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The Official Begeren Colony Ranked Arena Thread


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That's what I thought kiddo, don't let me catch you away from your friends too long. Wouldn't want you to start crying again because someone woke you up from your little fantasy world where you have some sort of success.


do you really wanna start talking about 'success' on the forums of a star wars video game?


My man, you have nothing to live for outside of the pixelated space ogres and complaining about the mean infamous bullies.


You're a scrawny little nobody who lives in his mothers basement and has no responsibilities other than making sure you log on every day to remind people of how big of a ****** you are on the internet.


Odds are, my life outside of the lightsabers and pewpew is 10x what yours will ever be, and that pisses you off to no end. I'm perfectly fine with being bad at video games, because, believe it or not, there are indeed more important things in life.


People who fail at life have to win at video games :)


remember friends, there is no spot on a resume for who smashed who the fastestest and who has the higher number on the game :p


have fun in your *****how of an existence, ZuZu.


Terribaddie is outtie.

Edited by NvrShoutNvr
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do you really wanna start talking about 'success' on the forums of a star wars video game?


My man, you have nothing to live for outside of the pixelated space ogres and complaining about the mean infamous bullies.


You're a scrawny little nobody who lives in his mothers basement and has no responsibilities other than making sure you log on every day to remind people of how big of a ****** you are on the internet.


Odds are, my life outside of the lightsabers and pewpew is 10x what yours will ever be, and that pisses you off to no end.


People who fail at life have to win at video games :)


remember friends, there is no spot on a resume for who smashed who the fastestest and who has the higher number on the game :p


have fun in your *****how of an existence, ZuZu.


Terribaddie is outtie.


Lol, what is this? High school?


Of course you resort to baseless assumptions, since I've already proven how much of a coward you are on the forums, let alone in real life. But hey, just like your proved to me in SO so long ago and right now with Exiles, I'm sure people out there need a good kiss up to serve them. So maybe you'll make a good waiter somewhere, or maybe an assistant for some big shot corporate type if you're lucky!


And that kiddo, wasn't nearly as baseless as your "you're a scrawny little kid that lives in his mom's basement that'll never amount to anything" comment. I do find it funny though, that you are so desperate and mad that you would try to pull the "RL loser" card.


Bye bye kiddo, try to stay gone for good this time. Would appreciate you not adding to the overwhelming amount of hypocrisy being added to this server already.

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Lol no.


I did ask to schedule solo ranked though. But I know your little fifth grade defense mechanism is the only way you can shut out the truth, so I'll be waiting whenever you decide to man up and let me show you how bad you really are. :)






Do you even watch athletics?


MJ played competitively because he loved the game of basketball, he loved the "thrill of the fight". He loved every second of playing on that court, and trained hard day in and day out to become the best that he could be.


He recognized that the key to winning wasn't pursuing the aspect of winning itself, as victories mean nothing at the end of the day. It's not about how many times you have won matches, it's not about the record you hold.


It's about how much you love the experience of fighting, enjoying the rough times as much as the high points. Because if you don't love the game you play, the sport you play, then why bother? Why bother getting that gold trophy or medal if you don't even enjoy the test that determines if you deserve it?


True victory comes in enjoying the process of competition, of lasting against your opponent in the game of escalation. Because no matter what, when you have the person who plays solely to win and the person who plays for the best competition that can be offered, only the person who only cares for wins has a definite stopping point.


True victory comes in enjoying the process of competition? Go play competitive sports and tell me how much fun your team has losing.


You can keep your enjoyment of losing to average premades.


Lol, I never said that my assumption was wrong. I just basically said at this point, it was irrelevant because the only comeback you could make to my points about your failure of a guild was "u misjudged that Hypergate".


You made it up, to make yourself look good. As you do in all of your posts.

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LOLOL is all i have to say to you anymore. bye baby, see you in group ranked :)


Welcome back!


Still proving my assumption, keep barking little dog. If you're truly leaving, get out. Bye, hit the road.


