like duels, heroics, flash points, trash pulls, and short boss fights the BA relic is going to be superior most of the time while the Obroan FR is really only going to be superior on ops boss fights (albeit, most important) and the parsing dummy. Even then, not by much, and there's something to be said about having some control over your burst too. Edited by Lord_Garrex
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I'd say FR is superior. Especially with Anni since it currently procs on both dmg and healers in that time scale. Hell even carnage can take advantage of that by specing into the self heal on rupture instead of increased smash dmg and praying for good rng :p.
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Ha. I wouldn't call that my measuring stick -- just that the absence of it "felt" off and therefore got me thinking about the numbers. The one thing that's missing from your equation up above is the loss of 11 constant power by going with the Obroan relic. That makes the difference essentially marginal, particularly if you factor circumstance and RNG into the equation. If the FR relic procs a couple of times during your filler phase between double gore windows then, depending on the length of the fight, you would have been better off with the BA relic. For things like duels, heroics, flash points, trash pulls, and short boss fights the BA relic is going to be superior most of the time while the Obroan FR is really only going to be superior on ops boss fights (albeit, most important) and the parsing dummy. Even then, not by much, and there's something to be said about having some control over your burst too.


Well i was only thinking about raid setting yeah





Still inferior, especially considering the 625*6/30=125 is quite unlucky. I picked that number just to make the point.


I just looked at my carnage parse, done only with one proc relic, since both register as "Name gains power surge" and eventually they mix up and become impossible to track. The longest delay i got was 24s, the mean was 21.16 so 625*6/21.16=177.22. Quite superior yep. It is true that it falls out of synch with the gore windows sometimes, but that's also true for the clicky relic. You can't have a 30 second long gore window ^_^ You can control having one (double) gore window, maybe two and lots of filler attacks with 425 power, or you can rest assured that quite a few gore windows will be rocked with 625 more strength, with the downside that eventually you'll get that bonus on fillers.




Edit: whoops, one registers as gains power surge, the other registers as gains primary surge. I was looking at the wrong parse before :p, anyway the proc rate for the FR and the SA are exactly the same.

Also, what bleezar said. Stick two points in Hungering instead of Decimate and double proc from hell

Edited by Kawabonga
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