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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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You sound terrible. And you have the best gear? I have 2 pieces under 136. I doubt your gear>mine. I feel pretty powerful as an operative healer. I wish I had a better way to get people off me but other than that our healing is pretty powerful.


You just made my point. You feel powerful until you get someone on top of you. Even decent players know "Healers must die." You will be targeted. I doubt you can stay alive with an Assassin on you. I highly doubt it. You are only good until someone is on you? Thank you for helping me prove my point.

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This is the trend in pvp for healers.


1) You are ecpected to follow everyone else and be there healbot

2) You are expected to heal everyone else and tank the other team

3) You are suppose to defend yourself while tanking 3+ players and healing your team

4) You are not expected to survive one vs one when all healers are focussed fired all the time.


Best advice I can give is do not go healing and go dps with enough heals for yourself.


Healing is neither appreciated or wanted. Frag fests is what pvp has become in every game.


As a 50 sage I can do about 100k dmg per game and heal 300k per game. Hardly a healbot. The only problem I have is if a stealth class stuns me, they can bring me to about 50% before I can react. Healers are pretty beastly in this game.

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You just made my point. You feel powerful until you get someone on top of you. Even decent players know "Healers must die." You will be targeted. I doubt you can stay alive with an Assassin on you. I highly doubt it. You are only good until someone is on you? Thank you for helping me prove my point.


Proving the point that you suck? If someone is on me I stun them and/or flash bang then los to heal myself up. That isn't hard. Shoot I can even use severe tendon and kite him while my hots/instants get myself back up.

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Proving the point that you suck? If someone is on me I stun them and/or flash bang then los to heal myself up. That isn't hard. Shoot I can even use severe tendon and kite him while my hots/instants get myself back up.


an Opts hots and instants need improvement. The Instants, "surgical probe" heals for about 700-1000, a dps can do that much damage much faster than you can heal it. And now you try to be offensive with your post. I was making a point and you start trash talking. "proving you suck?" Very nice comeback. I see I have defeated you since you succumb to trying to bash me rather than make sense, or prove your point with clarity. I am saying healing needs to be buffed and healers survival ability should be higher in 1 on 1 situations. Enjoy your day sir. I wish you the best.

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Proving the point that you suck? If someone is on me I stun them and/or flash bang then los to heal myself up. That isn't hard. Shoot I can even use severe tendon and kite him while my hots/instants get myself back up.


Uh you can do that once, and they can break the long cc (no one is gonna break the short stun when they're at 0 risk of dying and they know your long cc is up)


Then you die.



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an Opts hots and instants need improvement. The Instants, "surgical probe" heals for about 700-1000, a dps can do that much damage much faster than you can heal it. And now you try to be offensive with your post. I was making a point and you start trash talking. "proving you suck?" Very nice comeback. I see I have defeated you since you succumb to trying to bash me rather than make sense, or prove your point with clarity. I am saying healing needs to be buffed and healers survival ability should be higher in 1 on 1 situations. Enjoy your day sir. I wish you the best.


You clearly lack skill. I'll leave it at that. Are there people who can beat me 1v1? Sure, but I'll beat people 1v1 9/10 times. I'm ok with those odds.

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You clearly lack skill. I'll leave it at that. Are there people who can beat me 1v1? Sure, but I'll beat people 1v1 9/10 times. I'm ok with those odds.


I believe you are just posting your emotions and not game related experiences. I think you should re-evaluate what your 'real' experiences have been. Maybe drink a cup of tea or eat your favorite desert, then come back and make a factual believable statement.


As I said, enjoy your day.

Edited by AbleOrator
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Have you played as a healer in this game and done pvp?


I'm rank 49 valor, have cleared 3/5 nightmare, etc. Yes, I've played the game :)



Anyway, I was just responding to the people QQing about it sucking as a healer. While I don't feel immortal like I did in WoW, I certainly feel strong enough to pull my weight. And if you aren't level 50 yet you probably won't have a good pvp experience, but that's expected. It's generally good to hit max level and get some entry level gear before QQing about your role being underpowered.

Edited by Jooji
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Lol, tanks need to protect the healer? thats impossible. A tank cant keep a dps from attacking you, they can do a couple peels (a cc, or stun, or guard) but they arent keeping making that much of a difference. You also are stating that you MUST have another person baby sitting you to be adequate. Thats a problems in itself. People need to stop acting like healing is Not broken here. There is definitely a problem.


Uuh, get tanks that use more than 1 button. Taunts help greatly, so does guard. Most decent tanks will love protecting you, since it means they live longer.


You also need to stop standing there trying to tank a DPS or two beating on you, it's not gonna happen. CC them, stealth, LoS, run towards a friendly zerg.

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As a healer though? Have you done any pvp as a healer?


Since the day after hitting 50 I've been pvping as operative heals. I do 1.5-3x more healing than the highest damage any game I'm not whoring damage. If that isn't powerful enough then well...idk what you guys want.


TBH my biggest problem has been when a good tank gets on my *** and doesn't let me cast. The tank won't kill me but it really prevents me from healing others.

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Uuh, get tanks that use more than 1 button. Taunts help greatly, so does guard. Most decent tanks will love protecting you, since it means they live longer.


You also need to stop standing there trying to tank a DPS or two beating on you, it's not gonna happen. CC them, stealth, LoS, run towards a friendly zerg.


