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3D TV opinions needed


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Was going to buy a 3D TV this weekend to use as my PC monitor. I currently have been using my old 32" Vizio HDTV for my monitor. I have an alienware with a NVidia gt560 and was wondering what I all need to run my pc and especially this game in 3D. And if anyone can throw me up a few links for what I need or what you think is good. Money range I'm looking for is between $500 - $1500. Thanks fellas and or ladies.
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I have used Tridef 3D with my AMD EyeFinity card and LG passive 3D TV. They provide a launcher that takes most of the guesswork out of making games work correctly in 3D. In general it works well. I haven't tried too many games with it. Skyrim and Arkham City looked good. They have a free trial available.


The list of Tridef supported games does list SWTOR. I haven't tried it though. My room layout dictates that I only play gamepad-controlled games on my TV. So I can't speak directly to the SWTOR experience.

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LG passive 3D TV. Any model and size you personally like... but right now.. LG is the way to go IMO. I've put three of them in my home in the last year and they have all been outstanding.


LG keypoints:

Good design, feature rich for the price, passive 3D tech (same as used in movie theaters), and embedded 2D-2-3D capability with plenty of adjustment effects to set your 3D experience exactly the way you want it.

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well of all the studying I ve been doing on this subject it looks like I'm going to be buying the ASUS VG278H. Sucks that the biggest I can get it is 27" was looking for atleast 32" but it looks and sounds like the best 3d gaming monitor out there. Thanks fellas and if any of you has this model or knows someone who does I'd love to here your experience with it. Edited by lherold
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well of all the studying I ve been doing on this subject it looks like I'm going to be buying the ASUS VG278H. Sucks that the biggest I can get it is 27" was looking for atleast 32" but it looks and sounds like the best 3d gaming monitor out there. Thanks fellas and if any of you has this model or knows someone who does I'd love to here your experience with it.


Why are you locked in on this unit? Because of all the geek buzz about it? The reviews I have seen on it is that it's over-priced for what you get and there is a lot of backlight bleed (which is just silly for a monitor IMO).


I ask, because you started a thread about 3D TV advice, then went for a 3D monitor.


Personally, I have played both this game, and console games on my LG 3D TVs without issue. So.. if you are wanting larger screen size.... take another look at actual TVs with "gaming mode" configuration options IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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From what I've read it's got the best reviews. It is spendy for only a 27", but everything I've read about the tvs is that not only are they too dark most of the time which this asus model has more lighting but it is more ready to use without all the *********** around with settings and stuff which I personally want nothing to do with. I'd rather have something nice and ready to use right out of the box. Which is the way EVERYTHING should be. To many things now a days are sold and it's up to the consumer to make it work right.
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From what I've read it's got the best reviews. It is spendy for only a 27", but everything I've read about the tvs is that not only are they too dark most of the time which this asus model has more lighting but it is more ready to use without all the *********** around with settings and stuff which I personally want nothing to do with. I'd rather have something nice and ready to use right out of the box. Which is the way EVERYTHING should be. To many things now a days are sold and it's up to the consumer to make it work right.


Heh, your money, your choice. :)


Took me all of two minutes to hook up one of my LGs to my computer, set game mode and be off and flying. TV is even smart enough to retain my settings for the HDMI port I hooked the computer too as well. TVs have come a long ways in the last few years. In fact.. almost all the parts are the same in the TVs and the Monitors, except the TVs have a different processor card with all the digital tuner and other features embedded. There are slight differences in latency (5ms vs 2ms) between the TVs and the better monitors.. but 3ms is noise in the performance curve IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Ok well I did some looking into the LG 3d tvs and they do look good and have great reviews but the smallest you can get is 42" which is way too big, especially when I only sit a foot or two away from the screen (I have a smaller desk) and they are $900. That asus is only $600-700 depending on where you go. Granted only $300 dollars difference for almost double the size, but that's probably just too damn big to use just for a pc monitor and $300 is $300 lol. Also I'm sick of waiting and messing around I want it for the weekend as I finally have some time off. So I'm not sure if maybe you had a link to find a smaller (32" would be perfect) LG but I searched everywhere including there site. Edited by lherold
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1) gt 560 will not run this game in good framerates. 3d on Nvidia works that way, that it will lower your FPs by half. Mobile 560 is already bad, if you slice your FPs, you will either play on minimal details, or get a slideshow


2) getting 27" display with FullHD resolution is just wrong. Pixells look horrible, and so on. The max screen size you should be getting for 1920x1080 is 24". The 27" is only good for 1440p, but there are no TN monitora with 3d of such resolution.

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1) gt 560 will not run this game in good framerates. 3d on Nvidia works that way, that it will lower your FPs by half. Mobile 560 is already bad, if you slice your FPs, you will either play on minimal details, or get a slideshow


2) getting 27" display with FullHD resolution is just wrong. Pixells look horrible, and so on. The max screen size you should be getting for 1920x1080 is 24". The 27" is only good for 1440p, but there are no TN monitora with 3d of such resolution.


Yep I had a EVGA SC 570HD Card backed up by 8GB RAM & a 1100T CPU & while the game ran smooth a lot of the times there were also a lot of times It struggled especially on Heavy Battles & on the Fleet where during busy times I was only getting around 15-20FPS on Max settings ,hell even the 590 I had after that wasn't much better ,even my SC770 ACX card while it is a big performance Improvement over the last 2 cards is still prone to FPS drops on the fleet & GH7 on Makeb.


I wouldn't go all out on a 3DTV either as I have had my LG 42 3DTV for a couple of years now & have barley used the 3D on it .but if you are going to get one, go for a Panasonic which most review sites will tell you they often have the best picture Quality over all the top Brands LG's tend to score quite low when compared to similar spec TV's

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Well I did a bunch more and more checking into this and decided to go with a tv over the monitor. The best reviews are for the 42” Class Cinema 3D 1080P 120HZ LED TV with Smart TV (41.9” diagonal). I figured my kids would love to watch some 3D movies aswell so that's why I started leaning back toward TV's. Looks and sounds delicious! So I bought it. Supposed to be here tomorrow!!!!! Can't wait! I feel like a damn kid the night before Christmas lol. But from what I read on Nvidias site my 560 was supposed to be good enough. If not I guess I'll have to get a new one. Problem is I've never changed a video card in these alienware pc's, have many times with my old pc's so I'm a lil nervous about doing it myself. This is my first nice computer so it's like my baby : ) If I do have to get a new one what do you guys recommend? I'm looking for only NVidia cards, and I'd say price range is about $200 - $300
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It's kind of moot since you can't really buy a non-3D high end TV anyway, or at least you couldn't last time I looked, but 3D has been a giant flop. It's likely to disappear in a couple of years. I wouldn't waste any money paying extra for one. 3D will never catch on till they can do it without glasses.


If it will be primarily a TV, buy a Plasma. The picture quality is far better than an LCD or LED TV. If it's below 50", and not used as a monitor or for Blu-Ray, 1080P is overkill. A 720P plasma is cheaper and will look better than a 1080P LCD on a cable or satellite source.


LCD and LED TV's are the same thing, just with a different light source.


All TV's are displayed in shops with the brightness and contrast boosted to unnatural levels to make them stand out. It's common for people to pick the brightest one as the "best", because it stands out.

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