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The Official Begeren Colony Ranked Arena Thread


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Because they love the game itself and play for the sake of competing against the best teams in the world?


How many times do you hear that type of mentality being spoken? How many players do you hear saying, "All I care about is winning?"


Hardly none for the second category, yet everyone as an athlete claims that their love of the game and competition itself trumps championships. Because unlike you little victory kids that need wins to solidify your egos, real players understand that farming eventually bites you in the *** and doesn't bring true enjoyment.


Better yet, I'll let an NBA player answer that very same question for you:






Lol, you miss the point entirely. Like usual.


You have yet to produce a new set of players, you are just the same group of people from since you started. Meaning, the only reason why you still exist more so than GD is because unlike their roster, you stayed together.


You haven't produced any elite players since server transfers, you haven't created a better PvP scene as an example of what true competitors should be. Yet you dare to speak on how you are superior to GD in that field when in reality, you haven't expanded your numbers in the slightest either?


Try to talk whenever your main group of people takes a hit. Then you'll see how wrong the statement "no shortage of members" truly is.





Yet you claim your guild is the one that proves I am not dominant? Therefore, claiming your guild is in fact dominant over me?


It's amazing how the word "indirectly" works.




Lol, you clearly are too ignorant to make a comment on this topic.


You have shown little in regards to success in this field, as again, you only have your little cool kids club and the people who left their other guilds to join yours. You have not produced a single set of players that have become elite since server transfers, you have only stuck to your core group and then comfortably criticize people for failing at something you don't even attempt, and in reality, make nearly impossible by your farming of the people who could potentially become competitors.


Your guild is too content with farming the pugs than actually creating a better player base, hence why, you are ignorant. Because like the rest of your guild, you claim you want one thing, but then show the exact opposite.


If you just admit your selfish goals and that you actually don't give a damn about the server population as a whole, it'd be better. But the reason why your guild has so much disrespect is because you try to deny your hypocritical and destructive nature.




Had the highest damage and protection in the match, effectively responded to each attempt to attack all three nodes and created an defense with my fellow teammates that ultimately could not even be phased by those "top players"


So no, I didn't ride on the coat tails of a GD premade when I was covering 2 out of the 3 roles through tanking and DPS. I actually effectively smashed your guild into the dirt with the help of players.


Point is, I claim you are bad because I can compete against your guild by myself/with pocket heals. And that I smash you into the ground with a premade supporting me.




Actually, the match I was referring to, you had two healers above 800k and a tank with over 500k in protection.


Yet you were still getting destroyed by our DPS on offense, despite us only having one healer that did a little less than your top and DPS taunts for protection. I commend Lardo for figuring out how weak our node guard was, but hey, you get me everytime by explointing my main weakness: I can't be everywhere at once.






Lmfao, I didn't need to embellish there.


You still had a premade, all three roles were filled despite you either being a three man group or a four man group with a player that worthless in impact. But of course I remember, how could I not?


It was directly after another little forum war, after making a response to someone from your joke of a guild. Then going in, to see the people who try so hard to trash talk me, yet get farmed in a perfect score?


It was so hilarious, stomping you guys into the dirt to prove what happens when the situations reversed. Then, I think I might have screenshotted how much cursing Deyvon spewed out in Say chat after the fact that I had more than 10 killing blows on the guy.


In case you forgot, I enjoy the drama you kids create. I enjoy trolling the living hell out of your guild, I enjoy getting you worked up and developing a resemblance of hatred towards me. Maybe one day, you might understand that trolls have no one to troll if the targets aren't so lost in their ego, they don't realize just how a few friends doesn't make you unstoppable.



You are so full of $hit its not even worth responding to anymore. What hypergates are you talking about? Because I have faced you in 1 warzone in the past 2 months and it was a hypergates.

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You are so full of $hit its not even worth responding to anymore. What hypergates are you talking about? Because I have faced you in 1 warzone in the past 2 months and it was a hypergates.


Ahahahaha, let's take a look at my whole post:


1) You tried to comment how NBA players really only play for money and the playoffs, yet I link you a video of an NBA player directly claiming that "basketball > money, prizes, etc."

