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Nerf Bombers? Please /eyeroll/


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I can't believe after just one day...ONE DAY...that anyone would be calling for a nerf on bombers. This is nothing more than a sad, irrational, over-emotional, temper tantrum. One day, and apparently just one match for some people, is NOT enough experience with the game to start calling for the nerf bat. It would be much more productive and helpful to the game if such people would work on developing new strategies and work on their teamwork skills rather than post this drivel on the forums.


The reactionists need a lesson in messaging. Complaining all the time does not improve the game. It gives people an overly negative impression of the game that is not warranted and drives them away before giving it an honest chance.


GSF is actually quite fun and very balanced given the immense variety of ships, tactics and playstyles available. I'll say it again, the game is FUN! It is nothing even remotely near broken as some have stated. Some minor tweaks here and there may be called for but these overblown knee jerk reactions are baseless.


Any new players reading this go find the good posts with tips and tactics and helpful strategies. Stay away from the balance threads until you have plenty of experience and a healthy dose of perspective. The game is very hard starting out. Don't give up. You will get much better and the fun you will have is totally worth it. If you want to fly with me I'm Ben-sindu on harbinger. We have a great GSF community there and Imps actually win some. Not that I care for imps ;)

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Pretty sure it's just one guy who's used to everything being handed to him. A surprising number of people are being rational about the whole thing.


Crap, you're right. We gotta fix this!






Okay, seriously, I rather liked what I saw last night. It actually felt good, and being a Strike pilot actually seems to be valuable now, with a versatility that actually comes into play a lot more now.

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Bombers are in a much better place than they were in closed beta. However, I do have one concern ... I do think that, while there are plenty of counters to Bombers, they may end up still requiring a lot more coordination/skill to counter than they do to play effectively.


In other words, in a match consisting solely of new players, a Bomber is going to do disproportionately well and seem unbalanced. And if a veteran flies a Bomber against new players, it's even worse.


I think that's why we're seeing more casual GSF players getting frustrated by them. To someone flying a barely modified Blackbolt or Rycer, a wall of drones and mines clustered around a satellite might seem like an impenetrable wall--and even a base Bomber with no upgrades can field pretty significant defenses.


Sure, us veterans know that a fully upgraded Ion Railgun or an EMP Missile will destroy those drones and mines easily, but we're quite well versed in how every component on every ship works. New players are not.


I'm not saying I want play dumbed down ... but I don't want the game to be inaccessible either, for fear of no more queues.

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Bombers are in a much better place than they were in closed beta. However, I do have one concern ... I do think that, while there are plenty of counters to Bombers, they may end up still requiring a lot more coordination/skill to counter than they do to play effectively.


In other words, in a match consisting solely of new players, a Bomber is going to do disproportionately well and seem unbalanced. And if a veteran flies a Bomber against new players, it's even worse.


I think that's why we're seeing more casual GSF players getting frustrated by them. To someone flying a barely modified Blackbolt or Rycer, a wall of drones and mines clustered around a satellite might seem like an impenetrable wall--and even a base Bomber with no upgrades can field pretty significant defenses.


Sure, us veterans know that a fully upgraded Ion Railgun or an EMP Missile will destroy those drones and mines easily, but we're quite well versed in how every component on every ship works. New players are not.


I'm not saying I want play dumbed down ... but I don't want the game to be inaccessible either, for fear of no more queues.


with several bombers dropping drones on the same satellite it seems pretty impenetrable in a mastered Sting with Quads also as evasion does not seem to work against drones and there accuracy seems to be 100%


The main reason I am posting in this thread meant to mock mine how ever is because i expect to find my harshest critics in here and I intend to win them over or at least try. I have put out a thread "Awesome changes that would make GSF great." I tried to be as impartial to every one as possible and just posted ideas that i think will make the game better. I would like your opinion good or bad. I would like your input and help if you see things that could be better as well. And as you guys have flown bombers and I have just flown against them I would like your perspective as a bomber pilot as well. please check it out and put in your 2 cents. If you feel the need to bash it that's okay too.

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I think the majority of people that are calling for a nerf to bombers, are too used to GSF (Gunship Sting Flashfire), and for the most part were the L2P crowed when people would say that the Sting or Flashfire was OP, they just don't like that there is now a hard counter to their ship.


