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Evasion crit by nerf bat


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Still... what's a thermite torpedo?


Y'know... that thing your Blackbolt/Novadive uses as a paper weight? Still probably going to be pretty useless at range since you need to target something without shields for full effect. It's better off now, but no more likely to land a hit than if you are using a protorn torp.

Edited by Luneward
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From what I hear, one of the upgrades for novadive EMP disables engine or shield abilities as well as system, which sounds incredibly hilarious.


Not least because I recognise several of the barrel-roll-to-the-spawn-ship-whenever-they-start-taking-any-damage gunship pilots on the server I'm on by name. EMP followed by sabotage probe. You're going nowhere, buddy.

Even better -- the effect lasts long enough that you won't need a Sabotage Probe to finish them off. It's something like 18s last I saw on PTS, and it also stops afterburn IIRC.


Honestly, it looks brutally overpowered, and I wager there are going to be a ton of complaints in short order, mostly from gunship pilots who are just going to get bent over. Then again they'll probably mostly be playing Bombers, which EMP is a bit too short range to be all that effective against. :-/

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It was pretty devastating if the GS flew into the melee of dogfighting ships then popped it... basically every on the other team lost within 6 seconds.


Yeah i liked outrunning scouts, going that fast in a GS was FUN and practical.

i never actually thought to pop it in the middle of a melee, it was a "Hold my soda and watch this ****" kind of button to me

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I was able to test the balance change yesterday on my Flashfire, even though i was unaware of it. Now that i think back, it all makes sense. Battles where i usually would take 0 damage ended up cutting deep into my hull or i even got outright destroyed. Teaches me to read the patchnotes more carefully next time.


I remember flying against what i can only assume was a well upgraded Pike, who used Clusters. My Flashfire only lacked the last upgrade on Rapid Fire, untill the end of that mach (Mastered!! :p ). I popped all cds, as we went str8 for eachother. He did die about 1 sec before i did, and as he launched his two clusters at me just as he went poof, the second cluter missile hit took me out aswell. Normally, it would only bump my forward shield, which would be near to untouched from his blasters and scratch my hull with the bleedthrough.


So it makes me rethink the way i fly, but i agree that this makes alot more sense. Theres no more "god mode" for up to 6 secs. This change will make the D-Field ability to break missile lock much more attractive for me.


Overall i like the new stuff and balance changes! Still not used to the bomber but they do seem like a nice addition :D

Edited by Tallwyn
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Having flown my mastered Flashfire and Ocula in GSF last night, I can honestly say I think they got it about right with both the evasion and bypass nerfs. Although I definitely noticed a drop in performance in both my offense and defense, I didn't feel suddenly underpowered or hosed. The DF/Evasion/BLC/BO build is sitll perfectly viable, but does not feel as over powered as it was.


So bravo for the changes. I think they got it right.

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