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NovaDive/Flashfire transformers in disguise...


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Did anyone else notice that the Flashfire is essentially the NovaDive with it's wings folded in (like a pair of collapsible pliers) and the engines pushed in a bit?

Even the paintjob orientation on said wings matches up.


How cool would it be if at some point we could get models which use the [1] button to transform to gain a speed advantage or something similar...


X-wings, Imperial fighters extending foils...:cool:

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So after 3000 years of research they will add 2 more wings to starguard?

Nice one republic engineers and science guys, bravo!


It has long been known that once the Force was discovered, all scientists and engineers in the galaxy went on strike, or perhaps were converted into Jedi/Sith :p. According to the timeline the Force was discovered some 36,000 years before the time of the movies, and technology really hasn't changed since then aside from more streamlined lightsabers.


Just look at the Millenium Falcon vs Ebon Hawke...yep that's 3000 years of scientific progress right there...

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Well, they kind of reached a scientific plateau. Take a look at Apple, for an example, they keep adding new shizzle we really don't need to the IPhone. It might be like that with the EH and MF, too, like the MF might have some better interface in the cockpit or... better windows or.... well, you get the idea :p
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