2) You tried to claim Infamous' core players don't have egos and thus why they stay together, without realizing the argument is about how you haven't groomed any elite players to your roster since server transfers and thus, have not effectively recruited or helped the server population in the slightest. Along with the fact that if you didn't have a rampant ego, you wouldn't still be in this epeen measuring contest with me.

3) You have Jordo attempting to lol at me for remembering a match where his premade got stomped, yet still agrees how bad he, his premade, and Deyvon's 2 man group got destroyed by one premade with Zu and Rois.


And all you comment on is the inconsistency my Hypergate story matches with yours? I'd be happy to remind you that your team was capable of competing, but again, since I wasn't fighting against you with bads and had more than 6 people who were comptent as well as two people that were good, your average premade was getting stomped until that come from behind victory.


In debate, that's called "defeat" bud. Please try to make a response next time, I'll be happy to put the rest of your guild into the dirt should they choose to claim they have no rampant egos as well.


I also liked it better when you realized how average you were, but I hope you also understand how the word "Infamous" under your name doesn't change anything.

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Ahahahaha, let's take a look at my whole post:


1) You tried to comment how NBA players really only play for money and the playoffs, yet I link you a video of an NBA player directly claiming that "basketball > money, prizes, etc."


Funny you linked Derrik Rose, because he just likes you. Talks a bunch of trash, puts up numbers decent numbers. But in the end, hasn't done anything or won anything. He gets paid to do those BS commercials and gets paid to play in the NBA.


And all you comment on is the inconsistency my Hypergate story matches with yours? I'd be happy to remind you that your team was capable of competing, but again, since I wasn't fighting against you with bads and had more than 6 people who were comptent as well as two people that were good, your average premade was getting stomped until that come from behind victory.


In debate, that's called "defeat" bud. Please try to make a response next time, I'll be happy to put the rest of your guild into the dirt should they choose to claim they have no rampant egos as well.


You do realize I record all my pvp matches?

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When in reality, the true value of PvP is the love of competition. Can you say you actually like competition?


The true value of PvP is to win. True PVP'ers enter areas/warzones to win. Competition is nice and fun but I don't pvp to lose. A ROFLstomp win and a competitive win is the same to me. A big fat W.

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Funny you linked Derrik Rose, because he just likes you. Talks a bunch of trash, puts up numbers decent numbers. But in the end, hasn't done anything or won anything. He gets paid to do those BS commercials and gets paid to play in the NBA.




Do I need to get a video of Michael Jordan commenting on how the thrill of the competition was one of the main motivating factors? That winning isn't everything either? That, you know, Derrick Rose isn't the only player in the NBA to make comments like this?


But I'll give you props, you managed to make a comeback to that point. Let's see you address number 2 now, baby steps doe.



You do realize I record all my pvp matches?


Lol, again, like usual, like everytime you decide to comment, like everytime you get roped into this measuring contest with me:


You miss the point.


You comment only about the Hypergate consistency, which I may concede to you if you link a video to where I may admit my memory failed in your match despite the scenario I mentioned earlier regarding Beluga and Lardo being in the match I emphasized, was the only response you made.


If someone is calling you out for being hypocritical, refuting your points especially in regards to the NBA comparison and how you do infact have a rampant ego to continue this argument with me, and all you can put in response is, "U so dumb, that Hypergate match wasn't the same one I was in."


That's like answering one question on a 20 question test and thinking that somehow, you passed.




The true value of PvP is to win. True PVP'ers enter areas/warzones to win. Competition is nice and fun but I don't pvp to lose. A ROFLstomp win and a competitive win is the same to me. A big fat W.


Lol, and this is why I actually hold respect for you.


Because in reality, I could care less about how big of an ego you have or any of the drama that may develop around you. You are a threat in a WZ, and whether or not your motivations are the same as mine or other real PvPers, you create the grounds for competition. You embrace that desire to win, and that you will stomp anyone to get that win. Unlike Infamous, who tries to deny their egos.


Either way, average premader or not, I still better myself as a player fighting against Infamous groups without having anyone to rely on. I still manage to occasionally come out on top, thanks to how easy I can work off anyone that is competent.