Sheesh, what is up with you little egotistical kids? It's so easy, getting you back into responding with your hatred towards me. Which is funny, considering how insecure you have to be to actually hate someone over the Internet. Lol, amirite Ammut?


Still think you're going to amount to something in RL there, kiddo?


I got this guy Matt Foley to talk to you. His speech is called "Go for it"

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i actually do want to live in a van down by the river and live on cheese. You know me so well, ZuZu <3


hate? no sweetie, i don't hate you. I feel sorry for you. because anyone who finds self worth in a galaxy far, far away is in a place in their life where they need hugs, not more hatred.


if you need a hug, I'm here for you babes. :o

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True victory comes in enjoying the process of competition? Go play competitive sports and tell me how much fun your team has losing.


Funny, you're the only one equating "placing more priority on the desire for competition over winning" meaning it as "losing".


It's pretty simple ready: if you try to get as much as you can out of a fight, you will win against the person who only is doing the fight for a shiny prize. Because no little shiny metal or title is going to get you to do battle against someone who actually enjoys the game being played for long enough.


It's why you won't win this argument, simply because your "logic" is not only wrong, but you can only spew that nonsense for so long since you have placed this on your fragile ego. While I enjoy this petty arguing and can counter your BS all night long, and I welcome you to keep trying to change that fact.


You can keep your enjoyment of losing to average premades.


Lol, I don't enjoy losing to premades. I enjoy getting better as a player because of it, and I enjoy beating your premades whenever I manage to play against you with a little better than bad players.


Because all it takes to put you into the dirt is some decent skill in more than one or two players. Which is why you will always be a nobody, even on a server where you like to play big fish in the little pond.


You made it up, to make yourself look good. As you do in all of your posts.


Nope, it was pretty accurate actually. You can even turn to Lardo and your team if you want, how well were you doing before he managed to pull that come around victory through CC cap.


Or you can forget your flaws and hide behind your pathetic win ratio on a casual server. Whatever helps you sleep at night, sorry I keep you up at night whenever I remind you of your place. Kind of a shame though, seeing your denial.


i actually do want to live in a van down by the river and live on cheese. You know me so well, ZuZu <3


Whatever you want to do. Btw, watch and learn how a person who doesn't let people on the Internet affect their personal RL:


At this point, tbh, you're boring me. Bye bye.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Lol, Infamous player whining about GD rolling ranked solo with premades?


You kids are even worse, killing competition in regs by farming pugs and believe yourselves superior after you manage to come out on top against solo players who still occasionally put you in the dirt.


Such hypocrisy, much average premader. L2P baddie, stick to your groups and don't let the good players catch you outside of a premade.


Because some people on this server have skill. And you're way out of your element whenever you put yourself in a situation where you have to fend for yourself, scrub.


missed all the fun I see. Keep talkin all day zuzu it seems thats all youll ever be good at. madness sin LOL

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don't you dare talk **** on my zoomyzu, you big mean infamous bully :mad:


I just find it somewhat funny that if all this **** was true and zuhara was some really good pvper... surely he could find a "correct comp" to beat us given that he knows how to counter every class. But naww... everyone who has teamed up with him in time has learned about his ego, rage, and overall lack of team compatibility. It aint easy learning how to play...we just got to give him some more time and maybe he will come around. Who knows maybe someday he will actually be relevant to what this thread is talking about in the first place.

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I just find it somewhat funny that if all this **** was true and zuhara was some really good pvper... surely he could find a "correct comp" to beat us given that he knows how to counter every class. But naww... everyone who has teamed up with him in time has learned about his ego, rage, and overall lack of team compatibility. It aint easy learning how to play...we just got to give him some more time and maybe he will come around. Who knows maybe someday he will actually be relevant to what this thread is talking about in the first place.


you're not allowed to use logic and common sense to prove a point. get the **** off of my thread.

Edited by NvrShoutNvr
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Actually, the match I was referring to, you had two healers above 800k and a tank with over 500k in protection.