Yet again another post that just chooses to ignore the main point of the argument - you shouldn't need someone else to make you viable 1v1. No one is talking about how we should be able to obliterate DPS while staying at full HP or survive against 2+ DPS forever. If you've had ANY experience pvp healing in this game, you would realize that healing only prolongs your death. With the strength of DPS, cc and gap closers available in this game, any attempt to outheal any kind of DPS is going to result in you dying.


1v1, full hp, equivalent gear, comparable skill, if a dps jumps on you, you will die before he/she does, that is all...which is why I switched to DPS and throw heals in emergencies.

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Yet again another post that just chooses to ignore the main point of the argument - you shouldn't need someone else to make you viable 1v1. No one is talking about how we should be able to obliterate DPS while staying at full HP or survive against 2+ DPS forever. If you've had ANY experience pvp healing in this game, you would realize that healing only prolongs your death. With the strength of DPS, cc and gap closers available in this game, any attempt to outheal any kind of DPS is going to result in you dying.


1v1, full hp, equivalent gear, comparable skill, if a dps jumps on you, you will die before he/she does, that is all...which is why I switched to DPS and throw heals in emergencies.


Why are you arguing about 1v1 viability anyway? If you're playing OBJECTIVE based pvp you'll rarely be alone. Maybe if you're defending an Alderaan node you might end up alone, but generally healers aren't doing that anyway.

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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


While there are enough issues:


I think it's wrong to reward a thread written by somebody that hasn't even reached 50 yet and expects to do okish against pvp equipped max level chars. Seriously, what's up with that? Since you were bragging about your rating, let's make another analogy using wow:


It's like expecting your level 70 restoration druid to to fine against a level 85 arena equipped rogue. Not gonna happen.

Edited by Rawael
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Yet again another post that just chooses to ignore the main point of the argument - you shouldn't need someone else to make you viable 1v1. No one is talking about how we should be able to obliterate DPS while staying at full HP or survive against 2+ DPS forever. If you've had ANY experience pvp healing in this game, you would realize that healing only prolongs your death. With the strength of DPS, cc and gap closers available in this game, any attempt to outheal any kind of DPS is going to result in you dying.


1v1, full hp, equivalent gear, comparable skill, if a dps jumps on you, you will die before he/she does, that is all...which is why I switched to DPS and throw heals in emergencies.


That is the exact point I am making.

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Yet again another post that just chooses to ignore the main point of the argument - you shouldn't need someone else to make you viable 1v1. No one is talking about how we should be able to obliterate DPS while staying at full HP or survive against 2+ DPS forever. If you've had ANY experience pvp healing in this game, you would realize that healing only prolongs your death. With the strength of DPS, cc and gap closers available in this game, any attempt to outheal any kind of DPS is going to result in you dying.



I wasn't arguing the main point, I agree that healers need to be a bit more durable.


I was merely pointing specifics of how support works. If you support your team, your team should protect you. Then I was listing some of the examples of how can it be done, since AbleOrator didn't know how tanks can protect healers.


Also, if your opponent is using everything in his disposal (DPS, cc, and gap closers), why are you only using heals? You're still not likely to kill him alone, but you can give your team time to help you.

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As a lvl 42 Sage Seeer, I really love the utility, control, and heals this class gives me.


People expecting a similar experience to other games, need to learn to adapt to new mechanics and a new style of play.


Really though, if you are having trouble in a premade group then I dont know what to tell you.


If you are having these issues in a pug....well enough said.


If you want god mode healer go play Rift.


Edit: Also for those having trouble with the raide frames, I sugges Binding "next friendly target" to SHIFT + something easy to get to.


Makes a world of difference. Least it has for me.:D

Edited by SgtDukes
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I've got a lvl 33 healer tank commando.It's almost hilarious w/ a bunch of strangers w/ my little green beam attempting to save them. Then a 50 juggernaut comes over and rick rolls me. LoL.


Your little green beam isn't meant to be a primary heal. It's intended to build your stacks and regen energy. GG you're bad and don't know your class. Maybe level all the way to 50 and you MIGHT learn along the way.

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A druid... there's your problem. SWTOR healing isn't quite the same. Healing as a BH Merc, not that hard and you get CC's (like everyone else) to deal with the damage over your heals, as a Sorc, if I'm struggling to save a friend I electricute the target and heal my friend, it wouldn't work if I just stood there spamming heal over and over like you can in WoW.


PS- I had an Earth Shaman.

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Your little green beam isn't meant to be a primary heal. It's intended to build your stacks and regen energy. GG you're bad and don't know your class. Maybe level all the way to 50 and you MIGHT learn along the way.


Don't get all bent outa shape. I definately do get rolled by 50s often & no it's not fun. That is what it is. Yes I know my class. No I'm not all that great at pvp. I do suck at pvp. Then team leaders get all PO'd at us casuals.

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A druid... there's your problem. SWTOR healing isn't quite the same. Healing as a BH Merc, not that hard and you get CC's (like everyone else) to deal with the damage over your heals, as a Sorc, if I'm struggling to save a friend I electricute the target and heal my friend, it wouldn't work if I just stood there spamming heal over and over like you can in WoW.


PS- I had an Earth Shaman.


an "earth shaman"? You mean Elemental (dps caster), Enhance (melee), or Resto (heals)?


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