I find it weird though that you can actually believe the only aspect to competition is winning, since well, "love of the game" is the most commonly pointed to reason behind the drive of so many athletes. Winning has a place, but it doesn't nearly compare to people who truly hold the value of PvP at heart: competition.

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Some of you actually believe that winning will make your pen15 grow. When did everyone get so super srs?


Newsflash, people will continue to be douchebags no matter how much you whine about it on the internet. Just let it go. You know what the ultimate insult is? Beating them without a word.


Lighten up folks, have fun!

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Well I got bored halfway when you started pumping out sequels to your novels, so this obviously won't address all of your points, but:


1. Ezekils doesn't hate you. Can't speak for dey dey, but Kal probably couldn't pick you out of a lineup. Stop acting as if everyone knows/reveres you on this server.


2. You talk about reg wz's all the time, yet I've been queueing all day this entire week and I haven't once seen you since that hypergate monday where you died like 19 times regardless of your pocket healer. Lucky for you my print screen wasn't working otherwise there would be a link accompanying this post, but we both know it happened so its all good.


3. Even though I feel kinda dirty taking money from you, thanks for the 1.2 million credits on that crappy droid sidecar speeder which imo isn't worth more than 100k.


4. Your argument seems to be - "nfamous is being mean cuz they don't want to help the bads on my faction by nerfing their teams and premades. like why can't they like queue with empty shells or sumthin to give us a fighting chance and be competitive and stuffs". Seems legit.


5. Again, there is no vast queue syncing conspiracy pub side. Some times you get two premades from the same guild, sometimes 2 from 2 different guilds. Pub side doesn't have many pvpers to draw from, thats why you're encountering multiple premades. I can assure you even when they may seem as if you're fighting pugs, you're probably fighting pub premades too. Today I queued with Ursh, Evo, and Myrm and not one of us shares the same tag. We don't have as many players as imps do to draw from. And when did premading become bad again?

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And when did premading become bad again?


It didn't. Sometimes, people will group up with their friends to play video games together on the internet. More breaking news at 11.



thank you, zuhara, for once again derailing this thread.


Instead of complaining about big mean Infamous and the Republic Premade Conspiracy, why not get a 4's team of your own and come beat the pants off of us terribaddies? Since all you ever seem to be able to do is run your mouth on the forums of how I need carried and what a gimp spec/class i play, I highly doubt that'll ever happen. All you've ever done is talk trash about me and how much of a dead weight I am, but you're never in group queue to back it up. Dedicated group night is still Fridays, I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing you and whatever goon squad you can put together. MCB has all but stopped playing because WildStar beta is claiming their souls, but I'm sure I can round up some pugs to farm the **** out of you for free comms. I'll be the first to admit that I'm very mediocre at this game, but at least I don't queue dodge like you, and our friends over at Grim D. At least I'm in the queue instead of trash talking the people who actually play ranked. But go ahead, allmighty king of the BC ant hill. Keep at it :cool:


Also Dashara, please queue up. Preferably with ZoomyZu so it'll make the comm farming that much easier. Invite your other Grim D pals to play 4's as well. But wait. that's right. "We don't have any heals." With the obvious exception of Shink and Demo, there is literally not a single player wearing your tag that I would want on a 4's team with me. Keep bragging about farming solo queue. It's free entertainment :)



Much love. Very heart. Such feels.



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Oh boy, I really missed this. Just like old times lolololol


1. Ezekils doesn't hate you. Can't speak for dey dey, but Kal probably couldn't pick you out of a lineup. Stop acting as if everyone knows/reveres you on this server.


Yes, just like how you don't hate Ascension after releasing that evidence video on text you saved over months of Denetrin and co. trash talking you in Gen chat.


Please, I know the kid idolizes you and Myrm like saints and how much he decided to hate me just because I didn't brand your little group of friends as a real PvP guild. Talks **** with me for over an hour in whispers with barely readable English, rage targets me after I burn him through heals despite his /laugh to me in a double premade, and somehow, he doesn't even know me?


