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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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I really encourage you to see how support works in LoL for example. It's not about outhealing everything dps throws at you. As support you mix dps with healing and cc. The gameplay is much more varied and fun. You can't out dps or out heal dedicated dps as healer, but if you mix healing and dps, add those two together you can beat anyone on charts without being the one note heal bot.


As a bonus you will get more marks.




What CC are you talking about as far as commado goes at least. Sage/sorc has unreal CC but commando/BH heal have nothing but a tiny grenade stun. not to mention you can only CC one person and that tends to break on damage. DPS has better/more stuns which dont break on damage anyway. field medic commandos are the worst though, they really dont contribute much of anything without sevre amounts of talent points even then it is lackluster. This is a trinity system and one of the three specs isnt performing up to task. On the other hand people are right healing in wow breaks many BGs. Its going to be hard to find a middle ground but as is I dont think the commando is there are least.

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@Malaix I don't know what cc tools commandos have available. Scoundrel definitelly has them and so does Sage I believe.


I am wondering what these unsatisfied healers would do with GW2 ... healing there will be pushed towards support even more than in TOR.

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It's good tbh, as a level 35 healing sage/seer I'm going to completely disagree with you. I want it to be a challenge, it forces me to adapt, play smart. Sages are healers and controllers. If you are not complementing your heals with cc and force armor u aren't playing a sage to its potential. New game, new things to learn so forgive me for being blunt but have a bit of patience, learn your class and what is bad practice and good practice.
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@Malaix I don't know what cc tools commandos have available. Scoundrel definitelly has them and so does Sage I believe.


I am wondering what these unsatisfied healers would do with GW2 ... healing there will be pushed towards support even more than in TOR.


I am quite eager to play GW2s system actually. It claims it will kill the trinity which is a good thing. More dodging giant attacks and less wack a mole with health bars.


SWTOR might benefit from the approach, give everyone the tools to heal if they can get away and mitigate healing from one individual to "you heal yourself, this person might help too"

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OP stands still casting kolto injection etc.


Try using other things, I found on my operative I am almost unkillable with (damn I cannot remember the names just what I have them bound) the ability that makes you dodge everything for 4 seconds, shield probe, the ability that removes 2 tech/mental and the in combat stealth ability.


The trick is to not just rely on healing, sometimes it is better to kite than to heal yourself especially if the enemy is ranged.


Lastly try running with friends/teammates.

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LOL! Everyone knows PvP healing sucks and most of you guys know it to be true. You just like picking on every single person on forums that happens to bring up an issue that needs fixing. Go QQ somewhere else. Edited by Ludanyke
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LOL! Everyone knows PvP healing sucks and most of you guys know it to be true. You just like picking on every single person on forums that happens to bring up an issue that needs fixing. Go QQ somewhere else.


Don't make such silly statements, you do not speak for everyone.

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I didn't like it at first but when you level and get more tools, it gets better. You also really need to play with friends and organize. Pugs are frustrating. I have ran circles around pug teams with dps chasing me trying to kill me and no one peels. Play with guildies. That is fixed.


Now if they would fix the raid frame and ability responsiveness (seeing the cast timer go off but the heal not go off until after the spell animation is done...).

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and im pretty sure the opposing team was brain dead or your team was godly; see I can make generalization too.


I agree with the OP; any dps can murder a healer by face rolling on the keyboard.As a commando healer myself; I'm seeing the same thing as OP said.




I second this. There's too much cc, resolve doesn't seem work worth a damn, the UI sucks *** and healers aren't rewarded like how a dps is. I've done a 200k healing/50k damage dealt Huttball and was rewarded 4 medals while the mindless dps that ignored all objectives and fought in the middle got 8-9 medals. This game is stupid...

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Ya thats all great but your missing the point. The other classes don't have nearly as much reliance on others. Even without our low heals, its pretty much a dps fight anyway.


Not ture, my tank would get rolled 2v1 easy without heals, just like pretty much any other class out there. I have yet to see a (Key words) well played class that cant at least hold its own 1v1. I also have yet too see anyone win 2v1, especially when it's a healer/tank. Since we're still talking about healers I'll point out my Guild Leader again, he's a heal spec scoundrel and he has 1v1 other classes and won enough times. Not saying its all perfect, but it's not as bad as you want it to be.


A lot of people will need to L2p the class they play because the system isn't like most other MMOs out there. You can't just stand there and heal thinking that if your using trying to heal someone while you're getting attacked you'll be fine without doing something to save yourself or a team mate save you.

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couldn't agree more with OP.


this isn't a rant it's some honest feedback.


Rolled healer in a few pvp games now, all had their pros and cons.


This is with out doubt the worst pvp healing experience so far.


Before anyone says L2P noob: I'm always L2P thats what being a good healer is about.


A Healer casting heals should have the same flow and pace as a DPS doing pew pew. Simply from an enjoyment and playability standpoint. we want to be doing stuff too.




the whole interface is clunky

cast times are way too slow in the lower levels

frames broken

some sort of wierd delay in the interface that i can't put my finger on maybe a global cooldown or something.

1 dimensional button mashing.

