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The Official Begeren Colony Ranked Arena Thread


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I actually had a good laugh, I thank you. You're good at this, real pro.

Just one thing... are you seriously ranting about ''the highest damage spot in ranked as a sin hybrid'' and then talking about kickball? I mean come on man, is that competive PvP right there? You give ammut **** for getting globalled and you don't even put a guard down on him? Seems like you have no game vision, only your ego and all this talk fuels you. If you can grab a half decent team where you'll be able to coordinate cc and actually ''know'' your role as a ''hybrid'', maybe I'll take you seriously, but until then, don't be talking like #youda****


Lmfao, for starters, an insta guard to Ammut wasn't going to change anything besides adding a second to how quickly he gets killed in that match. Not my fault he's playing a spec almost as bad as a Sorc healer in an arena, no guard or taunt alone will save him. He needs both to get carried, unlike other specs better suited for the 4v4s.


Secondly, he left the Bastion because he was forced out by Apostasy. I've heard the stories, and make no mistake, they are glad to be rid of someone who sucked so hard in PvP. So if you think he has the balls to try and start something here, he clearly doesn't, seeing how easily he was roped into an ego battle in an attempt to bad mouth someone he still begs for advice on how to play.


Thirdly, please. I don't play kickball because of the fact that class and spec are the most important factors of the decision in victory, and that match was two teams that were put together to compete, not actual kickball and balancing crap. Not my fault the competition was even, all I mean by it is proof to you that I can "walk the walk"


But go ahead, keep running your mouth as a #nobody, see if you make sense. Call me bad all you want, it doesn't mean anything because you even said so yourself.


You, as you proudly claimed, are a nobody. Don't be mad because I am a somebody :)

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he left the Bastion because he was forced out by Apostasy.


I wasn't forced :rolleyes: I gquit Apostasy because ranked was dead. Not just in the guild that had little interest in doing it, but on Bastion as a whole. Everyone who was actually serious about competitive 4's transferred to pot5. Apostasy had 0 interest in doing that, and I didn't want to x-fer to a server where i knew no one. so I came back to BC. As did Luix's Sniper. And Sephrix. And a multitude of other people who came back home after rank died. You're so quick to jump the gun on someone who came back "after getting farmed", when you didn't even go to begin with. Part of me just thinks you're mad because I was invited to go to Bastion with them, and you weren't. And this isn't even a story, I was told this in their TeamSpeak about 45 minutes ago ;)


I thought we had something special, ZuZu. That ERP session last night was pretty hawt, but I guess I was just a hit'n'run :/


TL;DR don't be mad because your 'friends' invited me and not you :p jealousy isn't a trait you want to advertise. Especially in a video game.


Remember kids; there is no room on the achievements section of a resume for who killed the space ogre first and who smashes gooder.


something you seem to forget, oh mighty King of the Ant hill.


but hey, what more can you expect from an 18 year old punk who still lives at home with mommy and has no responsibilities, other than making sure everyone knows he's the internet baws? :confused:


See you around, bubbybbe. Glad to be home.



Edited by NvrShoutNvr
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I wasn't forced :rolleyes: I gquit Apostasy because ranked was dead. Not just in the guild that had little interest in doing it, but on Bastion as a whole. Everyone who was actually serious about competitive 4's transferred to pot5. Apostasy had 0 interest in doing that, and I didn't want to x-fer to a server where i knew no one. so I came back to BC. As did Luix's Sniper. And Sephrix. And a multitude of other people who came back home after rank died. You're so quick to jump the gun on someone who came back "after getting farmed", when you didn't even go to begin with. Part of me just thinks you're mad because I was invited to go to Bastion with them, and you weren't. And this isn't even a story, I was told this in their TeamSpeak about 45 minutes ago ;)


Lmfao, I wasn't invited?


Ok kiddo, then get Rois and Luix in here telling me that because you seem to be desperate for an attack on me now. I remember actually telling them I didn't want to leave because I still had an interest in RP and the friends I have come to rely on in Contra Sanctus.


It wasn't brought up multiple times, but I was invited aside from your attempt to downplay me. And really, attacking me for not leaving as if that somehow means you are worth something? That's like you trying to justify I'm bad because I used to click, when you also admit I can destroy you in the only area where being a binder trumps being a clicker. I never left BC because it is my home, plain and simple.


If PvP was the only thing I cared about, I would've stopped playing this game a loooong time ago. But since you fail to remember that I am an RPer and a PvEr as well, you still seem to think I'm somehow "scared" to play anywhere else.


It takes no balls to leave this server, it takes a desire to play ranked more than anything in this game. And just because you had that desire, doesn't mean you're close to me in skill. Having the desire to play against every opponent means nothing if you can't even accept your own level of skill, let alone improve it.