More like he's trying to play the high and mighty card, trying to deny my existence aside from the fact that I can farm him even through a premade. Kk, cool story bro


2. You talk about reg wz's all the time, yet I've been queueing all day this entire week and I haven't once seen you since that hypergate monday where you died like 19 times regardless of your pocket healer. Lucky for you my print screen wasn't working otherwise there would be a link accompanying this post, but we both know it happened so its all good.




My pocket healer? That was a random average Sorc healer, playing in a match where I was running Madness and was literally the only one doing damage. I actually don't have pocket healers anymore now that Rois and co. left server, I mostly just solo queue and occasionally group if asked.


But again, congrats, you managed to farm me on a team that you had decent pugs and a premade against players that couldn't hit 200k as DPS. Still managed to do more damage than everyone on your team In that match at least, but hey, I guess we can let it go since you also don't have a screenshot of the match lmao.


And all day, all week? You times and dates may be wrong there kiddo, as I have been queuing up. But you can find me online mostly during the mid afternoons or mornings, since I know you care so much lol.


3. Even though I feel kinda dirty taking money from you, thanks for the 1.2 million credits on that crappy droid sidecar speeder which imo isn't worth more than 100k.


Lol, ok? This is literally a point you're making against me?


I thought your time away from the game would do you good. Good to see you haven't changed one bit, so desperate for an attack.


4. Your argument seems to be - "nfamous is being mean cuz they don't want to help the bads on my faction by nerfing their teams and premades. like why can't they like queue with empty shells or sumthin to give us a fighting chance and be competitive and stuffs". Seems legit.


Nope, go back and read.


My argument is that Infamous isn't a guild that supports the elements of competition because they enjoy farming regs, haven't developed any elite PvPers since server transfers, and refuse to admit all they care about is winning when the truth is clear in their actions. Simply put, "if you valued competition, you would be seeking to help the population as a whole/recruiting new members than farming regs with the same premade over and over again."


They don't seem to understand that though, like you didn't. But that gives me hope, as I also mentioned they have massive egos that block out any criticism and negativity that might make them feel bad about themselves, even if that type of criticism is needed.


Just like you kiddo!


5. Again, there is no vast queue syncing conspiracy pub side. Some times you get two premades from the same guild, sometimes 2 from 2 different guilds. Pub side doesn't have many pvpers to draw from, thats why you're encountering multiple premades. I can assure you even when they may seem as if you're fighting pugs, you're probably fighting pub premades too. Today I queued with Ursh, Evo, and Myrm and not one of us shares the same tag. We don't have as many players as imps do to draw from. And when did premading become bad again?




So.....you just basically admit that I am right? That all this time, my point that because the only people who queue Pubside are premaders, they win most matches because they play against pugs? Because I never claimed a conspiracy, because I actually admit that since no one queues Pubside besides premades, it's very easy for you to queue sync?


Premading wasn't the problem. It's the farming of regs without a consideration for the effects that is the problem.


You farm the players over and over again with alt names, you demoralize them. Imp pugs are going to take awhile to break through their slow heads, but in case you didn't realize, farming regs doesn't benefit the server because the main problem of "casuals queuing for WZs and having no clue what they are doing" has never been solved. Then added in, the addition clause of "Then getting destroyed by coordinated premades that queue nearly all hours of the day".


So having a side that is, as you claim, entirely premades going into the regular matches and farming the Imp pugs makes it impossible for anyone to really develop in skill. It's one thing to beat them down so that next time, they come around more prepared. It's another to beat them down so mercilessly, they actually can't recover and completely abandon the idea of playing.


Since the population isn't competitive as a majority, you are bringing double premades to fight against casual Impside pugs. Getting beat down so mercilessly they quit doesn't happen to competitive players, but since you're playing against casuals, you're basically ruining any chance for players to develop on their own. To maybe change their concept through "I was close to winning, maybe I should put some effort into the game and try a little bit"


Instead, because of your groups and lack of dedication to competition, you mercilessly farm the pugs and get them stuck in the mindset of "There's no way we can win". Welcome to the casual server, where if you want to improve the standard of player as a SERVER, you don't farm pugs with double premades.


Shocking, I know. But maybe, if you stop assuming everyone is competitive like yourself, you might understand the problem is changing mentalities first and foremost, not giving them a challenge they can't possibly overcome.