The click box for players is either too small or the nameplates need to be modified someway. something is amiss here.


even in pve these elements make the whole healing experience unbareable. like slow motion or something.




can't say i'll be renewing once my 30days is up at this stage. maybe i'll be back in after a few patch releases.




I know why there's a delay in the interface. Abilities trigger on key release and not key press. Next time in game target a mob and click an attack, but hold the button down. Nothing happens until you release the key...I think BW are noobs at MMO development...

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As of 3 months ago I could keep anyone alive with very minimal effort on my druid. It isnt difficult at all to play one and is by far the easiest of all the healing classes out there. Only someone with an IQ as low as Forrest Gump could fail as a druid healer.


What's your druids name let me armory him to see what his highest arena bracket has been.

Druids have been some of the most underpowered healers in wrath and cata. Get up to 1800 and any competent melee cleave team will have you dead during tree form. That or you'll get resto shamans who will purge spam the crap out of your hots.


It's easy to heal when you are fighting against people that have no idea what they're doing. It gets a lot harder to do it when you are fighting people that actually use strategy. On my paladin in a BG I can hide in a bush spaming DL on people but as soon as someone who actually knows what theyre doing decides to shut me down it's GG.





Healing against baddies = roll face which is why there is so much healer nerf QQ.


Healing against people that actually know how to play their class = dead/CCed healers.

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This is the trend in pvp for healers.


1) You are ecpected to follow everyone else and be there healbot

2) You are expected to heal everyone else and tank the other team

3) You are suppose to defend yourself while tanking 3+ players and healing your team

4) You are not expected to survive one vs one when all healers are focussed fired all the time.


Best advice I can give is do not go healing and go dps with enough heals for yourself.


Healing is neither appreciated or wanted. Frag fests is what pvp has become in every game.


This This This

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First of all - to all of you who spews the "lol wowboi" crap - please stop. We all have played it, YOU all have played it. No need to pour buckets of crap on people who compare this game to it.


Second - the OP has a valid point. Healing is weak point-for-point compared to damage. There is no arguing it, it's plain numbers. DPS WILL do more damage than healer can heal. Catching 4k crits in the face while my healing is barely critting over 2300 feels odd. A healer should be able to put out equal or more healing than 1 DPS can deliver, otherwise there is absolutely no point in playing one.

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I've been an end-game PvP healer in nearly every MMORPG over the past 14 years or so. I've done countless tens of thousands of battlegrounds/warfronts/whatever. In TOR, I'd say a good 50% of warzones, I'd have been ten times more useful as a DPS than as a healer. The 30% healing reduction in warzones is absolutely insane.


When they start losing hundreds of thousands of subs because their ex-Mythic ******* refuse to nerf the Bright Wizar... Inquisitard and they can't seem to fix their raid UI so it ACTUALLY WORKS, all of us who enjoy PvP healing will be headed off to Guild Wars 2.

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Find a tank and have him guard you, it is what they balanced pvp around. If you are not doing it, you are not taking advantage of game mechanics.


If they buffed healing, you would have to get rid of guard, which would destroy tanks purpose in pvp.

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What's your druids name let me armory him to see what his highest arena bracket has been.

Druids have been some of the most underpowered healers in wrath and cata. Get up to 1800 and any competent melee cleave team will have you dead during tree form. That or you'll get resto shamans who will purge spam the crap out of your hots.


In cata currently resto druids are bad (treeform, barkskin down+hardswap=dead druid), in wrath they were the best. Don't know what you are smoking there. I guess you missed the last tournament in wrath where 90% of the teams had resto druids.

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First of all - to all of you who spews the "lol wowboi" crap - please stop. We all have played it, YOU all have played it. No need to pour buckets of crap on people who compare this game to it.


Second - the OP has a valid point. Healing is weak point-for-point compared to damage. There is no arguing it, it's plain numbers. DPS WILL do more damage than healer can heal. Catching 4k crits in the face while my healing is barely critting over 2300 feels odd. A healer should be able to put out equal or more healing than 1 DPS can deliver, otherwise there is absolutely no point in playing one.


I'm ok with this. Its a proper change from WoW where healers were tanking 3 dps at a time, while keeping their team alive. That design from WoW was absurd and honestly quite game breaking. It needed to go.

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Just roll operative or scoundrel, run around knifing, run away and heal when you get low, then come back and continue knifing. You can get 30 killing blows without dying once because of how much of a joke that spec is to play because nobody can outheal your damage and nobody can outdamage your healing (unless you're terrible).
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I'm ok with this. Its a proper change from WoW where healers were tanking 3 dps at a time, while keeping their team alive. That design from WoW was absurd and honestly quite game breaking. It needed to go.


If a healer was tanking 3 DPS at a time, that healer was facing really awful DPS. Sorry, but whatever healer you saw doing this was a god compared to the DPS who were on him.


The only classes that can 1v1 any healer in WOW are frost mages and rogues. ANY combination of 2 DPS can kill a healer without a major issue, though. Except double enhancement shaman.


Thankfully, The Old Republic's skill cap is so low that you don't need to be good to kill a healer. You can just HERP DERP all over anybody.

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