Yet you were still getting destroyed by our DPS on offense, despite us only having one healer that did a little less than your top and DPS taunts for protection. I commend Lardo for figuring out how weak our node guard was, but hey, you get me everytime by explointing my main weakness: I can't be everywhere at once.


Is that your final answer?


Nope, it was pretty accurate actually. You can even turn to Lardo and your team if you want, how well were you doing before he managed to pull that come around victory through CC cap.


Or you can forget your flaws and hide behind your pathetic win ratio on a casual server. Whatever helps you sleep at night, sorry I keep you up at night whenever I remind you of your place. Kind of a shame though, seeing your denial.


Is your definition of "pretty accurate" come close to... Completely made up bullcrap?

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Thought I'd add to the wall of texts, look at my avatar he doesn't give a ****. so cute such a cute Jawa. But as billy Dee would say.. Why take chances?

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I just find it somewhat funny that if all this **** was true and zuhara was some really good pvper... surely he could find a "correct comp" to beat us given that he knows how to counter every class. But naww... everyone who has teamed up with him in time has learned about his ego, rage, and overall lack of team compatibility. It aint easy learning how to play...we just got to give him some more time and maybe he will come around. Who knows maybe someday he will actually be relevant to what this thread is talking about in the first place.


Lmfao, really?


Because you've never seen me before in ranked? Because the reason that one group you played against decided not to reform not because of my own rage/ego/team compatibility. But because we decided it'd be best not to queue against your team with a Marauder that never focused on the targets called out nor even used his Deadly Throw healing debuff lol. Not to mention, one of those actively plays PoT5 over BC now while the other chose to form/join a new guild that may develop into something.


That's ok though, you of all people know why I never actively sought to join a PvP guild. But since you're so lost in this hatred for me in a desperate attempt to try and justify that somehow I can't find a PvP group/guild to actively get pulled into, I can only laugh at the fact that you forget that I play on this server mostly for.....Idk....RP? You know, the real reason why I hold onto the tag of <The Dread Masters>?


But you're right about something else, because outside of your little group of average cool kids, there is little in terms of skill that can be molded into a team. Congrats, you've managed to become top dogs because you are some of the few with a plethora of alts on a casual server where you can create a team with nearly any class for roles. And you know each other well, and have a deep synergy that us randoms can never compare to.


However, like I've said, that's all you have. Skill wise, you can only compare to the pugs you farm. I can claim it's true because despite Serile's ignorant comments about how great your guild is, you still get beat by those pugs on occasion like how you still lost a few rounds against that team carrying a worthless Carnage Marauder. But keep acting all high and mighty as if you are worth more than those level ones you used to duel on Korriban lol.


It takes so much for you to be top dogs on a casual server like BC. Especially whenever you happily watch all of the better PvPers head over to Bastion or even quit the game beforehand.


Is that your final answer?


Is your definition of "pretty accurate" come close to... Completely made up bullcrap?


Nope, was pretty accurate again.


You had two healers that hit decent numbers, you had a tank doing decent protection. Yet our team was still dominating yours, and only until Lardo ninja capped on our weak node guard, did you guys manage to pull the win.


You know, my main weakness: I can't be everywhere at once.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Lmfao, really?


Because you've never seen me before in ranked? Because the reason that one group you played against decided not to reform not because of my own rage/ego/team compatibility. But because we decided it'd be best not to queue against your team with a Marauder that never focused on the targets called out nor even used his Deadly Throw healing debuff lol. Not to mention, one of those actively plays PoT5 over BC now while the other chose to form/join a new guild that may develop into something.


That's ok though, you of all people know why I never actively sought to join a PvP guild. But since you're so lost in this hatred for me in a desperate attempt to try and justify that somehow I can't find a PvP group/guild to actively get pulled into, I can only laugh at the fact that you forget that I play on this server mostly for.....Idk....RP? You know, the real reason why I hold onto the tag of <The Dread Masters>?


But you're right about something else, because outside of your little group of average cool kids, there is little in terms of skill that can be molded into a team. Congrats, you've managed to become top dogs because you are some of the few with a plethora of alts on a casual server where you can create a team with nearly any class for roles. And you know each other well, and have a deep synergy that us randoms can never compare to.