I for one, am liking that my bomber and Starguard finally have a place in the game. Just use them for different matches, bomber for Domination and Starguard for Death Match.

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I have no problem with anyone wanting to have discussions on changes they think might improve the game. However, when you take the position that the sky is falling and paint a picture of a completely disfunctional game and tell people they should quit rather than play, you aren't helping our community. You in fact give people a very negative perception of the game that will likely make the casual new player want to quit because there is a steep learning curve and new people need encouragement not fuel to ragequit.


I've played many video games in my life dating back to pong and the glory days of the arcade. I've put many hours and matches into GSF. I wanted to ragequit and give up the entire first week of playing. I decided to keep trying and eventually got better. Now I do better than avg and have enough ships, components and experience to feel I have a pretty well formed opinion. The game is extremely well balanced and fun and I expect it to continue to improve.


So lets not fill the forums with doom and gloom. Have rational debates that don't resort to hyperbole to try and prove a point. Keep your subject lines positive and dont overreact. You are not going to win every match and every dogfight.

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I liked the minelayer alot when I tried it out yesterday, it was effective for defending a node (and tricking people into chasing me while I led them straight into them :D ) and I had to use my skill to avoid getting destroyed by all the ships gunning after me so it felt different due to the new playstyle but nice.
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I can't believe after just one day...ONE DAY...that anyone would be calling for a nerf on bombers. This is nothing more than a sad, irrational, over-emotional, temper tantrum. One day, and apparently just one match for some people, is NOT enough experience with the game to start calling for the nerf bat. It would be much more productive and helpful to the game if such people would work on developing new strategies and work on their teamwork skills rather than post this drivel on the forums.


The reactionists need a lesson in messaging. Complaining all the time does not improve the game. It gives people an overly negative impression of the game that is not warranted and drives them away before giving it an honest chance.


GSF is actually quite fun and very balanced given the immense variety of ships, tactics and playstyles available. I'll say it again, the game is FUN! It is nothing even remotely near broken as some have stated. Some minor tweaks here and there may be called for but these overblown knee jerk reactions are baseless.


Any new players reading this go find the good posts with tips and tactics and helpful strategies. Stay away from the balance threads until you have plenty of experience and a healthy dose of perspective. The game is very hard starting out. Don't give up. You will get much better and the fun you will have is totally worth it. If you want to fly with me I'm Ben-sindu on harbinger. We have a great GSF community there and Imps actually win some. Not that I care for imps ;)


Which game mode were you playing? I find my Bomber flashfire food in LS deathmatch... It wasn't until they pushed our team back to our capital ship when we started getting some kills because they would venture too close to our capital ship's turrets. But other than that, as a solo (pug) bomber in Deathmatch, my experience has been quite bad against scout players.


I have not played a Domination map yet. For some reason all 5+ games i played last night were Deathmatch..

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Which game mode were you playing? I find my Bomber flashfire food in LS deathmatch... It wasn't until they pushed our team back to our capital ship when we started getting some kills because they would venture too close to our capital ship's turrets. But other than that, as a solo (pug) bomber in Deathmatch, my experience has been quite bad against scout players.


I have not played a Domination map yet. For some reason all 5+ games i played last night were Deathmatch..


Yea Paowee, that's what I found too, in death match, the bomber is a flying coffin, in domination they are a beast if you are an objective type player, and don't mind humping a sat all game.


Just keep some awareness about you, to watch for gunships.

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Yea Paowee, that's what I found too, in death match, the bomber is a flying coffin, in domination they are a beast if you are an objective type player, and don't mind humping a sat all game.


Just keep some awareness about you, to watch for gunships.


Bombers definitely fare much better in domination but I wouldn't call them useless in TDM. Had a good bomber yesterday whose heals kept our team up and dominating. They definitely need escorts in TDM to maximize their effectiveness. Staying behind the front line supporting the team is their strength. Remote spawn near the front line can be very useful alond with heals and rail drones. If nothing else missile and rail drones can play some serious head games with the opposition.

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Oh I imagine that would work too, but on BC, where I play, I usually get left swinging in the wind, as when ever I play, the only people that seem to have any coordination is one group of Imps... in death match, I tried that route with my drone carrier, and just kept getting eaten alive by Gunships with ion rail and stings with burst lasers...
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