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Instead of complaining about big mean Infamous and the Republic Premade Conspiracy, why not get a 4's team of your own and come beat the pants off of us terribaddies? Since all you ever seem to be able to do is run your mouth on the forums of how I need carried and what a gimp spec/class i play, I highly doubt that'll ever happen. All you've ever done is talk trash about me and how much of a dead weight I am, but you're never in group queue to back it up. Dedicated group night is still Fridays, I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing you and whatever goon squad you can put together. MCB has all but stopped playing because WildStar beta is claiming their souls, but I'm sure I can round up some pugs to farm the **** out of you for free comms. I'll be the first to admit that I'm very mediocre at this game, but at least I don't queue dodge like you, and our friends over at Grim D. At least I'm in the queue instead of trash talking the people who actually play ranked. But go ahead, allmighty king of the BC ant hill. Keep at it :cool:


Lol, because you prove my point right above there? You're dead weight because you don't queue in anything besides the Group ranked WZs. You don't play in the queue that emphasizes player worth, you actually refuse too. Then, after server transferring with no PvP experience, getting farmed by Bastion PvPers, you come back and start talking trash as if you have some skill?


As if somehow, just because I don't form my own little cool kid club, you're so superior? You're like the little kid that runs his mouth as loud as he can, then hides behind a group of his friends whenever someone shows they're ready to shut you up.


How can I not talk **** about you? You are one of the worst players out there, a direct indication of how pathetic people are in their belief that you're good just because of who you know. I've seen it so often before, with your trash talking to guild officers because you were my apprentice in SO. Such self implied power you had, only for you to be rudely awakened from your dream world after I kicked you out of the guild lol.


How long did you cry about that by the way? Hope it wasn't too long, and I hope all this bitterness and attempt to proclaim you're a better player isn't a product of that removal.


Would explain it though, sadly.

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Still waiting for you to queue solo in ranked.


hahahahaha are you even serious right now?


solo queue means absolutely nothing in terms of actual player skill. It's a complete crap shoot of which side has the better pugs (hence all the hate towards the Grimmies as of late)


If I have the tard tank who doesnt guard the healer, it's an automatic loss. Group 4's is where the player skill comes into play, which you refuse to queue up for, for some reason. Keep running that mouth babyboy, I'm going to enjoy shoving my 'lightsaber' through your crest and down that beautiful little throat of yours if you ever manage to nut up and hit that queue group ranked button. which will never happen. but wishful thinking? :rolleyes:

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hahahahaha are you even serious right now?


solo queue means absolutely nothing in terms of actual player skill. It's a complete crap shoot of which side has the better pugs. if I have the tard tank who doesnt guard the healer, it's an automatic loss. Group 4's is where the player skill comes into play, which you refuse to queue up for, for some reason. Keep running that mouth babyboy, I'm going to enjoy shoving my 'lightsaber' through your crest and down that beautiful little throat of yours if you ever manage to nut up and hit that queue group ranked button. which will never happen. but wishful thinking? :rolleyes:




Look at you go, talking all high and mighty because some derp decided to let you into Exiles. Little dog syndrome is a negative thing to have, at least you're smart enough to realize that's true in a queue where you can't guarantee you'll those friends letting you run your mouth in a match.


You judge solo ranked based off of the belief only the bads queue. Sorry bud, but since you'll be pubside and like Neo put it "all you have is premaders", you're not going to have to worry.


Hell, you can even get your whole guild to queue up at the perfect time, along with a bunch of other premaders here if you set a time that everyone can see (since I know a good bit of people here would love the chance to fight against me backing up my talk), and you'll be able to not worry about a standard of player being bad.


But because the real reason why you won't queue solo ranked is because you actively depend on certain people to carry you and you aren't willing to risk the possibility of playing with anyone outside of your group of friends, you won't queue no matter what.


When you decide to stop hiding behind your generous benefactors and prove your skill as an individual, queue for solo ranked and play in a game mode where you can't spec yourself to victory but only look to how you benefit in a random situation where you have to complement others. It's funny how you actually tried to justify individual player skill is tested in GROUP ranked, when all it shows is who has the most developed synergy between players and who can get a dedicated group of four that have enough alts to respond to any team comp.