However, like I've said, that's all you have. Skill wise, you can only compare to the pugs you farm. I can claim it's true because despite Serile's ignorant comments about how great your guild is, you still get beat by those pugs on occasion like how you still lost a few rounds against that team carrying a worthless Carnage Marauder. But keep acting all high and mighty as if you are worth more than those level ones you used to duel on Korriban lol.


It takes so much for you to be top dogs on a casual server like BC. Especially whenever you happily watch all of the better PvPers head over to Bastion or even quit the game beforehand.



Already played on the bastion baby zuzu.... nothin but a bunch of solo ranked and people who in all honesty were at the same skill lvl as the top people here. (granted there was a couple teams over there that were really good but they all went to pot5) and it aint my fault you had a worthless player like I said... with all this talk and hype you build up around yourself you would think at least 3 more than casual players would flock to you.... oh well better luck next time ;) (Oh.. and if your gonna use the whole "WERE PLAYING ON A CASUAL SERVER CALM DOWN excuse maybe you should act like it)

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Already played on the bastion baby zuzu.... nothin but a bunch of solo ranked and people who in all honesty were at the same skill lvl as the top people here. (granted there was a couple teams over there that were really good but they all went to pot5) and it aint my fault you had a worthless player like I said... with all this talk and hype you build up around yourself you would think at least 3 more than casual players would flock to you.... oh well better luck next time ;) (Oh.. and if your gonna use the whole "WERE PLAYING ON A CASUAL SERVER CALM DOWN excuse maybe you should act like it)


Lol, that's the thing: I never said/claimed you were bad for never competing on Bastion or PoT5. I claimed you are bad because you label yourself as an elite PvP guild on a casual server such as BC.


Which of course, if I need to layout the people who have actually promoted my viewpoints and actually gave me motivational speeches, I can start forming a list of people who actually like me if you want since not everyone is down with the Infamous club. However, now that I think about it, I can turn to none other than your guild leader himself, Feken for support! You think people hate me, yet you don't realize how many fun whispers and messages I got from your guild whenever I fought against the Myrm brothers here and countered their nonsense. Was great, having your little cheerleader Xam whispering me on Nyquil about how much Infamous loves someone willing to put those Myrm brothers and their guild down.


And that convo with Feken, how he hates whenever he has to solo queue to face deadly players like myself (which he did specifically name me. And btw kiddo, I haven't seen you queue solo for WZs since) and wishes he didn't have to bear the responsibility of leading a guild so he can be a little petty troll like me. Such fun times, whenever you kids hated Neo and Myrm so much, you loved me whenever I put them into the dirt. But that's ok, your cool kid club will deny it as much as you will since well, I didn't screen or video those whispers/convos. Like I tell Serile whenever he tries to comment that I have never stomped him into the dirt (which, since he admits before he joined Infamous and started getting carried, he was worthless on teams), whatever helps you sleep at night.


Either way though, the difference between me and you is quite simple: casual servers can handle competitive players. Simply because with that, you have enough population where one person's skill can get lost in the numbers and fail just as easily as the bads who weigh them down. What casual servers can't handle is competitive PvP guilds when they are not balanced cross faction in the big scope of things. Simply because with your overly valued developed team synergy, you can easily farm the pug queue. And you love your little wins against the casuals, since you weren't nearly at the level Ascension or GD was in their prime lol, and don't care about crippling a casual server's PvP queue.


Difference between me and you is quite simple Mallo. Outside of this little PvP rivalry, I am a casual. RP naturally is casual, as being a "competitive RPer" literally makes zero sense lol. Same with PvE, clearing a HM boss with my friends in Contra is much more enjoyable than seeing any NiM content to me.