See you around, try not to respond. Funny how you still keep letting your ego dictate that you must have the last word, but you still try to prove maturity.


GG kiddos, need more tears.

Edited by ZooMzy
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you can ask them yourself if you have their TS server. Oh wait..


No no, I asked you to get them to post in here to back you up. Since I'd like proof that they actually respect you and dislike me.


You make the counter, you provide the proof to back it. You don't provide the proof, your counter means nothing past your word. Sure, I can get the information for Rois again if I want to. But since you make the counter, you provide the proof.


And since you're already desperate for an attack against me, similar to the "being a clicker makes me bad except for the fact that I can beat you in duels, the only area where it matters" type nonsense you were posting earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if this was just another attempt to try and argue without any actual support to back it.


But good to see you actually are a petty little scrub, welcome back to the ego contest. Maybe then you'll see this little dream of yours to be the sensible one of BC and better player is actually just a failed attempt to deny your own overconfidence and arrogant beliefs.


Get trolled, yet again. Same with Yormik, yet again.


Only the egocentric come back for seconds, and you two are already on your fourth plates.

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Seriously though, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!


I will be the first to openly admit that Zuhara would beat me 1v1. But I am more than willing to farm him for free comms in 4's. With the exception of class, I'm off the next 3 days baby <3 set a date and get a team

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I only counted 3.


You began to try and play the high road card with this:


see you in 4's baby :cool:


1: Indirectly trolled in continuing the ego contest.


back then? i still am #1pooper brah, get with the times. A mediocre mousclicking assassin says i'm bad at a video game, so that automatically makes it true dduuhhhhh


2: Directly trolled into continuing the ego contest.


lol i dont know why you keep bringing up the sith order, that was like 2 years ago and i was there for like a month......


3: Directly trolled into the ego contest again, despite your attempt to quit


I wasn't forced :rolleyes: I gquit Apostasy because ranked was dead. Not just in the guild that had little interest in doing it, but on Bastion as a whole. Everyone who was actually serious about competitive 4's transferred to pot5. Apostasy had 0 interest in doing that, and I didn't want to x-fer to a server where i knew no one. so I came back to BC. As did Luix's Sniper. And Sephrix. And a multitude of other people who came back home after rank died. You're so quick to jump the gun on someone who came back "after getting farmed", when you didn't even go to begin with. Part of me just thinks you're mad because I was invited to go to Bastion with them, and you weren't. And this isn't even a story, I was told this in their TeamSpeak about 45 minutes ago ;)


4: Used simple insult to counter your attempt to try and walk away from a conversation your ego had too much vested interest in


you can ask them yourself if you have their TS server. Oh wait..


The count is up to 5 now for you though, with this latest post. You still want to prove to everyone here that you are in control of your ego? Because last time I checked, you still are here, measuring with me. You are a fail Jug DPS, you couldn't even contribute in a WZ if you tried. I've watched you barely pull 200k not only on your Jug, but your fail of an assassin as well. You are a terrible tank, not only as a PvPer, but in PvE as well. Please stop typing, just because you got three friends that actually are willing to carry your worthless *** doesn't mean you can start acting like you have any skill.


It's fairly simple, you know. Trolling is a test of character to the receiving end, especially after the first response has been made.


Keep failing that test, keep proving to everyone here that you are below this dream of yours to be a sensible and caring person that wishes to see a community grow. Like the rest of the people too prideful enough to avoid getting caught up in my trolling, you are just as egotistical and petty as them.

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Number 6 lmao.


But ok, tell you what. I'll try to get a fours team, based on if I can find the right people that I'd want on a team.


Give me a date that works for your friends, and I'll see if I can get a team to play against yours in the queue.

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a public date and time would be nice.


if you're talking about setting up against other teams, Fridays seem to be the popular opinion. As for a time, I can't really promise anything, teams will queue when everyone gets on at the same time and thats going to be different for everyone.


If you want to see the shltshow that is zuhara playing 4's, time/date is still tbd

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Look I hate you all equally (except my special few, you know who you are) but how abouts we get some ranked happening aye?

I'm good for Fridays because that will work out for the Aussies

And btw Tuety fruity is mine. :cool:


This. Although, gonna have to level my Sniper and beg Eclipse to let me join them in warzones. Right now Dawn has a mighty 2 or 3 people who regularly PvP in 55's, and only 1 of them has any PvP gear.


Alternatively.... if there are any aussie 4-mans on repside who need a dps... *hinthint*

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Right now Dawn has a mighty 2 or 3 people who regularly PvP in 55's, and only 1 of them has any PvP gear.


Alternatively.... if there are any aussie 4-mans on repside who need a dps... *hinthint*

I'd love to get a Dawn ranked group going T__T

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