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Look at you go, talking all high and mighty because some derp decided to let you into Exiles. Little dog syndrome is a negative thing to have, at least you're smart enough to realize that's true in a queue where you can't guarantee you'll those friends letting you run your mouth in a match.


You judge solo ranked based off of the belief only the bads queue. Sorry bud, but since you'll be pubside and like Neo put it "all you have is premaders", you're not going to have to worry.


Hell, you can even get your whole guild to queue up at the perfect time, along with a bunch of other premaders here if you set a time that everyone can see (since I know a good bit of people here would love the chance to fight against me backing up my talk), and you'll be able to not worry about a standard of player being bad.


But because the real reason why you won't queue solo ranked is because you actively depend on certain people to carry you and you aren't willing to risk the possibility of playing with anyone outside of your group of friends, you won't queue no matter what.


When you decide to stop hiding behind your generous benefactors and prove your skill as an individual, queue for solo ranked and play in a game mode where you can't spec yourself to victory but only look to how you benefit in a random situation where you have to complement others. It's funny how you actually tried to justify individual player skill is tested in GROUP ranked, when all it shows is who has the most developed synergy between players and who can get a dedicated group of four that have enough alts to respond to any team comp.


i didn't read any of that, is there a request to schedule group ranked anywhere in that wall?

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Do I need to get a video of Michael Jordan commenting on how the thrill of the competition was one of the main motivating factors? That winning isn't everything either? That, you know, Derrick Rose isn't the only player in the NBA to make comments like


The only reason Michael Jordan played competitively was for his legacy and his championships. Of course these guys loved to play basketball, but they didnt tie up their nikes and adidas to go lose on the court. They went out for the only thing that matters... winning.


And I don't actually record all my pvp matches. I just said that cause I knew you would backtrack on all ur BS.


So Mr. Salty nuts what are you gonna come up with next?

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i didn't read any of that, is there a request to schedule group ranked anywhere in that wall?


Lol no.


I did ask to schedule solo ranked though. But I know your little fifth grade defense mechanism is the only way you can shut out the truth, so I'll be waiting whenever you decide to man up and let me show you how bad you really are. :)




The only reason Michael Jordan played competitively was for his legacy and his championships. Of course these guys loved to play basketball, but they didnt tie up their nikes and adidas to go lose on the court. They went out for the only thing that matters... winning.


Do you even watch athletics?


MJ played competitively because he loved the game of basketball, he loved the "thrill of the fight". He loved every second of playing on that court, and trained hard day in and day out to become the best that he could be.


He recognized that the key to winning wasn't pursuing the aspect of winning itself, as victories mean nothing at the end of the day. It's not about how many times you have won matches, it's not about the record you hold.


It's about how much you love the experience of fighting, enjoying the rough times as much as the high points. Because if you don't love the game you play, the sport you play, then why bother? Why bother getting that gold trophy or medal if you don't even enjoy the test that determines if you deserve it?


True victory comes in enjoying the process of competition, of lasting against your opponent in the game of escalation. Because no matter what, when you have the person who plays solely to win and the person who plays for the best competition that can be offered, only the person who only cares for wins has a definite stopping point.


And I don't actually record all my pvp matches. I just said that cause I knew you would backtrack on all ur BS.


Lol, I never said that my assumption was wrong. I just basically said at this point, it was irrelevant because the only comeback you could make to my points about your failure of a guild was "u misjudged that Hypergate".

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Just like you dodging the "solo" aspect of "you are worthless as a solo player"


Are you going to queue solo and get farmed or what?


well I'm watching a

about this guy who runs around with lions all day, it's pretty cool.


I'll be available for solo ranked as soon as you get a team to queue group with.

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well I'm watching a
about this guy who runs around with lions all day, it's pretty cool.


I'll be available for solo ranked as soon as you get a team to queue group with.


That's what I thought kiddo, don't let me catch you away from your friends too long. Wouldn't want you to start crying again because someone woke you up from your little fantasy world where you have some sort of success.

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