However, clearly, you and the rest of Infamous can't be spoken for. You kids knew from the start that I love to spend my free time listing walls of texts about your many little failures and short comings, you know that I love the petty trolling and fighting as much as a pig loves rolling around in slop. Yet here you are, putting your pride on the line and showing your extreme rage towards me and how much you despise me, proving how pathetic you truly are because you let a random stranger over the Internet get you so worked up over a video game.


Oh, btw, I'm still waiting for that thank you. For giving you the opportunity for you to even be here, holding that tag. Infamous would've never found you if you were still dueling level ones on Korriban, and if I hadn't taught you the very basics of the game itself.


A little respect for your former guild leader and the person who fixed some of your ignorance would be appreciated.

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Lol, that's the thing: I never said/claimed you were bad for never competing on Bastion or PoT5. I claimed you are bad because you label yourself as an elite PvP guild on a casual server such as BC.


Which of course, if I need to layout the people who have actually promoted my viewpoints and actually gave me motivational speeches, I can start forming a list of people who actually like me if you want since not everyone is down with the Infamous club. However, now that I think about it, I can turn to none other than your guild leader himself, Feken for support! You think people hate me, yet you don't realize how many fun whispers and messages I got from your guild whenever I fought against the Myrm brothers here and countered their nonsense. Was great, having your little cheerleader Xam whispering me on Nyquil about how much Infamous loves someone willing to put those Myrm brothers and their guild down.


And that convo with Feken, how he hates whenever he has to solo queue to face deadly players like myself (which he did specifically name me. And btw kiddo, I haven't seen you queue solo for WZs since) and wishes he didn't have to bear the responsibility of leading a guild so he can be a little petty troll like me. Such fun times, whenever you kids hated Neo and Myrm so much, you loved me whenever I put them into the dirt. But that's ok, your cool kid club will deny it as much as you will since well, I didn't screen or video those whispers/convos. Like I tell Serile whenever he tries to comment that I have never stomped him into the dirt (which, since he admits before he joined Infamous and started getting carried, he was worthless on teams), whatever helps you sleep at night.


Either way though, the difference between me and you is quite simple: casual servers can handle competitive players. Simply because with that, you have enough population where one person's skill can get lost in the numbers and fail just as easily as the bads who weigh them down. What casual servers can't handle is competitive PvP guilds when they are not balanced cross faction in the big scope of things. Simply because with your overly valued developed team synergy, you can easily farm the pug queue. And you love your little wins against the casuals, since you weren't nearly at the level Ascension or GD was in their prime lol, and don't care about crippling a casual server's PvP queue.


Difference between me and you is quite simple Mallo. Outside of this little PvP rivalry, I am a casual. RP naturally is casual, as being a "competitive RPer" literally makes zero sense lol. Same with PvE, clearing a HM boss with my friends in Contra is much more enjoyable than seeing any NiM content to me.


However, clearly, you and the rest of Infamous can't be spoken for. You kids knew from the start that I love to spend my free time listing walls of texts about your many little failures and short comings, you know that I love the petty trolling and fighting as much as a pig loves rolling around in slop. Yet here you are, putting your pride on the line and showing your extreme rage towards me and how much you despise me, proving how pathetic you truly are because you let a random stranger over the Internet get you so worked up over a video game.


Oh, btw, I'm still waiting for that thank you. For giving you the opportunity for you to even be here, holding that tag. Infamous would've never found you if you were still dueling level ones on Korriban, and if I hadn't taught you the very basics of the game itself.


A little respect for your former guild leader and the person who fixed some of your ignorance would be appreciated.


I think you actually forgot that you used to come into infamous mumble kiss our *** and then leave.... days later you were talking ****. and don't give me this ******** "Im a casual" when you were just not walls of pages ago talking about you have a "love for the competition" and that your soooooo "deadly". I don't really care about putting you down here zu... your misplaced ego annoys me and always has. I dont give thanks to people who used to be my friend and when I became disposable... I was lumped in with a group that makes you mad.

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getting a bit repetitive


other than that, keep up to the good work Infamous' number one publicist!


Infamous indeed!


edit: looking for one more part-time cheerleader. opportunity to move up to full-time exists. please contact in game for more info.

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