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my question...


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Just tried a team deathmatch, Will be fun in the long time, but only if you're not in a strike... Scouts are as deadly as they were, 1 shooting my shield plus half my hull... pfff, just remove the damn strike fighter ! No point in having them being the worst class again...


Oh and i saw a new exploit with Scouts, first time i saw this one... face to face, he hit the brake and pop up retro thruster, and keep firing. So... again, a ******* scout can outbeat a stupid strike fighter in a 1vs1 face to face... Way to go !


Another point that devs should look into... In the capture the sat maps, if a gunship play the coward mode and stay at the limit range where he can snipe peoples dogfighting around satelites, then all he have to do when he knows he's attacked is go for a run to their capital ship... he evade a missile, run away to evade laser and is still full hp when you break to avoid doomhell death laser from capital ship... I guess a scout is probably able to kill gunship that are coward like that, since they can own strike so easily...


So... if any Devs could answer my question : Whats the point of playing a strike fighter when every other ship class got more chance to kill and survives ? Could at the very least give mor HP/shield of whatever that will make us more hard to kill instead of being almost oneshotted by little scout ship ??


PS : dont misunderstand me, i dont suck with my strike, he's almost fully upgraded and i usualy finish in the firsts DPS/kills-assist of my team. I'm seriously trying to understand why i cant play the kind of ship that fit best for my playstyle and one that i wont have to exploit or use cheap/coward strategies to win....

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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So your writing a thread about how scouts should have there damage output nerfed and at the bottom of your post state that your strike is always getting top damage and assists?


Also there is no way a scout can take all your shields and half your hull in one go. The only way would be like BLC+damage powerup + bypass. But then again every single weapon is OP when combined with weapon powerup....


In fact damage was nerfed with the change to power conversions which amounted to a 10% nerf to all weapons.

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Retro thruster trick is available on Sikes too. The best way to beat scouts in death match will be to take advantage of their general lack of range on their weapons. It's TEAM death match. Let Bombers, scouts and tank build strikers draw them in and as usual range build strikes, Bombers and GS hit them from far.
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I fly strikers almost exclusively and while I've found scouts annoying (especially the DField jousting, but I gather that may no longer be a problem) they weren't impossible to kill. I think the recent wave of balances have really helped level the playing field between scouts and strikes (whether it's enough only time will tell).


As for your retro thruster exploit: did he also pop DField and/or a crew active ability? In that case I could see it giving him enough evasion to regain invulnerability in which case they should look more into evasion builds since the DField nerf clearly indicates that scouts aren't meant to have a god mode jousting option.


That's honestly I think what the devs are going to find the biggest problem: with all of the evasion options it'll be very very difficult to reduce evasion enough that you can't create a build that will give unintended god mode invulnerability.

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So your writing a thread about how scouts should have there damage output nerfed and at the bottom of your post state that your strike is always getting top damage and assists?

I get top damage very often in my team, and im in a strike yeah. Why ? Because republics on Jedi Covenant got realy good pilots and Empire dont... When i play and i see 2 names, i know the game is lost, and those 2 peoples seems to have realy no life since they're always on, whatever the hour. 2 Scout that double and tripple my DPS/Kill with almost no death at all. So yeah i top the dps on my side, but that doesnt mean that scouts shouldnt have a nerf....


Also there is no way a scout can take all your shields and half your hull in one go.


It used to happen before patch, and it happened again yesterday... so sorry but its possible ! Focus on a target that is at the max range of strike, 6000-7000, begin to lock while shooting heavy laser, if i have a scout in my ***, i lose all my back shield and half my hull before i can launch my missile. Thanks to my full upgraded ship, i can manage to survives sometimes, but new players dont stand a chance...


I can't remember the last time I lost a Dogfight against a Scout while flying my Strike Fighter. All the armour & weapons in the galaxy won't matter if you can't pilot your ship well :Þ


Not sure where you play, when and how, but there's one sure thing and thats every thread on these forums talking about scout being OP and being the only dogfighting ship class.... I can kill scout too, new scout pilots... a good pilot that is using every option the ship has can beat any ship in a dogfight... they got speed, burst, damage and quick secondary weapons...


Anyway, guess i'll focus on warfront now...no point in playing a game where i dont stand a chance... I dont mind losing sometimes, but everytime ? no *********** way....

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Oh and i saw a new exploit with Scouts, first time i saw this one... face to face, he hit the brake and pop up retro thruster, and keep firing. So... again, a fucjking scout can outbeat a stupid strike fighter in a 1vs1 face to face... Way to go !


This is not an exploit, and has been in the game since launch. It's a perfectly valid attack not only available to scouts, but also Rycer/Star Guards. You were outplayed, not exploited.


Also shocking: It's possible to use Koiorgan Turn to quickly loop behind an enemy you just passed and hit them from behind!


Your post will be deleted shortly for language anyway, but I figured this at least deserved a call out.

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